Tag Archives: February


Designing Lighting for People and Buildings


Public Consultation on IES RP-6 Recommended Practice: Lighting Sports and Recreational Areas closes October 7

Sport Lighting

“Electrical Building World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago 1892

Today we feature the catalog of the Illumination Engineering Society — one of the first names in standards-setting in illumination technology, globally* with particular interest in its leading title IES LP-1 | LIGHT + DESIGN Lighting Practice: Designing Quality Lighting for People and Buildings.

From its prospectus:

“…LIGHT + DESIGN was developed to introduce architects, lighting designers, design engineers, interior designers, and other lighting professionals to the principles of quality lighting design. These principles; related to visual performance, energy, and economics; and aesthetics; can be applied to a wide range of interior and exterior spaces to aid designers in providing high-quality lighting to their projects.

Stakeholders: Architects, interior designers, lighting practitioners, building owners/operators, engineers, the general public, luminaire manufacturers.  This standard focuses on design principles and defines key technical terms and includes technical background to aid understanding for the designer as well as the client about the quality of the lighted environment. Quality lighting enhances our ability to see and interpret the world around us, supporting our sense of well-being, and improving our capability to communicate with each other….”

The entire catalog is linked below:

IES Lighting Library

Illumination technologies run about 30 percent of the energy load in a building and require significant human resources at the workpoint — facility managers, shop foremen, front-line operations and maintenance personnel, design engineers and sustainability specialists.  The IES has one of the easier platforms for user-interest participation:

IES Standards Open for Public Review

Because the number of electrotechnology standards run in the thousands and are in continual motion* we need an estimate of user-interest in any title before we formally request a redline because the cost of obtaining one in time to make meaningful contributions will run into hundreds of US dollars; apart from the cost of obtaining a current copy.

We maintain the IES catalog on the standing agendas of our Electrical, Illumination and Energy colloquia.   Additionally, we collaborate with experts active in the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets online 4 times monthly in European and American time zones; all colloquia online and open to everyone.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page to join us.

Issue: [Various}

Category: Electrical, Energy, Illumination, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Gary Fox, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard, Glenn Keates, Daleep Mohla, Giuseppe Parise, Georges Zissis

Brownian Motion” comes to mind because of the speed and interdependencies.

“Season of Light Illumination”





King’s Cake

Standards Louisiana

Electric Power Availability: Cold Weather Preparedness

PUBLIC LAW 109–58—AUG. 8, 2005 | ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005

Reliability v. Availability

January 25th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FERC: Docket No. AD06-6-000.  Given the close coupling of electric and natural gas supply with respect to power reliability, the mind boggles at the hostility of the Biden Administration to natural gas anywhere on earth.  Natural gas is critical to generation plant black start capabilities and hospitals, among others.

A selection of the presentations:

“Long Term Reliability Assessment” – Presented by Mark Lauby, Senior Vice President and Chief Engineer, NERC

“Grid Reliability Overview & Updates” – Presented by David Ortiz, Director of the Office of Electric Reliability

“Status of Standards and Implementation for Cold Weather Preparedness and Applicability to Nuclear Plants” – Presented by David Huff, Electrical Engineer, Office of Electric Reliability

“Gas-Electric Coordination Since Winter Storm Uri” – Presented by Heather Polzin, Reliability Enforcement Counsel, Office of Enforcement

“Overview of Power Reactor Activities” – Presented by Andrea Kock, Deputy Office Director for Engineering, NRR

“Grid Reliability Updates” – Presented by Jason Paige, Chief, Long-Term Operations and Modernization Branch, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR

Electrical Resource Adequacy


Utah State University: History of Probability

Sample Probability and Statistics Problem from Professional Electrical Engineer’s Examination

Loss-of-load-based reliability indices

Du froid

“Weather is fate”

Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu

“Road to Versailles at Louveciennes” 1869 Camille Pissarro

Heat tracing is a process used to maintain or raise the temperature of pipes and vessels in order to prevent freezing, maintain process temperature, or ensure that products remain fluid and flow through the system properly.  Without electric heat tracing; much of the earth would be uninhabitable.

Heat tracing works by using an electric heating cable or tape that is wrapped around the pipe or vessel, and then insulated to help retain the heat. The heating cable is connected to a power source and temperature control system that maintains the desired temperature by regulating the amount of heat output from the cable. Heat tracing is commonly used in industrial applications where temperature control is critical, such as in chemical plants, refineries, and oil and gas facilities.

There are several types of heat tracing, including electric heat tracing, steam tracing, and hot water tracing, each of which have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. The selection of the appropriate type of heat tracing depends on the specific application and the required temperature range, as well as factors such as cost, maintenance, and safety considerations.

Heat Tracing for Piping SpecificationNECA Standards (N.B. Link unstable)

2026 NEC CMP-17 Public Input Report | 2026 NEC CMP-17 Second Draft Report

Northern Michigan University | Marquette County

Today we review the literature for snow and ice management (and enjoyment) produced by these standards-setting organizations:

Accredited Snow Contractors Association

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM International

FM Global

Destructive Deep Freeze Strikes Cold and Hot Regions Alike

Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers

Electrical Heat Tracing: International Harmonization — Now and in the Future

International Code Council

International Building Code: Chapter 15 Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures

National Electrical Contractors Association

National Fire Protection Association

Winter is Coming: Is Your Facility Protected? (Holly Burgess, November 2022)

National Electrical Code: Articles 426-427

National Floor Safety Institute

Snow and Ice Management Association

Underwriters Laboratories


Chromalox Electrical Heat Tracing Systems Design Guide

It is a surprisingly large domain with market-makers in every dimension of safety and sustainability; all of whom are bound by state and federal regulations.

Join us at 16:00 UTC with the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

There have been several recent innovations that have made it possible for construction activity to continue through cold winter months. Some of the most notable ones include:

  1. Heated Job Site Trailers: These trailers are equipped with heating systems that keep workers warm and comfortable while they take breaks or work on plans. This helps to keep morale up and prevent cold-related health issues.
  2. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs): ICFs are prefabricated blocks made of foam insulation that are stacked together to form the walls of a building. The foam insulation provides an extra layer of insulation to keep the building warm during cold winter months.
  3. Warm-Mix Asphalt (WMA): WMA is a type of asphalt that is designed to be used in colder temperatures than traditional hot-mix asphalt. This allows road construction crews to work through the winter months without having to worry about the asphalt cooling and becoming unusable.
  4. Pneumatic Heaters: These heaters are used to warm up the ground before concrete is poured. This helps to prevent the concrete from freezing and becoming damaged during the winter months.
  5. Electrically Heated Mats: These mats are placed on the ground to prevent snow and ice from accumulating. This helps to make the job site safer and easier to work on during the winter months.

Overall, these innovations have made it possible for construction crews to work through the winter months more comfortably and safely, which has helped to keep projects on schedule and minimize delays.

Somewhat related:


Chicory, surrogate and roasted coffee provide new insights into mechanisms of taste perception

Dr. Gisela Olias, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, TUM

In some Christian traditions, especially among Catholics who observe dietary restrictions during Lent, chicory root has been used as a caffeine-free substitute for coffee. It’s commonly consumed in Louisiana and parts of Europe.

The term “Muckefuck” (pronounced “Mook-eh-fook”) is a traditional German word for coffee substitutes, particularly those made from roasted chicory root, barley, or other grains.  No joke! “Muckefuck” is a real historical term in Germany, and while it may sound funny to English speakers, it has nothing to do with profanity.

  • The word likely comes from a mix of French and German dialects. One theory is that it originates from the French phrase “mocca faux”, meaning “fake coffee” (literally, “false mocha”).
  • Over time, German pronunciation altered it into “Muckefuck”, referring to coffee substitutes made from chicory, barley, or other roasted grains.
  • It was commonly used in Prussia, Bavaria, and other German-speaking areas, especially during times of war or economic hardship when real coffee was unavailable.

While the word may raise eyebrows for English speakers, it’s completely innocent in German! If you prefer, you can simply ask for “Chicorée Kaffee” or “Malzkaffee” in Munich to avoid any awkward moments.


Was it Normung?


Development of suitable formula for ready-to-drink healthy mixture of chicory and coffee


Maslenitsa “Pancake Week”

University of Michigan: Celebrating MaslenitsaMichigan State University: South Slavs in Michigan

Chicago Tribune: Russians Turn Great Lakes Area Into Another Baltic Sea

University of Michigan Slavic Languages & Literatures

Marquette University: A History of Slavic Studies in the United States 

Midwestern Universities with the largest Slavic-American Communities:




K-12 Schools with Fireplaces as a Library Focal Point

The home is the empire! There is no peace more delightful than one's own fireplace. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Firelight magnifies the soul of a room, and it is there that life unfolds in its purest form" -- Thomas HardyRobert Frost: "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice."

An inglenook is an intimate space typically found beside a fireplace. Inglenooks often have built-in seating or benches, providing a comfortable spot for people to gather around the warmth of the fire.  Originally inspired by cooking, but over time, they became more functional as spaces for relaxation, reflection, reading and socializing.

Today at the usual hour we examine that state of best practice literature for their safety and sustainability,

The codes, standards and guidelines that track accepted best practice:


ASME B31.9 – Building Services Piping

ASME B31.8 – Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems


ASTM E2726 – Standard Terminology Relating to Chimneys and Ventilation Systems

ASTM E2558 – Standard Test Method for Determining Particulate Matter Emissions from Fires in Wood-Burning Fireplaces


Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Emission Standards (for Wood Stoves)

Compliance Requirements for Residential Wood Heaters


International Building Code: Chapter 21 Masonry

International Fuel Gas Code


A Dynamic Equivalent Energy Storage Model of Natural Gas Networks for Joint Optimal Dispatch of Electricity-Gas Systems


NFPA 221 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances

NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

Underwriters Laboratories

UL 127 for factory-built fireplaces

UL 103 for chimney systems

United States Department of Energy

Fireplaces, Proper Ventilation for New Wood-Burning Fireplaces 

“Fire at Full Moon” 1933 | Paul Klee

Representative Specifications:

University of Vermont: Ignite Your Knowledge of Fireplace Safety

City of Chicago: Gas Distribution Piping Inside of Buildings

University of Rochester: Fire Place Safety

University of Michigan


Town Gas


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