The IES-City Framework is the product of an open, international public working group led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to reduce the high cost of application integration through technical analyses of existing smart city applications and architectures. Campuses — especially large research university campuses — are “cities within cities” and the perfect study unit for cities of the future — hence our interest in how this framework will catalyze concepts we will see in safety and sustainability codes and standards in the near future.
If you think these policy conceptions are too high level to be meaningful in the construction, operation and maintenance documents that guide the build out of the $300 billion education facilities industry, think again. We are already beginning to see some of these concepts show up in public input into campus building infrastructure codes and standards developed by IEEE, NFPA, ASHRAE, ICC and others.
NIST has set up a public working group for a technology and business model neutral forum for capturing a minimum set of commonalities that can be adopted to achieve the composable vision of a smart city. One of its work products has been released for public review:
14-43 NIST IES-CityFrameworkdraft_20180207
Comments are due April 8th. To provide comments you may use this link to create a response email: Comment, You may also communicate directly with Dr. Martin J. Burns, NIST, Smart Grid & Cyber Physical Systems Program Office, Associate Director for Testbed Science: [email protected] Tel: 301-975-6283, Cel: 202-379-8021.
All NIST projects are on the standing agenda of our weekly Open Door teleconferences (every Wednesday, 11 AM Eastern time) to which everyone is welcomed. Click here to log in. Since the emergent #SmartCampus is fundamentally an electrotechnical transformation we also collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times per month in American and European time zones.
Issue: [14-43] and [14-101]
Category” #SmartCampus, Electrical, Telecommunications, Informatics, Facility Asset Management
Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Richard Robben