Category Archives: Architectural/Hammurabi


Campus Outdoor Lighting

“The Starry Night” | Vincent van Gogh

The IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee has completed a chapter on recommended practice for designing, building, operating and maintaining campus exterior lighting systems in the forthcoming IEEE 3001.9 Recommended Practice for the Design of Power Systems for Supplying Commercial and Industrial Lighting Systems; a new IEEE Standards Association title inspired by, and derived from, the legacy “IEEE Red Book“.  The entire IEEE Color Book suite is in the process of being replaced by the IEEE 3000 Standards Collection™  which offers faster-moving and more scaleable, guidance to campus power system designers.

Campus exterior lighting systems generally run in the 100 to 10,000 fixture range and are, arguably, the most visible characteristic of public safety infrastructure.   Some major research universities have exterior lighting systems that are larger and more complex than cooperative and municipal power company lighting systems which are regulated by public service commissions.

While there has been considerable expertise in developing illumination concepts by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Illumination Engineering Society, the American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers, the International Electrotechnical Commission and the International Commission on Illumination, none of them contribute to leading practice discovery for the actual power chain for these large scale systems on a college campus.   The standard of care has been borrowed, somewhat anecdotally, from public utility community lighting system practice.  These concepts need to be revisited as the emergent #SmartCampus takes shape.

Electrical power professionals who service the education and university-affiliated healthcare facility industry should communicate directly with Mike Anthony ( or Jim Harvey (  This project is also on the standing agenda of the IEEE E&H committee which meets online 4 times monthly — every other Tuesday — in European and American time zones.  Login credentials are available on its draft agenda page.

Issue: [15-199]

Category: Electrical, Public Safety, Architectural, #SmartCampus, Space Planning, Risk Management

Contact: Mike Anthony, Kane Howard, Jim Harvey, Dev Paul, Steven Townsend, Kane Howard


Elevator Safety Code

Elevator,  escalator  and moving walk systems are among the most complicated systems in any urban environment, no less so than on the  #WiseCampus in which many large research universities have 100 to 1000 elevators to safely and economically operate, service and continuously commission.  These systems are regulated heavily at state and local levels of government and have oversight from volunteers that are passionate about their work.

These “movement systems” are absorbed into the Internet of Things transformation.  Lately we have tried to keep pace with the expansion of requirements to include software integration professionals to coordinate the interoperability of elevators, lifts and escalators with building automation systems for fire safety, indoor air quality and disaster management.  Much of work requires understanding of the local adaptations of national building codes.

Some university elevator O&M units use a combination of in-house, manufacturer and standing order contractors to accomplish their safety and sustainability objectives.

In the United States the American Society of Mechanical Engineers is the dominant standards developer of elevator and escalator system best practice titles;  its breakdown of technical committees listed in the link below:


C&S Connect: ASME Proposals Available for Public Review

Public consultation on revisions to the Elevator Safety Code closes July 23rd. 

Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators

Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks

Guide for Elevator Seismic Design

As always, we encourage facility managers, elevator shop personnel to participate directly in the ASME Codes & Standards development process.   For example, it would be relatively easy for our colleagues in the Phoenix, Arizona region to attend one or more of the technical committee meetings; ideally with operating data and a solid proposal for improving the A17 suite.

University of Wisconsin Stadium Elevator


All ASME standards are on the agenda of our Mechanical, Pathway and Elevator & Lift colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online teleconferences; open to everyone.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


Issue: [11-50]

Category: Electrical, Elevators, #WiseCampus

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel



Bibliography: Elevators, Lifts and Moving Walks

ISO/TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks

Human Factors Using Elevators in Emergency Evacuation

Archive / Elevator Safety Code


Electrical Switch Station #8

Construction progress update: May 24, 2024

This project restores the Old Art Gallery building for a new electrical switching station. The 1904 building was originally the campus powerhouse, supplying electricity and steam to the young Berkeley campus. As the campus grew, power demands exceeded its capacity and, in 1930, a new central plant opened in the southwest part of campus. In 1934, the former powerhouse building reopened as a gallery to display art and served this purpose until a new University Art Museum opened on Bancroft Way in 1970. The building was subsequently used for storage for more than 50 years.

In restoring and structurally improving the Old Art Gallery building to house the new Switch Station #8, the small brick building that began its storied life as a powerhouse more than 100 years ago will become a key component in UC Berkeley’s 100% clean energy future.

IEEE TV: Overview of UC Berkely Resistance Grounded Campus Power System

Campus Bulk Electrical Distribution

High Voltage Electric Service

Pacific Gas & Electric: Electric Service Requirements (TD-7001M) 2022-2023″Greenbook Manual”


International Building Code: Group A Model Building Codes: 2024/2025/2026 Development Cycle


“One Hundred Children Playing in the Spring” | Su Hanchen 蘇漢臣

Safety and sustainability for any facility begins with an understanding of who shall occupy the built environment and how.  University settings, with mixed-use phenomenon arising spontaneously and temporarily, often present challenges.   Educational communities are a convergent settings for families; day care facilities among them.  First principles regarding occupancy classifications for day care facilities appear in Section 308 of the International Building Code, Institutional Group I; linked below:

Section 308 | International Building Code

The ICC Institutional Group I-4 classification includes buildings and structures occupied by more than five persons of any age who received custodial care for fewer than 24 hours per day by persons other than parents or guardian, relatives by blood, marriage or adoption, and in a place other than the home of the person cared far.  This group includes both adult and child day care.

We maintain focus on child day care.  Many educational communities operate child day care enterprises for both academic study and/or as auxiliary (university employee benefit) enterprises.

Princeton University Child Care Center

Each of the International Code Council code development groups fetch back to a shared understanding of the nature of the facility; character of its occupants and prospective usage patterns.

The Group B developmental cycle ended in December 2019.  The 2021 revision of the International Building code is in production now, though likely slowed down because of the pandemic.   Ahead of the formal, market release of the Group B tranche of titles, you can sample the safety concepts in play during this revision with an examination of the documents linked below:



Search on the terms “day care” and “daycare” to get a sample of the prevailing concepts; use of such facilities as storm shelters, for example.

“The Country School” | Winslow Homer

We encourage our safety and sustainability colleagues to participate directly in the ICC Code Development process.   We slice horizontally through the disciplinary silos (“incumbent verticals”) created by hundreds of consensus product developers every week and we can say, upon considerable authority that the ICC consensus product development environment is one of the best in the world.  Privately developed standards (for use by public agencies) is a far better way to discover and promulgate leading practice than originating technical specifics from legislative bodies.   CLICK HERE to get started.  Contact Kimberly Paarlberg ( for more information.

There are competitor consensus products in this space — Chapter 18 Day-Care Occupancies in NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code, for example; a title we maintain the standing agenda of our Model Building Code teleconferences.   It is developed from a different pool of expertise under a different due process regime.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


Issue: [18-166]

Category: Architectural, Healthcare Facilities, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Richard Robben

Several names for this occupancy class:

  1. Nursery
  2. Crèche
  3. Playgroup
  4. Montessori
  5. Preschool
  6. Kindergarten
  7. Childcare
  8. Toddler group
  9. Daycare
  10. Early learning center

A Study of Children’s Password Practices


American Vitruvius

University of Michigan North Quad

Robert A. M. Stern is an American architect, educator, and author known for his contributions to the field of architecture, urbanism, and design. Stern has been particularly influential in shaping the aesthetics of educational campuses through his architectural practice and academic involvement. Here are some key aspects of his approach to the aesthetics of educational campuses that attract philanthropic legacies:

  1. Pedagogical Ideals:
    • Stern’s designs for educational campuses often reflect his understanding of pedagogical ideals. He considers the spatial organization and layout of buildings in relation to the educational mission of the institution.
    • Spaces are designed to foster a sense of community, encourage interaction, and support the overall educational experience.
  2. Traditional and Classical Influences:
    • Stern is known for his commitment to classical and traditional architectural styles. He often draws inspiration from historical architectural forms and traditional design principles.
    • His work reflects a belief in the enduring value of classical architecture and its ability to create a sense of timelessness and continuity.
  3. Contextual Design:
    • Stern emphasizes the importance of contextual design, taking into consideration the existing architectural context and the cultural or historical characteristics of the surrounding area.
    • When designing educational campuses, he often seeks to integrate new buildings harmoniously into the existing campus fabric.
  4. Attention to Detail:
    • Stern is known for his meticulous attention to detail. His designs often feature carefully crafted elements, including ornamental details, materials, and proportions.
    • This focus on detail contributes to the creation of visually rich and aesthetically pleasing environments.
  5. Adaptation of Historical Forms:
    • While Stern’s work is firmly rooted in traditional and classical architecture, he also demonstrates an ability to adapt historical forms to contemporary needs. His designs often feature a synthesis of timeless architectural elements with modern functionality.


Group A Model Building Codes

Places of Worship

“The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians,

but a school for the education of imperfect ones.”

— Henry Ward Beecher



2024 International Building Code: Chapter 3 Occupancy Classification and Use

In the International Code Council catalog of best practice literature we find the first principles for safety in places of worship tracking in the following sections of the International Building Code (IBC):

Section 303 Assembly Group A

“303.1.4:  Accessory religious educational rooms and religious auditoriums with occupant loads less than 100 per room or space are not considered separate occupancies.”   This informs how fire protection systems are designed.

Section 305 Educational Group E

“305.2.1: Rooms and spaces within places of worship proving such day care during religious functions shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.”  This group includes building and structures or portions thereof occupied by more than five children older than 2-1/2 years of age who receive educational, supervision or personal care services for fewer than 24 hours per day.

Section 308 Institutional Group I

“308.5.2: Rooms and spaces within places of religious worship providing [Group I-4 Day Care Facilities] during religious functions shall be classified as part of the primary occupancy.   When [Group I-4 Day Care Facilities] includes buildings and structures occupied by more than five persons of any age who receive custodial care for fewer than 24 hours per day by persons other than parents or guardians, relatives by blood, marriage or adoption, and in a place other than the home of the person cared for.

Tricky stuff — and we haven’t even included conditions under which university-affiliated places of worship may expected to be used as community storm shelters.


Public response to Committee Actions taken in Orlando in April will be received until July 8th.

Because standard development tends to be a backward-looking domain it is enlightening to understand the concepts in play in previous editions.  The complete monograph of proposals for new building safety concepts for places of worship for the current revision cycle is linked below:

 2021/2022 Code Development: Group B

A simple search on the word “worship” will reveal what ideas are in play.  With the Group B Public Comment Hearings now complete ICC administered committees are now curating the results for the Online Governmental Consensus Vote milestone in the ICC process that was completed December 6th.   Status reports are linked below:

2018/2019 Code Development: Group B

Note that a number of proposals that passed the governmental vote are being challenged by a number of stakeholders in a follow-on appeals process:

2019 Group B Appeals

A quick review of the appeals statements reveals some concern over process, administration and technical matters but none of them directly affect how leading practice for places of worship is asserted.

We are happy to get down in the weeds with facility professionals on other technical issues regarding other occupancy classes that are present in educational communities.   See our CALENDAR for next Construction (Ædificare) colloquium open to everyone.

Issue: [17-353]

Category: Chapels

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel


Modular Classrooms

Complete Monograph International Building Code

Note the following proposed changes in the transcript above: E59-24, F62-24, Section 323

Modular classrooms, often used as temporary or semi-permanent solutions for additional educational space, have specific requirements in various aspects to ensure they are safe, functional, and comfortable for occupants.  Today we will examine best practice literature for structural, architectural, fire safety, electrical, HVAC, and lighting requirements.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Structural Requirements

  1. Foundation and Stability: Modular classrooms require a stable and level foundation. This can be achieved using piers, slabs, or crawl spaces. The foundation must support the building’s weight and withstand environmental forces like wind and seismic activity.
  2. Frame and Load-Bearing Capacity: The frame, usually made of steel or wood, must support the load of the classroom, including the roof, walls, and occupants. Structural integrity must comply with local building codes.
  3. Durability: Materials used should be durable and capable of withstanding frequent relocations if necessary.

Architectural Requirements

  1. Design and Layout: Modular classrooms should be designed to maximize space efficiency while meeting educational needs. This includes appropriate classroom sizes, storage areas, and accessibility features.
  2. Accessibility: Must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other relevant regulations, ensuring accessibility for all students and staff, including ramps, wide doorways, and accessible restrooms.
  3. Insulation and Soundproofing: Adequate insulation for thermal comfort and soundproofing to minimize noise disruption is essential.

Fire Safety Requirements

  1. Fire-Resistant Materials: Use fire-resistant materials for construction, including fire-rated walls, ceilings, and floors.
  2. Sprinkler Systems: Installation of automatic sprinkler systems as per local fire codes.
  3. Smoke Detectors and Alarms: Smoke detectors and fire alarms must be installed and regularly maintained.
  4. Emergency Exits: Clearly marked emergency exits, including doorways and windows, with unobstructed access paths.

Electrical Requirements

  1. Electrical Load Capacity: Sufficient electrical capacity to support lighting, HVAC systems, and educational equipment like computers and projectors.
  2. Wiring Standards: Compliance with National Electrical Code (NEC) or local electrical codes, including proper grounding and circuit protection.
  3. Outlets and Switches: Adequate number of electrical outlets and switches, placed conveniently for classroom use.

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Requirements

  1. Heating and Cooling Systems: Properly sized HVAC systems to ensure comfortable temperatures year-round.
  2. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation to provide fresh air and control humidity levels, including exhaust fans in restrooms and possibly kitchens.
  3. Air Quality: Use of air filters and regular maintenance to ensure good indoor air quality.

Lighting Requirements

  1. Natural Light: Maximization of natural light through windows and skylights to create a pleasant learning environment.
  2. Artificial Lighting: Sufficient artificial lighting with a focus on energy efficiency, typically using LED fixtures. Lighting should be evenly distributed and glare-free.
  3. Emergency Lighting: Battery-operated emergency lighting for use during power outages.

By adhering to these requirements, modular classrooms can provide safe, functional, and comfortable educational spaces that meet the needs of students and staff while complying with local regulations and standards.


A Modular Control Lab Equipment and Virtual Simulations for Engineering Education

A Modular Control Lab Equipment and Virtual Simulations for Engineering Education

Vanessa Young, et. al | Kennesaw State University Department of Mechanical Engineering

Abstract: Hands-on experiences in engineering education are highly valued by students. However, the high cost, large size, and non-portable nature of commercially available laboratory equipment often confine these experiences to lab courses, separating practical demonstrations from classroom teaching. Consequently, mechanical engineering students may experience a delay in practical engagement as lab sessions typically follow theoretical courses in subsequent semesters, a sequence that differs from mechatronics, electrical, and computer engineering programs. This study details the design and development of portable and cost-effective control lab equipment that enables in-class demonstrations of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for the trajectory and speed control of a DC motor using MATLAB Simulink, as well as disturbance control. The equipment, composed of a DC motor, beam, gears, crank, a mass, and propellers, introduces disturbances using either propellers or a rotating unbalanced mass. All parts of the equipment are 3D printed from polylactic acid (PLA). Furthermore, the beam holding the propellers can be attached to Quanser Qube lab equipment, which is widely used in control laboratories. The lab equipment we present is adaptable for demonstrations, classroom projects, or as an integral part of lab activities in various engineering disciplines.

Standards Georgia


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