International Energy Conservation Code

Energy codes set standards for the orientation of a building, its skin, fenestration, insulation, lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, as well as other factors that can affect a building's energy consumption.


International Energy Conservation Code

May 8, 2024



Shouldn’t energy conservation measures be determined by market forces rather than building construction regulations? 

Energy codes in the United States are adopted and enforced at the state level, and the stringency of the energy codes can vary widely from state to state.  For example, as of September 2021, four states (Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and West Virginia) had not adopted statewide energy codes at all, according to the Building Codes Assistance Project. Other states may have adopted energy codes but have not updated them to the latest version, which could be less stringent than more recent versions.

We do not spend too many resources challenging the zietgeist.  Engineers, by nature, seek to do more with less but it is worth reminding our colleagues that energy conservation practices vary widely around the globe and not every nation supports what amounts to an energy police state.

“The Conquest of Energy” / José Chávez Morado / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The International Energy Conservation Code is a model building code developed by the International Code Council for incorporation by reference into state and local energy conservation legislation.  Free access to the current edition is linked below:

2021 International Energy Conservation Code

Sell Sheet: Leading the Way to Energy Efficiency

2024 International Energy Conservation Code Update: Appeals Deadline Extended

Apart from product prescriptive passages IECC is a largely a performance code which draws its inspiration from other energy-related catalogs developed by United States standards developers; notably ASHRAE International.  Several accessory titles supporting the current 2021 edition which address energy efficiency on several fronts including cost, energy usage, use of natural resources and the impact of energy usage on the environment are linked below:

Related Titles

Many of the ideas in play can be tracked in the transcripts linked below:

Complete Monograph: 2022 Group B Proposed Changes

Complete Monograph: 2022 Group B Public Comment Agenda

Note the pre-occupation with products such as insulation, fenestration, power outlets and lighting — reflecting the financial support of energy activists advocating on behalf of manufacturers who tend build the cost of their advocacy in the price of their product.

A commonly overlooked energy conservation measure is reducing standby power consumption, also known as “vampire power.” Many electronic devices, such as televisions, computers, and chargers, consume energy even when they are not actively being used but are still plugged in. This standby power can account for up to 10% of a building’s energy consumption.

While our focus tends to be on the commercial facility docket, we keep an eye on the residential docket because, a)  many colleges and universities own and operate square-footage on the periphery of their campuses that is classified as residential, b) many student rental houses are obviously classified as residential and we want property owners to be able to afford reasonable energy conservation measures for the houses they rent to students.*

From previous posts we explained we summarized our priorities for the Group B cycle and the IECC in particular:

  • Education facilities as storm shelters
  • Laboratory ventilation
  • Classroom lighting
  • Expansion of lighting controls
  • Expansion of receptacle controls
  • Expansion of electrical power system design requirements above beyond National Electrical Code minimums.

We encourage our colleagues in energy enterprises in education communities to participate directly in the ICC Code Development Process.*


The IECC is a standing item on our periodic Energy 200, Power, Mechanical and Hello World! colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

University of Michigan

Issue: [Various]

Category: Architectural, Facility Asset Management, Space Planning

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel

* More:

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