Security 300

During 2023-2024 we will break down our coverage of security standards into four modules: Security 100 is the first of the four and will provide an overview of the remaining three: Security 100, Security 200 and Security 400.

"What are you afraid of losing, when nothing in the world actually belongs to you." -- Marcus Aurelius

Security 300

November 21, 2024
[email protected]

I think every school needs a protection plan with a either police officer or certified armed security. - Wayne LaPierre

Today we run a status check on the stream of technical and management standards evolving to assure the highest possible level of security for education communities.  The literature expands significantly from an assortment of national standards-setting bodies, trade associations, ad hoc consortia and open source standards developers.  CLICK HERE for a sample of our work in this domain.

School security is big business in the United States.  A few years ago we could deal with physical security separately from cybersecurity.  Not so much anymore.  In today’s colloquium — essentially a survey module presenting a broad overview — we seek to understand product and interoperability standards for the following technologies:

Video surveillance: indoor and outdoor cameras, cameras with night vision and motion detection capabilities and cameras that can be integrated with other security systems for enhanced monitoring and control.

Access control: doors, remote locking, privacy and considerations for persons with disabilities.

As time permits, we will reckon with first cost and long-term maintenance cost, including software maintenance.

According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global school and campus security market size was valued at USD 14.0 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 21.7 billion by 2025, at a combined annual growth rate of 7.2% during the forecast period.  Another report by Research And Markets estimates that the US school security market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of around 8% between 2020 and 2025, driven by factors such as increasing incidents of school violence, rising demand for access control and surveillance systems, and increasing government funding for school safety initiatives.

Noteworthy: The combined annual growth rate of the school and campus security market is greater than the growth rate of the education “industry” itself.

Education Community Safety catalog is one of the fast-growing catalogs of best practice literature.  We link a small sample below and update ahead of every Security colloquium.

Executive Order 13929 of June 16, 2020 Safe Policing for Safe Communities

Clery Act

Clery Compliance | 2024 Nova Southeastern University Public Safety Department

National Center for Education Statistics: School Safety and Security Measures

International Code Council

2021 International Building Code

Section 1010.1.9.4 Locks and latches

Section 1010.2.13 Delayed egress.

Section 1010.2.14 Controlled egress doors in Groups I-1 and I-2.

Free Access: NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Free Access: NFPA 731 Standard for the Installation of Premises Security Systems

IEEE: Design and Implementation of Campus Security System Based on Internet of Things

APCO/NENA 2.105 Emergency Incident Data Document 

C-TECC Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Guidelines

Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook 2016

NENA-STA-004.1-2014 Next Generation United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format

Example Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Plan (Tougaloo College,  Jackson, Mississippi)

Partner Alliance for Safer Schools

Federal Bureau of Investigation Academia Program

Most Dangerous Universities in America

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Uniform Crime Reporting Program

ICYMI: Guide to Campus Security


Security 100

Security 200

Security 400

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