“How to Escape the Woke Matrix”

Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger argues that "wokeism" is the dominant religion of elites in the West, complete with guilt, original sin, taboos, saints, devils, and the promise of redemption and immortality. Shellenberger delivered this lecture to UATX's Forbidden Courses students on June 26, 2023 in Dallas.


“How to Escape the Woke Matrix”

September 3, 2023
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“Wokeism” is a term that has been used to describe a cultural and political movement characterized by a heightened awareness of social and political issues related to race, gender, and various forms of discrimination and inequality. The term is often used in a pejorative or critical manner by those who view it as excessive or overly focused on identity politics.

The concept of being “woke” originally comes from African American Vernacular English and referred to being socially and politically aware, especially in the context of racial injustice and inequality. It has since evolved into a broader movement that advocates for social justice and equality across various marginalized groups, including racial, gender, sexual, and socioeconomic minorities.

Supporters of wokeism argue that it is important to address systemic discrimination and promote inclusivity and equity in society. Critics, on the other hand, may use the term “wokeism” to criticize what they see as an excessive or dogmatic approach to social justice issues, often accusing it of being overly politically correct or censorious of dissenting opinions.  —  (ChatGPT)

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