Tag Archives: Thanksgiving


H.R. 3739 To provide for the observance of a day of national thanksgiving

42nd Congress | Stereograph of the inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes as President of the United States.


Laws & Lore of American Thanksgiving

Turkey Research

In the pursuit of Knowledge,
every day something is added.
In the practice of the Way,
every day something is dropped.

Less and less do you need to force things,
until finally you arrive at non-action.
When nothing is done,
nothing is left undone.
— Lao Tzu


United States Department of Agriculture | Turkey Standards Country Report

Standards Pennsylvania

Thanksgiving Buenos Aires

The University was founded by George Pepperdine, a successful businessman who found his fortune in the automobile industry (founding Western Auto) and became a philanthropist. He was inspired by his commitment to the values of Christian education and a desire to provide students with a quality education that integrated faith and learning.

The Malibu campus of Pepperdine University is situated on approximately 830 acres on the Pacific Ocean.  Student enrollment runs about 8000; undergraduate and graduate.

“Whether we are scientists or engineers, homemakers or business leaders, we must all assume responsibility not only for the kind of jobs we do but also for the kind of people we are.

Education in a Christian environment helps develop and mold tomorrow’s leaders.”

— George Pepperdine (1886-1962)



“Standard” History

Time has no beginnings and history has no bounds.  The way we understand the past is always changing:

“The Historian Animating The Mind of A Young Painter” 1784 Thomas Rowlandson British


History never says “Goodbye”.

History always says “See you later”


“When Herodotus composed his great work,” Richard Cohen writes at the start of Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past, “people named it The Histories, but scholars have pointed out that the word means more accurately ‘inquiries’ or ‘researches.’ Calling it The Histories dilutes its originality.

I want to make a larger claim about those who have shaped the way we view our past—actually, who have given us our past. I believe that the wandering Greek’s investigations brought into play, 2,500 years ago, a special kind of inquiry—one that encompasses geography, ethnography, philology, genealogy, sociology, biography, anthropology, psychology, imaginative re-creation (as in the arts), and many other kinds of knowledge, too. The person who exhibits this wide-ranging curiosity should rejoice in the title: historian.”

Soundcloud Podcast: The World in Time


1984: Complete Text

Autumn Syllabus Week 47 | November 18 – 24

Thanksgiving Airlift | United States Air Force

Monday |  November 18 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC

Lingua Franca


Tuesday |  November 19 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC

Illumination 300

Wednesday |  November 20| Colloquium 16:00 UTC


Thursday |  November 21 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC

Security 300

Friday |  November 22 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC

Winter Sport

Saturday |  November 23


Sunday |  November 24




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