Tag Archives: D60


Water and Sanitation

Water is essential for sanitation and hygiene — and proper sanitation is essential for protecting water sources from contamination and ensuring access to safe drinking water.  Access to safe water and sanitation is crucial for preventing the spread of waterborne diseases, which can be transmitted through contaminated water sources or poor sanitation practices. Lack of access to safe water and sanitation can lead to a range of health problems, including diarrheal diseases, cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis A.  

On the other hand, poor sanitation practices, such as open defecation, can contaminate water sources, making them unsafe for drinking, bathing, or cooking. This contamination can lead to the spread of diseases and illness, particularly in developing countries where access to clean water and sanitation facilities may be limited.

We track the catalog of the following ANSI accredited standards developers that necessarily require mastery of building premise water systems:

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: ASHRAE develops standards related to heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration systems — and more recently, standards that claim jurisdiction over building sites.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers: ASME develops standards related to boilers, pressure vessels, and piping systems.

American Water Works Association: AWWA is a standards development organization that publishes a wide range of standards related to water supply, treatment, distribution, and storage.

ASTM International: ASTM develops and publishes voluntary consensus standards for various industries, including water-related standards. They cover topics such as water quality, water sampling, and water treatment.

National Fire Protection Association: NFPA develops fire safety standards, and some of their standards are related to water, such as those covering fire sprinkler systems and water supplies for firefighting within and outside buildings.  We deal with the specific problems of sprinkler water system safety during our Prometheus colloquia.

National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF International): NSF International develops standards and conducts testing and certification for various products related to public health and safety, including standards for water treatment systems and products.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL): UL is a safety consulting and certification company that develops standards for various industries. They have standards related to water treatment systems, plumbing products, and fire protection systems.


United States Standards System

* The evolution of building interior water systems has undergone significant changes over time to meet the evolving needs of society. Initially, water systems were rudimentary, primarily consisting of manually operated pumps and gravity-fed distribution systems. Water was manually fetched from wells or nearby sources, and indoor plumbing was virtually nonexistent.

The Industrial Revolution brought advancements in plumbing technology. The introduction of pressurized water systems and cast-iron pipes allowed for the centralized distribution of water within buildings. Separate pipes for hot and cold water became common, enabling more convenient access to water for various purposes. Additionally, the development of flush toilets and sewage systems improved sanitation and hygiene standards.

In the mid-20th century, the advent of plastic pipes, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride), revolutionized plumbing systems. These pipes offered durability, flexibility, and ease of installation, allowing for faster and more cost-effective construction.

The latter part of the 20th century witnessed a growing focus on water conservation and environmental sustainability. Low-flow fixtures, such as toilets, faucets, and showerheads, were introduced to reduce water consumption without compromising functionality. Greywater recycling systems emerged, allowing the reuse of water from sinks, showers, and laundry for non-potable purposes like irrigation.

With the advancement of digital technology, smart water systems have emerged in recent years. These systems integrate sensors, meters, and automated controls to monitor and manage water usage, detect leaks, and optimize water distribution within buildings. Smart technologies provide real-time data, enabling better water management, energy efficiency, and cost savings.

The future of building interior water systems is likely to focus on further improving efficiency, sustainability, and water quality. Innovations may include enhanced water purification techniques, decentralized water treatment systems, and increased integration of smart technologies to create more intelligent and sustainable water systems.

The first mover in building interior water supply systems can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. However, one of the earliest known examples of sophisticated indoor plumbing systems can be attributed to the ancient Romans.

The Romans were pioneers in constructing elaborate water supply and distribution networks within their cities. They developed aqueducts to transport water from distant sources to urban centers, allowing for a centralized water supply. The water was then distributed through a network of lead or clay pipes to public fountains, baths, and private residences.

One notable example of Roman plumbing ingenuity is the city of Pompeii, which was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The excavation of Pompeii revealed a well-preserved plumbing system that included indoor plumbing in some houses. These systems featured piped water, private bathrooms with flushing toilets, and even hot and cold water systems.

The Romans also invented the concept of the cloaca maxima, an ancient sewer system that collected and transported wastewater away from the city to nearby bodies of water. This early recognition of the importance of sanitation and wastewater management was a significant advancement in public health.

While the Romans were not the only ancient civilization to develop indoor plumbing systems, their engineering prowess and widespread implementation of water supply and sanitation infrastructure make them a key player in the history of building interior water systems.

Reliability Analysis for Power to Fire Pumps

Reliability Analysis for Power to Fire Pump Using Fault Tree and RBD

Robert Schuerger | HP Critical Facilities (Project Lead, Corresponding Author) 

Robert Arno | ITT Excelis Information Systems

Neal Dowling | MTechnology

Michael  A. Anthony | University of Michigan


Abstract:  One of the most common questions in the early stages of designing a new facility is whether the normal utility supply to a fire pump is reliable enough to “tap ahead of the main” or whether the fire pump supply is so unreliable that it must have an emergency power source, typically an on-site generator. Apart from the obligation to meet life safety objectives, it is not uncommon that capital on the order of 100000to1 million is at stake for a fire pump backup source. Until now, that decision has only been answered with intuition – using a combination of utility outage history and anecdotes about what has worked before. There are processes for making the decision about whether a facility needs a second source of power using quantitative analysis. Fault tree analysis and reliability block diagram are two quantitative methods used in reliability engineering for assessing risk. This paper will use a simple one line for the power to a fire pump to show how each of these techniques can be used to calculate the reliability of electric power to a fire pump. This paper will also discuss the strengths and weakness of the two methods. The hope is that these methods will begin tracking in the National Fire Protection Association documents that deal with fire pump power sources and can be used as another tool to inform design engineers and authorities having jurisdiction about public safety and property protection. These methods will enlighten decisions about the relative cost of risk control with quantitative information about the incremental cost of additional 9’s of operational availability.



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Morning Shower


“The Bathing Pool” | Hubert Robert (1733–1808)

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Design Considerations for Hot Water Plumbing

Baseline Standards for Student Housing


Indoor plumbing has a long history, but it became widely available in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the United States, for example, the first indoor plumbing system was installed in the Governor’s Palace in Williamsburg, Virginia in the early 18th century. However, it was not until the mid-19th century that indoor plumbing became more common in middle-class homes.

One important milestone was the development of cast iron pipes in the 19th century, which made it easier to transport water and waste throughout a building. The introduction of the flush toilet in the mid-19th century also played a significant role in making indoor plumbing more practical and sanitary.

By the early 20th century, indoor plumbing had become a standard feature in most middle-class homes in the United States and other developed countries. However, it was still not widely available in rural areas and poorer urban neighborhoods until much later.

International Plumbing Code

Form v. Function | Function v. Form

Cacennau y Cymry

A traditional Welsh pastry similar to scones or griddle cakes.











Student Life at the University of South Wales

Recipe (English):

Ingredients: Traditional Welsh cakes are made from basic ingredients including flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and sometimes dried fruit such as currants or raisins. The ingredients are mixed together to form a dough, which is then rolled out and cut into rounds before being cooked on a griddle or bakestone.

Cooking Method: Welsh cakes are typically cooked on a griddle or bakestone, which gives them a slightly crispy exterior while remaining soft and tender on the inside. They are cooked in batches and flipped halfway through to ensure even cooking.

Variations: While the basic recipe for Welsh cakes remains relatively consistent, there are variations in flavor and texture across different regions and families. Some recipes may include additional ingredients such as spices (e.g., cinnamon or nutmeg) or flavorings (e.g., vanilla extract).

Occasions: Welsh cakes are enjoyed year-round but are particularly associated with special occasions and holidays in Wales, such as St. David’s Day (the national day of Wales) or traditional tea times. They are often served warm with a sprinkle of sugar or a spread of butter.

“Resipî (Welsh):

Cyfansoddiadau: Mae cacennau Cymreig traddodiadol yn cael eu gwneud o bethau sylfaenol gan gynnwys blawd, menyn, siwgr, wyau, ac weithiau ffrwythau sych fel llygaid neu rysáit. Mae’r cyfansoddiadau’n cael eu cymysgu gyda’i gilydd i greu cwrel, yna’n ei ymlwybro ac yn ei dorri’n gronynnau cyn cael ei goginio ar griw neu farwydd bobi.

Dull Coginio: Fel arfer, coginir cacennau Cymreig ar griw neu farwydd bobi, sy’n rhoi arnynt allanol ychydig o grisial tra maent yn parhau’n feddal ac yn drwchus yn y tu mewn. Maent yn cael eu coginio mewn loti a’u troi hanner ffordd drwy i sicrhau coginio cyson.

Amrywiadau: Er bod y resipî sylfaenol ar gyfer cacennau Cymreig yn parhau’n gymharol gyson, ceir amrywiadau mewn blas a thestun ar draws gwahanol rannau a theuluoedd. Gall rhai resipî gynnwys cyfansoddiadau ychwanegol fel sur (e.e., sinamon neu nythwydd) neu flasurau (e.e., ekstrac fansila).

Digwyddiadau: Mae pobl yn mwynhau cacennau Cymreig drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ond maent yn arbennig o gysylltiedig â digwyddiadau arbennig ac ar wyliau yng Nghymru, megis Dydd Gŵyl Dewi (diwrnod cenedlaethol Cymru) neu amserau te traddodiadol. Yn aml maent yn cael eu gweini’n gynnes gyda phwdin o siwgr neu sgrws o fetys.”

Coffee & Tea Standards

Water 100

“At the Water Trough” 1876 J. Alden Weir


“A flood is nature’s way of telling you

that you live in the wrong place.”

— Some guy


Water standards make up a large catalog and it will take most of 2023 to untangle the titles, the topics, proposals, rebuttals and resolutions.  When you read our claim that since 1993 we have created a new academic discipline we would present the best practice literature of the world’s water standards as just one example.

The Water 100 session takes an aerial view of relevant standards developers, their catalogs and revision schedules.

The Water 200 session we examine the literature for best practice inside buildings; premise water supply for food preparation, sanitation and energy systems.

The Water 300 session reviews standards covering athletic facilities such as swimming pools, therapeutic tubs, ice rinks and the like.

The Water 400 session will run through best practice catalogs of water management outside buildings, including interaction with regional water management systems.

The Water 500 session is a study of case histories, disasters, legal action related to non-conformance.  Innovation.

Water safety and sustainability standards have been on the Standards Michigan agenda since the early 2000’s.  Some of the concepts we have tracked over the years; and contributed data, comments and proposals to technical committees, are listed below:

  1. Legionella mitigation
  2. Swimming pool water quality
  3. Fire protection sprinkler water availability and safety
    – NFPA 70 Article 695 Fire Pumps
  4. Backflow prevention/Cross-connect systems
  5. Security of district energy power plant and hospital water supply
  6. Electrical shock protection in pools, fountains, spas and waterfront recreational docking facilities
  7. Rainwater catchment
  8. Water in extreme weather events
  9. Flood abatement systems
  10. Building plumbing codes (ICC and IAPMO)
  11. Water Re-use
  12. Water heaters
  13. District energy water treatment
  14. Food service steam tables
  15. Greywater
  16.  Residence hall potable water systems
  17. Water use in emergency shower and eyewash installations
  18. Decorative fountains.
  19. Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems

40 CFR § 141.92 – Monitoring for lead in schools and child care facilities

Since 2016 we have tracked other water-related issues:

  1. Safe water in playgrounds
  2. National Seagrant College programs
  3. Guide to Infection Control in the Healthcare Setting
  4. Electrical safety around water (cooling towers, swimming pools, spas)
  5. ASTM Water Testing Standards
  6. ASTM Standard for Water Distribution
  7. Electricity and Water Conservation on College and University Campuses in Response to National Competitions among Dormitories: Quantifying Relationships between Behavior, Conservation Strategies and Psychological Metrics

Relevant federal legislation:

  1. Clean Water Act
  2. Drinking Water Requirements for States and Public Water Systems
  3. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  4. Safe Drinking Water Act

Relevant Research:

Real Time Monitoring System of Drinking Water Quality Using Internet of Things

UNICON: An Open Dataset of Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption in a Large Multi-Campus University Setting

IoT based Domestic Water Recharge System


Send bella@standardsmichigan.com an email to request a more detailed advance agenda.   To join the conversation use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


IAPMO Publishes U.S., Canadian Standard for Detection, Monitoring, Control of Plumbing Systems

Standing Agenda / Water

Natatoriums 300: Advanced Topics


Solitude Lake Management for Universities and Colleges

Rain & Lightning

What are Plumbing Codes?

IAPMO develops codes and standards in collaboration with industry experts, government officials, and other stakeholders. These codes and standards are designed to promote public health, safety, and welfare by establishing minimum requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of plumbing and mechanical systems.

FREE ACCESS: 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code

While the IAPMO catalog may be less well-known beyond its home waters the path through their periodic revision process is very transparent; one of the most transparent accredited standards developers in the land.  We get to say that because there is no one else on earth that has been slicing horizontally through so many “domain silos” for so long.  (We have practically created an original academic discipline).

For example:

The IAPMO ANSI-Accredited Development Process

2024 Uniform Plumbing Code Report on Proposals (1200 pages)

2022 Uniform Plumbind Code Report on Comments (1056 pages)


We maintain the IAPMO catalog on our periodic Water 200/Water 400 colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

There were several barriers to the adoption of interior plumbing systems throughout history. Here are some of the key factors that contributed to the slow adoption of indoor plumbing:

  • Lack of technology: In the early days of plumbing, there was a lack of technological advancement, making it difficult to design and install effective plumbing systems. The development of new technologies such as water pumps, water heaters, and pipes made it easier to bring water into buildings and distribute it throughout the space.

  • High cost: Building indoor plumbing systems was a significant expense, and many people simply couldn’t afford it. Installing plumbing required digging trenches, installing pipes, and connecting to a reliable water source, all of which were expensive undertakings.

  • Health concerns: In the past, there were concerns about the safety and cleanliness of indoor plumbing systems. There was a fear that standing water in pipes could lead to the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, and that indoor plumbing could increase the risk of waterborne diseases.

  • Cultural attitudes: For many years, there was a cultural stigma associated with using indoor plumbing facilities. Some people believed that it was unsanitary or even immoral to use a toilet inside the home, and others preferred to use outhouses or other outdoor facilities.
  • Lack of knowledge: In many cases, people simply didn’t know how to build or maintain indoor plumbing systems. Without the proper knowledge or skills, it was difficult to design and install a reliable and effective system.

Despite these barriers, the adoption of indoor plumbing systems slowly increased over time, as new technologies and innovations made it easier and more affordable to install plumbing in buildings. Today, indoor plumbing is considered an essential component of modern living, and is a standard feature in homes and buildings around the world.


  • William Feetham (1767): An English stove maker who designed the first shower in 1767.  Seen largely as a luxury at the time since most people did not have access to indoor plumbing and the requisite metal tank required to be heated over a fire.
  • H.L Booth (1853): Inventor of the first practical showerhead in 1853 that allowed for a steady, controlled stream of water to be directed onto the bather.
  • Thomas Crapper (1836-1910): Inventor of several refinements to the interior shower; although known more widely as the inventor of the modern flush toilet.

Water and Sanitation

Laboratory Chemical Safety Fixtures

“Der Alchemist” c. 1908 Max Fuhrmann


We use European Norm 15154-1 and 15154-2 to enlighten differences about laboratory risk is managed among different nations — specifically between the United States and Europe. The education industry has many instructional, research and healthcare settings in which laboratory chemicals are routinely used.  The laboratories specifically, are significant revenue generators in research universities.  We contribute to leading practice discovery for any technology that reduces risk to people and property.  As we are classified as a “user-interest” in the global standards systems; we are also attentive to budget risk.

The European Norm documents are developed as a pair as shown below:

EN 15154-1 Emergency safety showers – Part 1: Plumbed-in body showers for laboratories – This document is a product specification, giving performance requirements for emergency safety body showers connected to the water supply. It is applicable to plumbed-in body showers only, located in laboratory facilities. It is not applicable to emergency safety showers used on industrial sites or in other such areas. Requirements are given in respect of the performance, installation, adjustment and marking of the showers as well as installation, operation and maintenance instructions to be given by the manufacturer. NOTE Attention is drawn to national regulations which may apply in respect of the installation and use of emergency safety showers.

EN 15154-2 Emergency safety showers – Part 2: Plumbed-in eye wash units – This document is a product specification, giving performance requirements for emergency safety eye wash units connected to the water supply. It is applicable to plumbed-in eye wash units only. Requirements are given in respect of the performance, installation, adjustment and marking of the eye wash units, as well as installation, operation and maintenance instructions to be given by the manufacturer. NOTE Attention is drawn to national regulations which may apply in respect of the installation and use of eye wash units.

The current version is dated 2006; to best of our knowledge (though there may be local adaptions that are dated later).  The European Committee for Standardization website may contain more information about status and developmental trajectory.  The International Organization for Standardization also administers two technical committees (ISO/TC 48 and ISO/TC212) also involved in laboratory safety and sustainability concepts.

We do not advocate user-interest safety and sustainability concepts in this pair of standards at the moment.  However, we do use EN 15154 et. al, for comparative purposes; setting it against the prevailing United State standard produced by the International Safety Equipment Association — ISEA 358.1-2014 Emergency Eyewash and Shower Standard.

We track public consultations on this topic during our periodic Laboratory and Water 200 colloquia.   See our CALENDAR for the next online teleconference; open to everyone.


Issue: [13-28] [15-271] [19-155]

Category: International, Laboratory Safety, Mechanical, Plumbing,

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Mark Schaufele, Richard Robben

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