Today we explain our collaboration with other like-minded units in education communities in the US and other nations. In most cases we conform to participation requirements set by ANSI US Technical Advisory Groups but we also have liaison with other universities in the European Union who conform to the participation requirements of their own national standards bodies.
Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page. Because a great deal of content is copyright protected by the ISO, IEC and the ITU, please contact [email protected] for an advance agenda.
Certain requirements must be met for recycling to be economically feasible and environmentally effective. These include an adequate source of recyclates, a system to extract those recyclates from the waste stream, a nearby factory capable of reprocessing the recyclates, and a potential demand for the recycled products. These last two requirements are often overlooked—without both an industrial market for production using the collected materials and a consumer market for the manufactured goods, recycling is incomplete and in fact only “collection”.
Today at 11 AM/E we examine the state of best practice literature – including government regulations — that apply to education communities.
Certain requirements must be met for recycling to be economically feasible and environmentally effective. These include an adequate source of recyclates, a system to extract those recyclates from the waste stream, a nearby factory capable of reprocessing the recyclates, and a potential demand for the recycled products. These last two requirements are often overlooked—without both an industrial market for production using the collected materials and a consumer market for the manufactured goods, recycling is incomplete and in fact only “collection”.
Today at 11 AM/E we examine the state of best practice literature – including government regulations — that apply to education communities.
Our consideration of this topic is restricted to understanding the requirements of the United States military from the point of view of education communities.
Periodic review of the best practice catalogs that set the standard of care for security of education communities. Send [email protected] an email for an advance agenda.
Today we run a status check on best practice in electrical power system design, construction, operations and maintenance that support the learning, research and medical clinical delivery enterprises in education communities.
Our colloquia on this topic coincide with the two monthly IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 14:00 Central European time and 2:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas.
Virtual Meeting Time: November 16th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time
The American Society of Safety Professionals [ASSP] serves as the TAG administrator [Technical Advisory Group] to ANSI for the ISO TC283 Committee addressing occupational health and safety management systems. The TAG will be meeting virtually on November 16th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Please direct inquiries to Timothy Fisher, American Society of Safety Professionals: 520 N. Northwest Highway Parkridge, IL 60068, P: (847) 768-3411 E: [email protected]
Monthly walk-through of best practice literature for water resources in education communities. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
Overview of transportation standards relevant to large research university campuses — from micro-mobility to parking. Send [email protected] an email requesting an agenda.
Overview of codes and standards relevant to the food service enterprises in K-12 schools, college and university student housing, athletic venues and university-affiliated healthcare systems.
Virtual Meetings: November 21 & 22 Acoustical Society of America (ASA Standards) will be holding the following virtual meetings: Monday, November 21, 2022
What a Wonderful World! | Ho Charlotte Sie Wing, 13, China
Review of all consensus, consortia and open source codes, standards and regulations regarding energy production and conservation relevant to the education facility industry.
Faculty and staff in the education industry in all nations provide basic research, application research in energy technologies. The “cities-within-cities” we call the #SmartCampus” also provide crucibles for new testing new technologies as well as provide energy load for utilities operating under all ownership regimes.
Today at 15:00 UTC we drill into the technical specifics that contribute to the safety and sustainability of spaces used for the teaching, practice and display of the fine arts. These occupancies are typically at greater risk than classrooms because they usually contain volatile fluids for artistic painting or biologic specimen preservation, kilns for pottery, fabrics and related machinery for teaching fashion design and practice.
The Choir, founded in 2008. It brings together over 50 girls, aged 9 to 15 and as such, fulfills both the artistic and education programme at the Choir School. The choral ensemble has enjoyed outstanding success, winning numerous local and international competitions as well as having cooperated with many distinguished institutions of music and education. The Girls Choir has also released three records. The founder and first choir master was Dorota Wojnowska. Since September 2017 Laura Stieler-Bilewicz has taken the reins and is the present artistic director.
117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber
Today we run a status check on ANSI-accredited consensus, open-source and consortia consensus products incorporated by reference into federal regulations of the real assets of the US education industry. Send a request to [email protected] for an advance agenda.
Today at 11 AM/ET we update our understanding of best practice literature relevant to the information and communication technology enterprises in education communities. Our online meetings coincides with the day of two IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 14:00 Central European time and 2:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas. Open to everyone. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
Today we run a status check on public consultations released by ANSI-accredited and finance industry consortia whose involvement affects the cost of US education communities. Ahead of quarterly county elections we examine a few tax-free bond referenda on ballots across the US for insight into the money flow through education communities.
Today we run a status check on public consultations released by ANSI-accredited and finance industry consortia whose involvement affects the cost of US education communities. Ahead of quarterly county elections we examine a few tax-free bond referenda on ballots across the US for insight into the money flow through education communities.
New update alert! The 2022 update to the Trademark Assignment Dataset is now available online. Find 1.29 million trademark assignments, involving 2.28 million unique trademark properties issued by the USPTO between March 1952 and January 2023: