
Broadly speaking, we review the status of consensus products that govern the safety and sustainability of anything within the building envelope that is not part of the physical structure.



July 8, 2021

Donegan Acoustics

Today we unpack the latest in codes, standards, guidelines, recommendations and safety legislation that set the standard of care for the design, manufacture and maintenance of interior fixtures such as carpet, furniture, bookshelves and ceiling tiles, plumbing fixtures — a large part of what construction industry professionals find in CSIGroup MasterFormat Division 12 — Furnishings.  — i.e. “Things that are not nailed down”  Such things can elude infrastructure budgets that are dominated by real assets fixed in place.

Other accredited standards developers in this domain:

APPA Leadership in Education Facilities

ASHRAE International

ASTM International

BIFMA International

International Code Council

Illumination Engineering Society

National Fire Protection Association

National Floor Safety Institute

Simon Institute

Underwriters Laboratories

There are others.

In large research universities, it is common for building service personnel engaged in keeping facilities clean and tidy to constitute the largest proportion of permanent employees.

Standing Agenda / Interiors

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