

Campus Day Care

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Army-Navy Game

Dahlgren Hall & “Seasoned” Coffee Mug Stories

Egg Nog Riot of 1826

Design & Contracts

Trinity College / Toronto

Aperiodic walk-through of code and standards revisions that are incorporated by reference in state and local regulations, into education facility design guidelines and construction contracts.  Use the login credentials at the top right of our home page.

“All Applicable Standards”

Campus Surveillance

Campus Surveillance

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Colloquy (November)

University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana | Johann Sebastian Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, i – Allegro

Colloquy (November)

Beaujolais Nouveau Day


Université de Bourgogne | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Elevators & Lifts

Going Up: Uncovering the Art Deco Elevators of Landmarked Building Interiors

Architectural Digest: Why The Chrysler Building is a New York City Icon

University of Wisconsin Stadium Elevator

Many education communities have 100’s of elevators and escalators.   This is a difficult space for driving costs down

(because of strong manufacturer and labor presence) but we will give the “old college try”

Bonfire Night

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“Rocky Horror Picture Show” Academy of Art University

“Time, the subtle thief of youth.”

– John Milton


Lively Arts


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