
Saturday chores are a necessary part of being a responsible adult and, ultimately, a homeowner



August 12, 2023


Living off-campus provides students with autonomy, independence, and lower costs, but it also requires greater responsibility and may present challenges such as commuting time, social isolation, and safety concerns about the property itseld.  We provide direct access to a widely reference standard of care with specific passages about heating, cooling, plumbing electrical systems


  1. More freedom and independence: Off-campus housing can provide students with more autonomy and independence than living on-campus. Students can choose their own roommates, decorate their own space, and set their own rules.
  2. Lower costs: In some cases, off-campus housing can be more affordable than on-campus housing. Students may be able to find lower rent prices or split costs with roommates.
  3. More space: Off-campus housing may offer more living space than on-campus housing, allowing students to spread out and feel more comfortable.
  4. Opportunity to learn life skills: Living off-campus can help students develop important life skills, such as budgeting, grocery shopping, cooking, and maintaining a household.
  5. More privacy: Living off-campus can offer more privacy than on-campus housing, allowing students to have more control over their living environment and social interactions.


  1. Commuting time and expense: Living off-campus may require a longer commute to classes, which can be time-consuming and costly. Students may need to pay for transportation or purchase a car.
  2. Greater responsibility: Living off-campus requires greater responsibility and independence than living on-campus. Students must manage their own bills, maintenance, and household tasks.
  3. Social isolation: Living off-campus may make it harder for students to connect with their peers and participate in campus activities. They may feel more isolated or disconnected from the college community.
  4. Greater risk of safety concerns: Living off-campus can increase the risk of safety concerns, such as crime, accidents, and emergencies. Students may need to take extra precautions to ensure their own safety.
  5. Difficulty with roommate relationships: Off-campus housing can strain roommate relationships due to the greater responsibility and shared living arrangements. Conflicts over finances, cleaning, and social activities can arise and be harder to manage.

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