Scope of Nursing Practice


Scope of Nursing Practice

July 8, 2024

"The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest" - William Osler"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about" - Angela Schwindt "The true art of pediatrics lies not only in curing diseases but also in preventing them" - Abraham JacobiGermany


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The American Nurses Association has developed several standards related to nursing practice, which are designed to guide the professional practice of nursing and promote quality patient care. Some of the ANA standards include:

  1. Standards of Practice: These standards describe the responsibilities and accountabilities of registered nurses in the provision of safe, competent, and ethical nursing care.
  2. Standards of Professional Performance: These standards describe the behaviors and competencies that are expected of registered nurses in their professional roles, such as leadership, education, and communication.
  3. Code of Ethics for Nurses: This code provides guidance for ethical decision-making and practice in nursing. It includes provisions related to patient rights, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and accountability.
  4. Nursing Administration: This standard addresses the role of nursing administration in ensuring safe and effective nursing care. It includes standards related to leadership, management, and quality improvement.
  5. Nursing Informatics: This standard addresses the role of nursing informatics in improving healthcare outcomes. It includes standards related to the use of technology and information systems in nursing practice.
  6. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: This standard addresses the role of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in providing safe and effective care. It includes standards related to education, certification, and practice.

It’s worth noting that these are just a few examples of the ANA standards, and that there may be other standards that are relevant to specific areas of nursing practice. The ANA periodically updates its standards to reflect changes in nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

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