An introduction to the IEC

L'Université de Genève does not have an official motto. However, it has a Latin phrase that is often associated with the institution, which is "Post Tenebras Lux." This phrase, which translates to "After Darkness, Light" in English, is commonly used in reference to the University of Geneva's historical connection with the Protestant Reformation and its role in promoting knowledge, learning, and enlightenment after a period of religious darkness. It is not an official motto, but it is often used to symbolize the University of Geneva's commitment to education, progress, and the pursuit of knowledge.


An introduction to the IEC

April 11, 2023

The IEC was founded by a group of pioneers in the field of electricity and electrotechnology, including prominent figures such as Charles Le Maistre, Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), Emil Rathenau, Charles Steinmetz, and Thomas Edison. These individuals recognized the need for international standardization in the growing field of electrical engineering, as electrical technologies were rapidly advancing and becoming more prevalent around the world. The IEC was established as a non-profit organization with the goal of creating and promoting consensus-based standards that would be recognized and adopted globally. 


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