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Cacennau y Cymry

St. David, or Dewi Sant, was a 6th-century Welsh bishop and the patron saint of Wales. Renowned for his piety and asceticism, he founded monastic settlements and spread Christianity across Wales. His life was marked by miracles and acts of compassion, including restoring sight to the blind. St. David's Day, celebrated on March 1st, honors his legacy. He symbolizes Welsh identity, cultural pride, and religious devotion. His influence transcends religious boundaries, shaping the ethos of Wales as a nation characterized by resilience, unity, and spiritual heritage, making him a revered figure in Welsh history and culture.

Cacennau y Cymry

February 1, 2024
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A traditional Welsh pastry similar to scones or griddle cakes.














Food Standards Agency Wales










Welsh Cakes in Glyntaff – Random Acts of Kindness Week

Student Life at the University of South Wales

Recipe (English):

Ingredients: Traditional Welsh cakes are made from basic ingredients including flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and sometimes dried fruit such as currants or raisins. The ingredients are mixed together to form a dough, which is then rolled out and cut into rounds before being cooked on a griddle or bakestone.

Cooking Method: Welsh cakes are typically cooked on a griddle or bakestone, which gives them a slightly crispy exterior while remaining soft and tender on the inside. They are cooked in batches and flipped halfway through to ensure even cooking.

Variations: While the basic recipe for Welsh cakes remains relatively consistent, there are variations in flavor and texture across different regions and families. Some recipes may include additional ingredients such as spices (e.g., cinnamon or nutmeg) or flavorings (e.g., vanilla extract).

Occasions: Welsh cakes are enjoyed year-round but are particularly associated with special occasions and holidays in Wales, such as St. David’s Day (the national day of Wales) or traditional tea times. They are often served warm with a sprinkle of sugar or a spread of butter.

“Resipî (Welsh):

Cyfansoddiadau: Mae cacennau Cymreig traddodiadol yn cael eu gwneud o bethau sylfaenol gan gynnwys blawd, menyn, siwgr, wyau, ac weithiau ffrwythau sych fel llygaid neu rysáit. Mae’r cyfansoddiadau’n cael eu cymysgu gyda’i gilydd i greu cwrel, yna’n ei ymlwybro ac yn ei dorri’n gronynnau cyn cael ei goginio ar griw neu farwydd bobi.

Dull Coginio: Fel arfer, coginir cacennau Cymreig ar griw neu farwydd bobi, sy’n rhoi arnynt allanol ychydig o grisial tra maent yn parhau’n feddal ac yn drwchus yn y tu mewn. Maent yn cael eu coginio mewn loti a’u troi hanner ffordd drwy i sicrhau coginio cyson.

Amrywiadau: Er bod y resipî sylfaenol ar gyfer cacennau Cymreig yn parhau’n gymharol gyson, ceir amrywiadau mewn blas a thestun ar draws gwahanol rannau a theuluoedd. Gall rhai resipî gynnwys cyfansoddiadau ychwanegol fel sur (e.e., sinamon neu nythwydd) neu flasurau (e.e., ekstrac fansila).

Digwyddiadau: Mae pobl yn mwynhau cacennau Cymreig drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ond maent yn arbennig o gysylltiedig â digwyddiadau arbennig ac ar wyliau yng Nghymru, megis Dydd Gŵyl Dewi (diwrnod cenedlaethol Cymru) neu amserau te traddodiadol. Yn aml maent yn cael eu gweini’n gynnes gyda phwdin o siwgr neu sgrws o fetys.”

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