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Cafes at Saint George

University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation Report | $8.2B

Jordan Peterson was a Professor at the University of Toronto St. George

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We Plough the Fields and Scatter

WelcomeOur Campus

The lyrics were originally written in German by poet Matthias Claudius in 1782 as part of a larger work titled “Paul Erdmanns Fest” which reflects an appreciation for the agricultural cycle. The hymn was later translated into English by Jane Montgomery Campbell in 1861. The melody most commonly associated with the hymn is a traditional German tune, adapted by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz.

The hymn expresses gratitude for the earth’s bounty and acknowledges God as the ultimate provider of all good things. Its verses celebrate the act of sowing and reaping, emphasizing the cooperation between human effort and divine blessing. “We Plow the Fields and Scatter” has become a staple in Christian liturgy, particularly during harvest celebrations and Thanksgiving services, symbolizing a collective acknowledgment of and thanks for God’s abundant gifts.

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Crêpes de babeurre au fruits frais

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