H.R. 1804: Student-Athlete Equity Act


H.R. 1804: Student-Athlete Equity Act

June 1, 2019
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energy efficiency materials pilot program

June 1, 2019
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Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

June 1, 2019
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S. 1740: Flexible Grid Infrastructure Act of 2019

June 1, 2019
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Energy Savings Through Public-Private Partnerships Act of 2019

June 1, 2019
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energy storage through research, development, and demonstration, and for other purposes.

June 1, 2019
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S. 1760 /A bill to modernize the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, and for other purposes.

June 1, 2019

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Flood Resistant Design and Construction

May 30, 2019

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Fuel Cell Power Systems

May 30, 2019
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Inventor of the fuel cell | CLICK ON IMAGE

We have been following the developmental trajectory of another “alternative energy” – related consensus product — NFPA 853  Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems a document that sets the criteria for minimizing fire hazards associated fuel cells power generating technology installations; many of which are pre-engineered and pre-packaged by manufacturers.

Keep in mind that it is an installation standard and “agnostic” about the type of fuel cell technology.  As such, it is likely referenced in energy project design guidelines and construction contract specifications.  From the document prospectus:

Scope:  This standard shall apply to the design, construction, and installation of stationary fuel cell power systems and shall include the following:

(1) A singular prepackaged, self-contained power system unit

(2) Any combination of prepackaged, self-contained power system units

(3) Power system units comprising two or more factory-matched modular components intended to be assembled in the field

(4) Engineered and field-constructed power systems that employ fuel cells.

The current edition of NFPA 853 is dated 2015

The NFPA Technical Committee on Electric Generating Plants has already begun work on the 2020 revision.  A selection of First and Second Draft documents are posted below:

NFPA 853_F2019_ECG_AAA_SDmeetingagenda_04_19

NFPA 853_F2019_ECG_AAA_FDmeetingagenda_04_18

Response to the Second Draft Report under NFPA’s NITMAM process are due August 29th. 

We normally collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee on consensus products of this nature because that is where the most informed locus of expertise lies.   That committee meets online four times monthly in European and American time zones.   We also host our own codes and standards for power and telecommunication systems teleconference every month.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Category:  District Energy, Electrical, Energy, Facility Asset Management, Fire Safety, Risk Management, #SmartCampus, US Department of Energy

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Bill Cantor (wcantor@ieee.org)

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Congressional Art Competition

May 29, 2019
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