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Illumination 300

Illumination technologies have had a pattern of consuming about 35 percent of building electrical energy use.  That number has been pressed downward with the expanded application of LED luminaires and occupant responsive controls; much of the transformation hastened by the IEEE, IES and ASHRAE best practice catalogs.

Today we run through the development status of these products with specific interest in exterior illumination best practice.  This topic also is covered in the 4 time monthly meetings of the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.

Illumination 300



Naming Standards

Naming Standards

Transport & Parking

University of Wisconsin

Overview of transportation standards relevant to large research university campuses — from micro-mobility to parking.  Send [email protected] an email requesting an agenda.

Morrill Land-Grant Act | Veris sementis

“The transformation of traditional agriculture is crucial for the development of an economy. It is the productivity gains in agriculture that can free up resources and labor to contribute to growth in other sectors.” — Theodore W. Schultz

Morrill Land-Grant Act


Barbering and Cosmetology Academies

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Electric Generators

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