“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
— Plato
Since early 2019 we have tracked consultation notices in a selection of states; usually one-per-day. We approach safety and sustainability literature marking the character of educational settings mindful of regional character and culture. The circumstances of the pandemic, however, has released fierce revisionist consensus dynamics.
Today we undertake a more detailed discovery of the moment in a selection of at least two states that should make obvious regional governance of educational settings is more effective than governance originating in Washington D.C. — with, perhaps tenuous, assumptions about agreement on effective governance.
Also — if there is time — with a number of college towns that are set up as separate entities and that raises noteworthy exceptions to the general rule; sometimes referred to as “home rule”*.
College towns domiciled in state capitals are a template for the expansion of government at all levels. The relative affluence of college town citizens depend upon large government and deference to oligarchic authority. Education community culture leads the national conversation about the role and size of government.
* More
US Census Bureau: States, Counties, and Statistically Equivalent Entities
State Adaptations of International Building Codes