“Choose a job you love,
and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Today we dwell on titles that inform management of the education industry in the United States specifically; but also more generally in global markets where the education industry is classified as a Producer and a User of human resources. It is an enormous domain; likely the largest.
Human Resources 100 covers skilled trade training in all building construction disciplines.
Human Resources 200 covers the range of skills needed to manage an educational setting — school districts, colleges and universities
Human Resources 300 covers higher level management of these settings. (Representative Organization Charts)
Estate Services | University of Oxford
Harvard University Finance Administration
Human Resources 500 covers everything else
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Recommended Reading:
On the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin
“The Human Side of Enterprise” 1960 by Douglas McGregor | MIT Management Sloan School
University of Chicago Press: Readings in Managerial Psychology
Virginia Commonwealth University: “Self Reliance” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Paris Review: The Myth of Self-Reliance
Using ANSI Human Resource Standards to Create Business Advantage in the Workplace
Colleges and Organizational Structure of Universities
Apprenticeships: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice
“Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber” James Damore