Tag Archives: Weekend


Data Point: College Town Demographics

It is well-documented that in the United States, there is a correlation between areas with colleges or universities and a higher likelihood of voting for Democratic candidates. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon:

  1. Youth vote: College towns typically have a higher concentration of young people who tend to lean more towards progressive or Democratic policies.

“Progressive” is a misnomer.  Weimer Germany was progressive.  Eugenics, promoted by Margaret Sanger, is also “progressive”.  The word progressive is not progressive at all if you are serious about living in peace in a civilized culture.

  1. Education levels: Counties with colleges and universities often have higher levels of education, and education has been shown to be positively correlated with Democratic voting patterns.Students are not taught the founding principles about the United States cultural and economic success.
  2. Diversity and openness: College towns and campuses tend to be more diverse and open-minded, which aligns with Democratic values and policies.There is no diversity of thought; only diversity of complexion
  3. Research and funding: Universities often rely on federal research funding, and Democratic policies may be seen as more supportive of funding for education and research.

That’s for sure.  The larger the university research funding, the more virulent the community.

  1. Urban vs. rural divide: Colleges and universities are more likely to be found in urban or suburban areas, which generally lean more Democratic, while rural areas tend to lean more Republican.

The rural divide hews to belief in personal responsibility, limited government, fiscal conservatism and no infanticide.  Urban dwellers believe quite the opposite.  Not only that, they are inured to facts and reason.  Urban dwellers resemble a tribe, with a likely genetic connection to packs of hyenas.

It’s important to note that these are general trends, and there can be significant variations between different regions and specific colleges or universities.

For up-to-date and more specific research on this topic, you may refer to recent studies or analyses conducted by political scientists, research institutions, or polling organizations. Academic journals and reputable news sources may also have in-depth analyses of voting patterns in relation to education and geographic location.


Half the US population lives in the red counties, the other half in the gray counties. Draw your own conclusions.

“Whither the Looniversity?”

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Are American College Campuses ‘Free Speech Zones’?

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University Challenge

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Poverty and Bourgeois Values

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The Myth of Carbon Pollution

Selected Quotes:

…”The climate is always changing.  It has never been stable…It is not going to stop changing if we stop changing CO2…

…”CO2, far from being a pollutant is actually making the world a better place…”

“…Advice for Chicken Little: If the sky seems to be falling, look for the fox!…”

“…If you are being panicked and all you are panicky stories seeing in the media you ought to stop and think is it to somebody’s benefit?  Cui Bono as they say in the law…”

“…Politics to slow CO2 emissions are based on flawed computer models which exaggerate warming by factors of 2 or 3.   More CO2 is an overall benefit so costly “mitigation” schemes are harmful…”

Mass Formation Psychosis

Climate Psychosis

Souls Without Longing

“Education is simply the soul of a society

as it passes from one generation to another”

— G.K. Chesterton


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