Tag Archives: July 1


Canadian Parliament Debate on Standards Incorporated by Reference

“The Jack Pine” | Tom Thomson (1916) | National Gallery of Canada


Originally posted January 2014

In these clips — selected from Canadian Parliamentary debate in 2013 — we observe three points of view about Incorporation by reference (IBR); a legislative drafting technique that is the act of including a second document within a main document by referencing the second document.

This technique makes an entire second (or referenced) document a part of the main document.  The consensus documents in which we advocate #TotalCostofOwnership concepts are incorporated by reference into legislation dealing with safety and sustainability at all levels of government.  This practice — which many consider a public-private partnership — is a more effective way of driving best practices for technology, and the management of technology, into regulated industries.

Parent legislation — such as the Higher Education Act of 1965, the Clean Air Act and the Energy Policy Act – almost always require intermediary bureaucracies to administer the specifics required to accomplish the broad goals of the legislation.  With the gathering pace of governments everywhere expanding their influence over larger parts of the technologies at the foundation of national economies; business and technology standards are needed to secure that influence.  These standards require competency in the application of political, technical and financial concepts; competencies that can only be afforded by incumbent interests who build the cost of their advocacy into the price of the product or service they sell to our industry.  Arguably, the expansion of government is a reflection of the success of incumbents in business and technical standards; particularly in the compliance and conformity industries.

About two years ago, the US debate on incorporation by reference has been taken to a new level with the recent statement released by the American Bar Association (ABA):


The American National Standards Institute responded to the ABA with a statement of its own.

16-164-ANSI-Response-to-ABA-IBR-06-16 (1)

The incorporation by reference policy dilemma has profound implications for how we safely and economically design, operate and maintain our “cities-within-cities” in a sustainable manner but, admittedly, the results are only visible in hindsight over a time horizon that often exceed the tenure of a typical college or university president.

A recent development — supporting the claims of ANSI and its accredited standards developers — is noteworthy:

The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) manages a website — Standards.GOV — that is a single access point for consensus standards incorporated by reference into the Code of Federal Regulations: Standards Incorporated by Reference Database.   Note that this database does not include specific reference to safety and sustainability codes which are developed by standards setting organizations (such as NFPA, ICC, IEEE, ASHRAE and others) and usually incorporated by reference into individual state public safety and technology legislation.



Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?

Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philosopher, historian, and scholar of religion. He is best known for his work on nationalism and the relationship between language, culture, and identity.  The language of technology– and the catalog of codes, standards, guidelines, recommended practices and government regulations rest upon a common understanding of how things can and should work separately.  The essay is widely cited:

Qu’est-ce qu’une nation ?

What is a Nation ?

What is a Nation ?

In our domain we routinely see technical agreement and disagreement among stakeholders resolved, or left unresolved because of definitions — even when discussion is conducted in English.  We keep the topic of language (Tamil (மொழி) — since it is one of the most widely spoken languages on earth) on our aperiodic Language colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

C’est quoi ?

La Loi Ne Fait Plus Le Bonheur

Normalisation volontaire en électrotechnologie

AFNOR: Norme NF C 15-100

National Electrical Codes

English and French are the two most prominent diplomatic languages, especially in historical and international contexts. They have long been the primary languages of diplomacy due to their widespread use in international organizations and historical influence.

English: Dominates in modern diplomacy, international law, and global organizations. It is the working language in many international forums, including the United Nations, NATO, and the Commonwealth of Nations.

French: Traditionally known as the “language of diplomacy,” French was the dominant diplomatic language until the 20th century. It remains a significant language in international relations, particularly within the United Nations, the European Union, and many African nations.

While other languages like Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese are also used in diplomatic contexts and are official languages of the United Nations, English and French are the most universally recognized and utilized in diplomatic settings.

History of the English Speaking Peoples

Michigan Central

Since so much of what we do in standards setting is built upon a foundation of a shared understanding and agreement of the meaning of words (no less so than in technical standard setting) that time is well spent reflecting upon the origin of the nouns and verbs of that we use every day.   Best practice cannot be discovered, much less promulgated, without its understanding secured with common language.

Word Counts


2024 Alumni Awards

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