La zona deportiva de la Universidad, que hoy protagoniza #historiaunav, es contigua a @etsaunav, bordea el río y la carretera de Esquiroz y se apoya en una ladera empinada que cierra el valle.
Estudiantes de @tecnun y @MedUNAV desarrollan un simulador de electromiografía.
La práctica se ha enmarcado en el curso BioDesign, organizado por la Escuela de Ingeniería y el Laboratorio de Ingeniería Biomédica.
“Eco-friendly”, “Green”, “Bio”… Companies are increasingly using those tags as a signal to consumers of their environmental awareness. Yet also on the rise is a public concern about potential corporate lies in this subject, a phenomena labelled as “greenwashing”.
According to IESE professor Pascual Berrone, “many companies highlight one green positive aspect of their product or service, and hide the true impact that its production has on the environment”. With more and more NGO’s act as public watchdogs, “the consequences of getting caught can be, in terms of reputation but also economically, severe”, he says.
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Literacy study of BIM implementation in architecture
Alia Besné – David Fonseca
GRETEL, La Salle Campus Barcelona, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, España
Isidro Navarro
Grupo de investigación ARD&M, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, España
Abstract: This paper is part of an investigation related to the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling) in the undergraduate levels of Architecture and Building Engineering studies. Since the knowledge and use of these technologies is required (and sometimes mandatory) at a professional level, the objective of the research is to confirm that the use of students of the described grades. This research conducts a study of the current status of BIM implementation in Spanish universities and an initial review of the scientific interest of these processes from publications that relate the concepts of such research: educational improvement, BIM implementation, and the framework of construction sector. The results demonstrate the need to continue with the study for an improvement in the implementation process and for a better acquisition of the skills that students will need in their professional incorporation, both in a scientific framework of constant assessment of processes.
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