Tag Archives: Weekend


“Music does an end run around language” — James Taylor

“Dear students, faculty, distinguished guests, parents,

I’m so proud to have been offered this honorary degree by the @New England Conservatory of music. When I learned that my friend Manny Axe was also being honored, I thought: some great company. But my mother would be proud. She studied here in the early 1940s.

I want to talk today about language, music and the human condition. I realize that to talk about music is an exercise in futility. Critics do it and, I have no doubt, your professors. But Music does an end run around language and goes straight to the heart. It defies our efforts at judgement and control: it either connects or it doesn’t. I suppose one might be persuaded to appreciate a particular piece of music but that sounds pretty cerebral to me. Music is spiritual food.

The human condition, it seems to me, is that we are split, bifurcated. We are a product of the natural world, of the co-evolved skin of life on the surface of this miraculously unlikely planet.
But we put ourselves slightly above and at some remove from that natural world. And we’re always looking for trouble. Our very successful survival strategy is to analyze, predict and control everything around us.

In the book of Genesis, God gives Adam the job of naming everything. And that’s what we do, we name and categorize everything.

This is a language of names for things but you can’t sit in the word “chair”, you can’t climb the word ”tree”, in fact the only word that is what it says… is the word, “word”.
Music is a language, we use it to communicate emotions, but it’s not representative, like this language of names: music feels real.

Analyze predict and control. It’s a defensive tactic and we are suspicious and distrustful, not only of the natural world but of our own animal selves. Of this meat-suit we live in, with its appetites and urges, which humiliates and embarrasses us and which, in the end, will betray us with its mortality.

Maybe this is a good point to tell you my favorite joke: what did the Zen Buddhist say to the hotdog vendor? Make me one with everything. It’s a very Dad joke.

I’m pretty sure our new puppy is “one with everything” and, when I was a kid, I think I was too. But over time I learned self-consciousness. I also assembled a worldview, a sort of consensus reality. These are wonderful tools. They allow us to cooperate with strangers. Actually, I think that’s a pretty decent definition of civilization: cooperation among strangers. But it comes at a cost. The price of our egocentric identity is separation and isolation and we very much want to escape. To give the rational humanist construct the slip and get back to the garden. Get back, JoJo… Music can make that happen for a while.

How does music make us “one with everything”? It’s a mystery. But it might be partially because music IS real. It obeys the laws of the physical universe: an octave is half the frequency of the one above it and twice that of the one below. A fifth, an octave, a third, a seventh, the whole overtone series, is a physical, mathematical reality.

And live music, performed in an actual, non-virtual space, with an audience of fellow humans can be truly transcendent, a communal emotional event. Covid and its hiatus of nearly two years has brought home to me just how much I need it.

That’s what I want to leave you with and encourage you to do: make live music for live people. Whatever it takes and however you can manage it, alone or with other players, get your music in front of people. Make us one with everything.”

Standards Massachusetts

Bourbon Research

What Is A Standard Drink?

Greg Gutfeld and guests discuss how President Biden’s alcohol czar is warning that new guidance could be only two beers a week

Mint Julep University

At the barbershop, it’s OK not to be OK

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OB-GYN Welcome

Gallery: University-Affiliated Healthcare Enterprises

The main building of the University of Minnesota Medical Center was established in 1997 through a merger with University Hospitals and Clinics and Fairview Health Services.  It has approximately 1300 beds.

Standards Minnesota

Operations Desk

This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send mike@standardsmichigan.com a request for subscription details.

Gallery: Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

Life-cycle cost of education community settings are informed by climate change assumptions.  In addition to the flow of research money to faculty for laboratory space, graduate student support, supercomputer installations, conference travel; these assumptions inform the architectural character of a campus — i.e. the design and operation its buildings and infrastructure.  These assumptions swing back and forth over these eternal institutions with cyclical assumptions about global cooling and global warming.  In the late 1960’s academic researchers found evidence of global cooling.  Fifty years on academic researchers assume the earth is warming.  We just roll with it as we do with all the other policy “givens” we accommodate.    Stewardship of the planet — keeping it clean for those who follow us — Yes.  Catastrophilia — the love of catastrophone so well documented in history — not so much.

As with all emotional issues, language changes mightily.  We refer you to our journey through technical standard language HERE.

According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, federal funding for climate research and related activities totaled approximately $13.8 billion in fiscal year 2020. This funding was distributed across various agencies and programs, including the National Science Foundation’s Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s climate Program Office, and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

Not included in this figure is the opportunity cost and loss of brand identity of not conforming to the climate change agenda.



The “Narrative”

Mass Formation Psychosis

Climate Psychosis

Climate Science: What Does it Say?

Dialectic: Climate Change

Readings / The Administrative State

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. - Joseph Goebbels

A Survey on Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Decoding the US Senate Hearing on Oversight of AI: NLP Analysis in Python


Peeking Inside the Black-Box_ A Survey on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

IEEE Explore

Amina Adadi & Mohammed Berrada

Ben Abdellah University Morocco


ABSTRACT: At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, we are witnessing a fast and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily life, which contributes to accelerating the shift towards a more algorithmic society. However, even with such unprecedented advancements, a key impediment to the use of AI-based systems is that they often lack transparency. Indeed, the black-box nature of these systems allows powerful predictions, but it cannot be directly explained. This issue has triggered a new debate on explainable AI (XAI). A research field holds substantial promise for improving trust and transparency of AI-based systems. It is recognized as the sine qua non for AI to continue making steady progress without disruption. This survey provides an entry point for interested researchers and practitioners to learn key aspects of the young and rapidly growing body of research related to XAI. Through the lens of the literature, we review the existing approaches regarding the topic, discuss trends surrounding its sphere, and present major research trajectories.

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