Tag Archives: D4


Determining Strength of Corroded Pipelines

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

As cities-within-cities many colleges and universities own and maintain at least 10 miles —  and possibly up to 1000 miles —  of underground piping for water, steam and natural gas; much of it under pressure within buildings or in outside, underground tunnels.  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers develops a suite of standards for these, and many other piping systems:

ASME B31 Piping System Standards

Fluids running under pressure are a significant infrastructure hazard in educational and all communities

ASME has released a redline of  B31 Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines for public comment:

ANSI Standards Action Pages 137 – 139

ASME often posts its redlines in ANSI Standards Action as well as on its standard development platform:


This document is intended solely for the purpose of providing guidance in the evaluation of metal loss in pressurized pipelines and piping systems.

Comments are due July 26th.

You may send comments (with optional copy to psa@ansi.org) to: Ray Rahaman, rahamanr@asme.org

The ASME consensus product line is on the standing agenda of our periodic Mechanical, Energy and Nota Bene teleconferences.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [19-148]

Category: District Energy, Energy, Mechanical

Colleagues: Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel




Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles


Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles

An Agenda for Future Research


Abstract:  Several converging trends appear to reshape the way citizens and goods move about. These trends are social, including urbanization and population growth, and technological, such as increased automation and connectivity. All these factors influence the market for connected, automated, shared and electric (CASE) vehicles, which presents many opportunities and challenges. The pace of the shift to a profoundly penetrated market for CASE vehicles is far from secure. Such transformation depends on the development of technologies, consumer attitudes, and policies. An expanding body of research has investigated the potential social and behavioral results of deploying CASE vehicles. However, most academic literature to date concentrates on technological issues linked to these vehicles.

There are several teams from federal and state agencies, OEMs, academia, startups, and consortiums working on this complex subject. This study investigates several academic papers, as well as federal and industry reports, considering all the stakeholders mentioned above. Its aim is to present a comprehensive picture of the implementation barriers and drivers of CASE vehicle usage and provide suggestions to solve them. The findings confirm that several issues are currently affecting the implementation of CASE vehicles on the road. Although there have been significant partnerships and collaborations between CASE vehicle stakeholders, namely technology companies, federal-state agencies, and academic scholars, considerable work is still required to solve the remaining barriers facing CASE-related technologies. This would enable decision-makers to create effective policies for future transportation networks and increase the speed of CASE vehicle market penetration to enhance road network’s level of service.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Gallery: Electric Vehicle Fire Risk

College dormitory information environment based on Internet of Things


Research of the construction of the college dormitory information environment based on Internet of Things

Jinhua Chen – Zhong Li – Jing Song – Ying Li

Yibin University


Abstract: According to the practical application demand of the college dormitory, combined with principle, architecture, and technical of Internet of Things, a college dormitory construction scheme is proposed based on the Internet of Things. The scheme concludes technical framework improvements of the Internet of Things for application, discussion of the networking mechanisms, implementations of technical details and design of network nodes. It presents a multi-frequency-multi-structure network architecture. Test results of typical application parameters show that the practical application of the scheme in a college dormitory is feasible.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Performance Monitoring for Power Plants

“A View of Murton Colliery near Seaham, County Durham” (1843) / John Wilson Carmichael

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has registered a Project Initiation Notification with ANSI to launch a revision to its consensus product ASME PM-202x, Performance Monitoring for Power Plants.  This product should interest stakeholders in involved in college and universities with district energy plants — facility management staffs, consulting engineers, operations and maintenance staff.

From the project prospectus:

These Guidelines cover fossil-fueled power plants, gas-turbine power plants operating in combined cycle, and a balance-of-plant portion including interface with the steam supply system of nuclear power plants.  They include performance monitoring concepts, a description of various methods available, and means for evaluating particular applications.

Since the original publication of these Guidelines in 1993—then limited to steam power plants—the field of performance monitoring (PM) has gained considerable importance.  The lifetime of plant equipment has been improved, while economic demands have increased to extend it even further by careful monitoring.  The PM techniques themselves have also been transformed, largely by the emergence of electronic data acquisition as the dominant method of obtaining the necessary information.

These Guidelines present:

• “Fundamental Considerations”—of PM essentials prior to the actual application, so you enter fully appraised of all the requirements, potential benefits and likelihood of tradeoffs of the PM program. 

• “Program Implementation”—where the concepts of PM implementation, diagnostics and cycle interrelationships have been brought into closer conjunction, bringing you up-to-date with contemporary practice.

• “Case Studies / Diagnostic Examples”—from the large amount of experience and historical data that has been accumulated since 1993.

Intended for employees of power plants and engineers involved with all aspects of power production.

From ANSI’s PINS registry:

Project Need: This document is being developed in order to address performance monitoring and optimization techniques for different power generating facilities. The latest trends and initiatives in performance monitoring as well as practical case studies and examples will be incorporated.

Stakeholders: Designers, producers/manufacturers, owners, operators, consultants, users, general interest, laboratories, regulatory/government, and distributors.

This document will cover power generation facilities including steam generators, steam turbines, and steam turbine cycles (including balance of plant of nuclear facilities), gas turbines, and combined cycles. The guidelines include performance monitoring concepts, a description of various methods available, and means for evaluating particular applications.

No comments are due at this time.   The PINS announcement was placed on October 11th*.   The PINS registry is a stakeholder mapping platform that identifies the beginning of a formal process that may interest other accredited, competitor standards developers.   Many ASME consensus products may be indirectly referenced in design guidelines and construction contracts with the statement “Conform to all applicable codes”

The landing page for the ASME standards development enterprise is linked below:

ASME C&S Connect

Note that you will need to set up a (free) account to access this and other ASME best practice titles.

We maintain all ASME consensus products on the standing agenda of our periodic Mechanical and Energy teleconferences.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

University of Michigan

Issue: [19-148]

Category: District Energy, Energy, Mechanical

Colleagues: Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel


ANSI Standards Action

Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Edison electric vehicle | National Park Service, US Department of the Interior

Electrical power engineers know that it is unwise to imagine a totally electric mobility system in the mind’s eye of vertical incumbents, policy makers and trendsniffers.  That does not mean that, as licensed professionals, we cannot positively respond to the demand for more electric mobility on campuses and within school districts.

Today we run through current codes, standards and guides to make that power supply chain safe and sustainable.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

In addition to the “NEC canonicals” — listing, coupler heights, disconnect, grounding, voltage, ampacity and overcurrent protection that would likely be applied in a fleet enclosure, more specific passages are relevant when the charging stations are widely dispersed in exterior locations:

Article 225 Outside branch circuits and feeders

Article 625 Electric Vehicle Power Transfer System

We will deal with cable management, IEC 61851 titles, Level 1 & 2 equipment, load management, placement of charging stations at motor fuel dispensing installations and wireless charging systems in a separate session.

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace

NECA 413 Standard For Installing And Maintaining Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements

Gallery: Electric Vehicle Fire Risk

Much like designing and building campus outdoor lighting systems, there are more site-related issues to be reckoned with.  For example:

  1. Charging infrastructure: One of the biggest space usage problems with EVs is the need for charging infrastructure. EV owners require access to charging stations in order to recharge their vehicles, and these charging stations can take up valuable space in public areas or campus parking structures that may require additional fire protection systems (that also require upgraded electrotechnologies.
  2. Battery storage: Another space usage issue with EVs is the need for battery storage. EV batteries are large and heavy, and require adequate storage space for safe and secure disposal at the end of their life cycle.
  3. Vehicle size: Many EVs are larger and heavier than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, which can create space usage problems in urban areas where parking and road space is limited.
  4. Recycling infrastructure: As EVs become more common, the need for specialized recycling infrastructure for EV components, including batteries, motors, and electronics, is likely to increase. These facilities require additional space and resources to safely and efficiently process and recycle these components.

Addressing these space usage problems will require a combination of policy interventions, technological innovations, and public awareness campaigns to promote the benefits and potential of EVs while minimizing their environmental impact and spatial footprint.

Electric Vehicle Energy Management

Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide

Electric Vehicle Open Charge Point Protocol

Campus Transportation & Parking System Design

International Building Code Electrical

§ 1107.2 Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations

Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles

Standard for Parking Structures


Where There is Smoke…There Doesn’t Have to be Fire


The ASTM International business model features a strong product certification component and a weaker interoperability component therefore we place ASTM titles at lower priority in our coverage of the best practice literature that supports our safety and sustainability agenda.  Nevertheless, leading practice discovery and promulgation processes for product certification bears a strong similarity to the processes that provide the structure for interoperability standards.

Today we select a Case Study from ANSI’s Committee on Education which is relevant to today’s fire safety colloquium; open to everyone.

ASTM Fire Standards and Flammability Standards


ANSI Committee on Education: Questions and Answers

We hope quick access to this content will encourage students and faculty to participate in the annual ANSI Student Paper Competition, sponsored by ANSI’s Committee on Education in which we are a member.  We meet again in July and will determine the winner(s) the 2021 competition and select a topic for the 2022 competition.  We are happy to explain further during today’s colloquium.  At any time you may communicate directly with Lisa Rajchel (lrajchel@ansi.org).


2023 Student Paper Competition





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