Tag Archives: Summer


Summer Week 25 | June 17 – June 23


Monday | 17 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Tuesday | 18 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Wednesday | 19 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

print (“Hello World!”)

Thursday | 20 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Friday | 21 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Nourriture de printemps

Saturday | 22 June

Sunday | 23 June

Fruit Smoothie

West Virginia University Financial Statement 2022 | $1.178M

The WVU Extension is a primary outreach division of West Virginia University. With offices in each of the state’s 55 counties, Extension faculty and staff develop and deliver programs in leadership development, rural and community-based economic development, youth development, workforce development, and health education.


3 cups frozen strawberries or other frozen fruit
1 banana
1 cup yogurt (plain or vanilla)
1 handful spinach or kale
2 cups of milk


Wash fresh produce.
Collect and measure all ingredients before starting recipe.
Add the fruit, yogurt and greens to the blender.
Pour the milk into the blender.
Blend 30 to 45 second until smooth.
Refrigerate leftovers within two hours, and finish within two days.

Nutrition information per serving (recipe makes six one-cup servings):
Calories — 120; fat — 2g; carbohydrates — 21g; fiber — 2g; protein — 5g

Geoffrey Hinton & Joel Hellermark

This conversation was recorded in April 2024 at the Royal Institute of Great Britain in London. An edited version was premiered at Sana AI Summit on May 15 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Geoffrey Hinton has been called “the godfather of AI” and is considered one of the most prominent thought leaders on the emergence of artificial intelligence. He has served as a faculty member at Carnegie-Mellon and a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. He is now Emeritus Professor at the University of Toronto. In 2023, Geoffrey left his position at Google so that he could speak freely about AI’s impact on humankind.

Hot Dog University

The iconic American “street food” traces its origin to 19th century German immigrants who brought frankfurters from their homeland.

In the 1860s, the term “hot dog” emerged in reference to these sausages being sold in buns at street carts. The popularity of hot dogs soared during the late 19th and early 20th centuries particularly at baseball games where the hot dog is virtually synonymous.at the sport.

In many college towns push cart hot dog vendors may be welcomed and even embraced as part of the local food scene. They can add variety and convenience for students, faculty, and staff by offering affordable and quick meal options. These towns may have regulations and policies in place to support and accommodate such vendors.

The case against hot dogs as a food primarily revolves around health concerns and potential risks associated with their consumption. Some of the key arguments include:

Processed meat and additives: Hot dogs are often made from processed meats that can contain additives, preservatives, and high levels of sodium. These additives, such as nitrates and nitrites, have been linked to increased risks of certain health issues, including cancer and heart disease.

High in unhealthy fats: Hot dogs are typically high in saturated and trans fats, which can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Potential for contamination: There have been instances of foodborne illnesses associated with hot dogs, such as outbreaks of bacterial contamination, including E. coli or Listeria monocytogenes. Improper handling, storage, or undercooking can increase the risk of such contamination.

Allergens and dietary restrictions: Hot dogs often contain common allergens like wheat, soy, and dairy. Additionally, they may not be suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences, such as vegetarians, vegans, or those following specific religious or cultural dietary guidelines.

Environmental impact: The production and consumption of hot dogs contribute to environmental concerns. The meat industry, including processed meat production, is associated with greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and water pollution.

These arguments against hot dogs do not necessarily apply to all hot dogs or to every individual. Moderation, choosing healthier options, and considering individual dietary needs and preferences can help mitigate some of the concerns associated with hot dog consumption.

Paul Mitchell The School | Tinley Park

Relevant codes, standards and regulations:

Food Safety and Inspection Service: Federal Meat Inspection Act

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Hot Dogs and Food Safety

Codex Alimentarius

Nourriture d’automne

Storm Shelters


Latest News and Documents

“Landscape between Storms” 1841 Auguste Renoir


When is it ever NOT storm season somewhere in the United States; with several hundred schools, colleges and universities in the path of them? Hurricanes also spawn tornadoes. This title sets the standard of care for safety, resilience and recovery when education community structures are used for shelter and recovery.  The most recently published edition of the joint work results of the International Code Council and the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute SEI-7 is linked below:

2020 ICC/NSSA 500 Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters.

Given the historic tornados in the American Midwest this weekend, its relevance is plain.  From the project prospectus:

The objective of this Standard is to provide technical design and performance criteria that will facilitate and promote the design, construction, and installation of safe, reliable, and economical storm shelters to protect the public. It is intended that this Standard be used by design professionals; storm shelter designers, manufacturers, and constructors; building officials; and emergency management personnel and government officials to ensure that storm shelters provide a consistently high level of protection to the sheltered public.

This project runs roughly in tandem with the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute SEI-17 which has recently updated its content management system and presented challenges to anyone who attempts to find the content where it used to be before the website overhaul.    In the intervening time, we direct stakeholders to the link to actual text (above) and remind education facility managers and their architectural/engineering consultants that the ICC Code Development process is open to everyone.

The ICC receives public response to proposed changes to titles in its catalog at the link below:

Standards Public Forms


You are encouraged to communicate with Kimberly Paarlberg (kpaarlberg@iccsafe.org) for detailed, up to the moment information.  When the content is curated by ICC staff it is made available at the link below:


We maintain this title on the agenda of our periodic Disaster colloquia which approach this title from the point of view of education community facility managers who collaborate with structual engineers, architects and emergency management functionaries..   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting, open to everyone.


FEMA: Highlights of ICC 500-2020

ICC 500-2020 Standard and Commentary: ICC/NSSA Design and Construction of Storm Shelters

IEEE: City Geospatial Dashboard: IoT and Big Data Analytics for Geospatial Solutions Provider in Disaster Management


Ice Cream at the Rock

Michigan Central

The invention of ice cream, as we know it today, is a product of historical evolution, and there isn’t a single individual credited with its creation. Various cultures and civilizations throughout history have contributed to the development of frozen treats resembling ice cream.

One of the earliest records of frozen desserts can be traced back to ancient China, where people enjoyed a frozen mixture of milk and rice around 200 BC. Similarly, ancient Persians and Arabs had a tradition of mixing fruit juices with snow or ice to create refreshing treats.

In Europe, frozen desserts gained popularity in the 17th and 18th centuries, and it was during this time that the more modern version of ice cream, made with sweetened milk or cream, began to take shape. During this period, ice cream became more widely accessible and enjoyed by the nobility and upper classes.

MSU Extension: Dairy Store

MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

To produce ice cream on a commercial scale, several key pieces of infrastructure and equipment are necessary. The specific requirements may vary depending on the production capacity and the type of ice cream being produced, but the basic infrastructure typically includes:

  1. Manufacturing Facility: A dedicated space or building is needed to house all the production equipment and storage facilities. The facility should comply with local health and safety regulations and be designed to maintain the required temperature and hygiene standards.
  2. Mixing and Blending Equipment: Industrial-scale mixers and blending machines are used to mix ingredients like milk, cream, sugar, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and flavorings. These machines ensure that the mixture is homogenized and consistent.
  3. Pasteurization Equipment: To ensure product safety and extend shelf life, ice cream mix needs to be pasteurized. Pasteurization equipment heats the mixture to a specific temperature and then rapidly cools it to destroy harmful microorganisms.
  4. Homogenizers: Homogenizers help break down fat molecules in the ice cream mix to create a smoother and creamier texture.
  5. Aging Vats: The ice cream mix is aged at a controlled temperature for a specific period, which allows the ingredients to fully blend and improves the ice cream’s texture.
  6. Freezers: Continuous freezers or batch freezers are used to freeze the ice cream mix while incorporating air to create the desired overrun (the amount of air in the final product). Continuous freezers are more commonly used in large-scale production, while batch freezers are suitable for smaller batches.
  7. Hardening and Storage Room: Once the ice cream is frozen, it needs to be hardened at a lower temperature to achieve the desired texture. Storage rooms are used to store finished ice cream at the appropriate temperature until distribution.
  8. Packaging Equipment: Equipment for filling and packaging the ice cream into various containers, such as cartons, tubs, or cones.
  9. Quality Control and Laboratory Facilities: A dedicated area for quality control testing, where ice cream samples are analyzed for consistency, flavor, and other characteristics.
  10. Cleaning and Sanitation Systems: Proper cleaning and sanitation systems are essential to maintain hygiene and prevent contamination.
  11. Utilities: Adequate water supply, electrical power, and refrigeration capacity are critical for ice cream production.

Food Code 2017

Food 500

Readings: The “30-30” Rule for Outdoor Athletic Events Lightning Hazard

Thunderstorm | Shelter (Building: 30/30 Rule)

The standards for delaying outdoor sports due to lightning are typically set by governing bodies such as sports leagues, associations, or organizations, as well as local weather authorities. These standards may vary depending on the specific sport, location, and level of play. However, some common guidelines for delaying outdoor sports due to lightning include:

  1. Lightning Detection Systems: Many sports facilities are equipped with lightning detection systems that can track lightning activity in the area. These systems use sensors to detect lightning strikes and provide real-time information on the proximity and severity of the lightning threat. When lightning is detected within a certain radius of the sports facility, it can trigger a delay or suspension of outdoor sports activities.
  2. Lightning Distance and Time Rules: A common rule of thumb used in outdoor sports is the “30-30” rule, which states that if the time between seeing lightning and hearing thunder is less than 30 seconds, outdoor activities should be suspended, and participants should seek shelter. The idea is that lightning can strike even when it is not raining, and thunder can indicate the proximity of lightning. Once the thunder is heard within 30 seconds of seeing lightning, the delay or suspension should be implemented.
  3. Local Weather Authority Guidelines: Local weather authorities, such as the National Weather Service in the United States, may issue severe weather warnings that include lightning information. Sports organizations may follow these guidelines and suspend outdoor sports activities when severe weather warnings, including lightning, are issued for the area.
  4. Sports-Specific Guidelines: Some sports may have specific guidelines for lightning delays or suspensions. For example, golf often follows a “Play Suspended” policy, where play is halted immediately when a siren or horn is sounded, and players are required to leave the course and seek shelter. Other sports may have specific rules regarding how long a delay should last, how players should be informed, and when play can resume.

It’s important to note that safety should always be the top priority when it comes to lightning and outdoor sports. Following established guidelines and seeking shelter when lightning is detected or severe weather warnings are issued can help protect participants from the dangers of lightning strikes.

Noteworthy: NFPA titles such as NFPA 780 and NFPA 70 Article 242 deal largely with wiring safety, informed by assuring a low-resistance path to earth (ground)

There are various lightning detection and monitoring devices available on the market that can help you stay safe during thunderstorms. Some of these devices can track the distance of lightning strikes and alert you when lightning is detected within a certain radius of your location. Some devices can also provide real-time updates on lightning strikes in your area, allowing you to make informed decisions about when to seek shelter.

Examples of such devices include personal lightning detectors, lightning alert systems, and weather stations that have lightning detection capabilities. It is important to note that these devices should not be solely relied upon for lightning safety and should be used in conjunction with other safety measures, such as seeking shelter indoors and avoiding open areas during thunderstorms.

Occupant-Based HVAC Thermal Setpoints

Occupant-based HVAC Set Point Interventions for Energy Savings in Buildings

Dimas Ardiyanto
PT PLN (Persero), Jakarta, Indonesia
Manisa Pipattanasomporn & Saifur Rahman
Virginia Tech – Advanced Research Institute, Arlington, VA, USA
Nanang Hariyanto & Suwarno
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Abstract:  Energy savings and occupant thermal comfort are the two most important factors in controlling heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) operation in buildings. Typically, it is found that thermal comfort is not always met in buildings. Hence, there is still an opportunity to improve indoor thermal comfort, and at the same time save energy by controlling HVAC set points. The objective of this paper is to propose a method to obtain energy savings by adjusting HVAC set points based on occupant comfort measured using Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and occupancy information. The idea is to calculate hourly PMV values based on real-time occupancy information, indoor temperature set points and humidity in a building. Then, a new set of temperature set points that can maintain occupant comfort, i.e., PMV = 0, is derived. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a building model is developed in eQUEST using the information from a real-world building located in Alexandria, VA. Research findings indicate that HVAC electrical consumption savings of 14.58% is achieved when the proposed set point adjustment method is implemented as compared to that of the base case. To study the impact of adding occupancy information on HVAC energy savings, another scenario is simulated where HVAC set point is increased when the building is unoccupied, e.g., during lunchtime or holidays. Research findings indicate that additional HVAC electrical consumption savings of 8.79% is achieved when taking into account occupancy information in HVAC control.


Document Sections
I. Introduction
II. PMV as an Index for Thermal Comfort
III. Experiment Set Up To Capture Occupancy Information
IV. Building Model Development in Equest
V. Energy Savings From Comfort Adjustment And Occupancy Information

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