Tag Archives: Massachusetts


John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2022 IRS 990 Filing: President And Fellows Of Harvard College

NACUBO-TIAA Study of Endowments

The University continues its  expansion in Allston, Massachusetts. The Harvard Business School and many of the university’s athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located on a 358-acre (145 ha) campus in Allston, a Boston neighborhood across the Charles River from the Cambridge campus. The John W. Weeks Bridge, a pedestrian bridge over the Charles River, connects the two campuses. Intending a major expansion, Harvard now owns more land in Allston than it does in Cambridge.

A ten-year plan calls for 1.4 million square feet (130,000 square meters) of new construction and 500,000 square feet (50,000 square meters) of renovations, including new and renovated buildings at Harvard Business School; a hotel and conference center; a multipurpose institutional building; renovations to graduate student housing and to Harvard Stadium; new athletic facilities; new laboratories and classrooms for the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; expansion of the Harvard Education Portal; and a district energy facility.

Allston Planning and Development

Harvard Research Summary 2023:

  • Alleviating depression with yoga
  • Using Machine Learning to Listen to Whales
  • Considering the genetics of musical ability

“Taking charge: Black electoral success and the redefinition of American politics”

Incredible snow removal

Report: Revolving Door Usage

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“Mass in B Minor”

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Mass in B Minor is respected as one of the masterpieces of Western classical music.  The Mass, also known as the “Missa,” is a large-scale choral composition that Bach worked on intermittently throughout his life.  Noteworthy:

The Mass showcases Bach’s compositional skill and mastery of counterpoint, harmony, and orchestration. Its intricate structure and complex polyphony demonstrate the pinnacle of Baroque musical achievement.

Written by a Protestant for the Catholic Church the Mass is a sacred choral work, and its text is derived from the Latin Mass liturgy. Bach’s setting of the Mass text reflects his deep religious devotion and a profound understanding of liturgical music. It has been described as a summation of his sacred music output.

One remarkable aspect of the Mass is its incorporation of various musical styles from Bach’s time. It brings together elements of Renaissance and Baroque music, combining diverse forms and techniques into a cohesive and unified whole.

Beyond its religious context, the Mass in B Minor is seen as a reflection of the human experience. Its emotional depth and spiritual resonance transcend religious boundaries, resonating with listeners on a profound level.


Standards New Hampshire

“The Fruits of Citizenship: African Americans, Military Service, and the Cause of Cuba Libre”

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Varieties of Innovation

Business innovation involves creating new or improved business processes, models, or strategies to achieve organizational goals and gain a competitive advantage. It focuses on enhancing efficiency, customer experience, and overall business performance. Business innovation may encompass changes in marketing, operations, management, or other aspects of the business ecosystem.

On the other hand, technology innovation revolves around the development and application of new technologies or the improvement of existing ones. It aims to introduce novel solutions, products, or services by leveraging advancements in technology. Technology innovation can be driven by scientific research, engineering breakthroughs, or the integration of emerging technologies to address specific needs.

While business innovation is broad and encompasses various facets of organizational improvement, technology innovation specifically centers on advancements in technology and their strategic implementation. Successful companies often integrate both types of innovation to stay competitive, using business innovation to optimize processes and technology innovation to enable novel solutions and capabilities.



Noteworthy innovations relevant to the development and maintenance of the real assets of education settlements:

  1. Proptech Platforms: Various proptech (property technology) platforms have emerged to streamline property management tasks, including tenant communication, rent collection, and maintenance requests. Examples include Buildium, AppFolio, and Propertyware.
  2. Blockchain in Real Estate: Blockchain technology is being explored for its potential to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in real estate transactions. Smart contracts on blockchain can automate and secure property transactions.
  3. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): VR and AR technologies are being used for virtual property tours, allowing potential buyers or tenants to explore properties remotely. This helps in saving time and making more informed decisions.
  4. Predictive Analytics: Data analytics and machine learning are being employed to analyze market trends, predict property values, and assess investment opportunities. This enables more data-driven decision-making in real estate.
  5. IoT (Internet of Things): IoT devices are being integrated into buildings for smart property management. This includes smart thermostats, security systems, and energy-efficient solutions, enhancing overall property performance.
  6. Automated Valuation Models (AVMs): AVMs leverage algorithms and data analysis to estimate property values. These tools provide quick and automated property valuations, aiding in pricing decisions.
  7. Digital Transaction Platforms: Platforms that facilitate end-to-end digital real estate transactions are gaining popularity. These platforms aim to simplify the buying and selling process, reducing paperwork and increasing efficiency.
  8. Energy-efficient Technologies: Sustainable and energy-efficient solutions are becoming integral to real estate development. Innovations include smart building systems for energy management, green construction materials, and renewable energy integration.
  9. Crowdfunding for Real Estate: Crowdfunding platforms allow individuals to invest in real estate projects with smaller amounts of capital. This democratizing approach to real estate investment provides opportunities for a broader range of investors.
  10. Facial Recognition and Biometrics: Some property management systems are incorporating facial recognition and biometric technologies for enhanced security in access control and building management.
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