Workspace / ASIS


Workspace / ASIS

November 19, 2020
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Workspace / AAMI

November 19, 2020
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Workspace / UL

November 19, 2020
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Ecological Restoration

November 19, 2020
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Amend §230 of Communications Act to Limit immunity of providers of computer services

November 17, 2020
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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.


This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on October 30, 2020. It will typically be considered by committee next before it is possibly sent on to the House or Senate as a whole.

Outside & Inside ICT Environment

November 17, 2020

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The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) is an ANSI accredited standards development organization that develops technical and operational standards and solutions for the ICT industry.    The home page for its standards development enterprise is linked below:

ATIS Public Groups Page

Two of its consensus products have entered a revision cycle:

ATIS 0600010 Temperature, Humidity, and Altitude Requirements for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Equipment Utilized in Controlled Environmental Spaces

Scope:  This standard covers the minimum temperature, humidity, and altitude criteria for wireline and wireless telecommunications network equipment to be installed and utilized by service providers in controlled environmental spaces (e.g., Carrier Communication Spaces, Central Offices, MTSOs, Huts, CEVs, and customer premises). It describes test methodologies and test report criteria necessary for proper evaluation by interested parties, and those intending to deploy equipment in such environments (also called Class 1 environments).

This standard defines temperature and humidity ranges in which the equipment must operate, and provides test methodologies to evaluate equipment operation in those environments. The expectation is that equipment will continue to function properly and without degradation of performance when placed in these environments.

This standard covers the minimum temperature, humidity, and altitude criteria for telecommunications network equipment to be installed and utilized by service providers in controlled environmental spaces (e.g., Carrier Communication Spaces, COs, MTSOs, Huts, CEVs, and customer premises). It describes test methodologies and test report criteria necessary for proper evaluation by interested parties, and those intending to deploy equipment in such environments. The expectation is that equipment will continue to function properly and without any unexpected degradation of performance when placed in the temperature and humidity controlled environmental spaces defined in the standard. Equipment is also expected to function properly after exposure to other environmental stresses, such as experienced in high-altitude applications and during storage and transportation.

ATIS 0600010.01 Temperature, Humidity, Altitude, and Salt Fog Requirements for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Equipment Utilized in Outside Plant Environments

Scope. This standard covers the minimum temperature, humidity, altitude, and salt fog criteria for telecommunications network equipment to be installed and utilized by service providers in Outside Plant (OSP) environments. These environments include those found in OSP cabinets, enclosures, pedestals, etc., as well as those outside of protective enclosures. Test methodologies and test report criteria necessary for proper evaluation by interested parties and those intending to deploy equipment in such environments are also provided.

 This document defines Environmental Classifications based on the temperature, humidity, altitude, and salt fog ranges in which the equipment must operate, and provides test methodologies to evaluate equipment operation in those environments. Based on the intended usage, network equipment could be placed in one or more of the “Environment Classifications”.

 The expectation is that equipment will continue to function properly and without any unexpected degradation of performance when placed in these environments. Regardless of the operational environmental classification, equipment is expected to function properly after exposure to other environmental stresses, such as operational altitude and storage/transportation temperature-humidity. The test criteria defined in this document apply to all equipment.

Public consultation closes January 6th.  In both cases, you may obtain an electronic copy from Drew Greco (  Send comments to Drew (with optional copy to

We keep all ATIS titles on the standing agenda of our Infotech colloquia.  We collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Indiana University Data Center

Issue: [16-138]

Category: Information & Communications Technology, Telecommunications

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Mike Hiler, William McCoy, Keith Waters

Archive / ATIS



An Architectural Risk Analysis for Internet of Things (IoT) Services 


H.R. 5702 Protection of Women & Girls in Sports

November 15, 2020
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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

A BILL: To provide that for purposes of determining compliance with title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in athletics, sex shall be determined on the basis of biological sex as determined at birth by a physician.

Workspace / Standards Florida

November 14, 2020
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S. 1907: No Shame at School Act of 2019

November 13, 2020

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H.R. 8297 Advanced Recycling Research & Development Act of 2020

November 13, 2020
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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

To direct the Secretary of Energy to establish and support advanced recycling research and development programs, and for other purposes.

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