Tag Archives: May


Rhubarb | From the Ground Up

The University of Wyoming Extension service provides research and education to farmers and ranchers; funded by federal, state, and local sources:

  • Agricultural production and management: The Extension service provides information and resources on topics such as crop production, livestock management, and farm business management.
  • Soil and water management: The Extension service offers expertise on soil fertility, irrigation, water quality, and conservation practices.
  • Pest management: The Extension service provides resources and support for integrated pest management, including information on insect and disease control, weed management, and pesticide safety.
  • Youth education: The Extension service offers educational programs and activities for youth interested in agriculture, including 4-H clubs and competitions.
  • Community development: The Extension service works with local communities to support economic development, tourism, and natural resource conservation.

The Extension service also offers consultations, workshops, field days, and other events to help farmers and ranchers stay up-to-date on the latest research and technologies in agriculture.

Standards Wyoming

Readings / Morrill Land-Grant Act

Albert Bierstadt: Landscapes of the American West


A flag stands for a set of principles; the reach for the ideals of a civilization–
not for the lapses of adherence to them.

“After School” 1959 Norman Rockwell

Flag Day in the United States, observed on June 14th, commemorates the adoption of the American flag by the Second Continental Congress in 1777. It’s a day to honor the symbol of the nation’s unity, freedom, and democracy. The flag represents the ideals and principles upon which the country was founded, including liberty, justice, and equality.

On Flag Day, Americans typically display the flag at their homes and businesses, participate in patriotic ceremonies, and reflect on the significance of the flag in American history and culture. It’s also a time to remember the sacrifices made by those who have served and continue to serve in defense of the nation. Flag Day serves as a reminder of the values that bind Americans together as one nation, under the banner of the stars and stripes.

United States Independence Day

There are no rigorous standard heights for flagpoles displaying the American flag in educational settlements but there are general guidelines and recommendations.

Commercial Use: In commercial settings, flagpoles can vary widely depending on the size of the building and the surrounding landscape. They can range from 20 feet for smaller businesses to over 100 feet for large corporate buildings.

Government Buildings: Flagpoles at government buildings or public spaces often range from 30 to 60 feet or more, depending on the size and prominence of the building.

Proportions: A general guideline for the American flag is that the length of the flag should be about one-quarter to one-third the height of the flagpole.

Regulations: Some local ordinances or homeowner associations may have specific guidelines regarding flagpole height, so it’s a good idea to check local regulations before installing one.

Ultimately, the height of a flagpole for the American flag depends on the context and purpose of display, as well as practical considerations such as the size of the flag itself and local regulations.


University of Michigan

Hillsdale College Michigan

Western University Ontario

Universitetet i Oslo

Northeastern University Massachusetts

University at Buffalo New York

Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Pepperdine University / California

Colby College Maine

Finley Public School New South Wales Australia

St. Olaf College Minnesota

College of the Ozarks Missouri

University of Alaska Fairbanks


Neuqua Valley High School Illinois

Hillsdale College Michigan

Abilene Christian University Texas

University of Southern Mississippi | Image: Courtland Wells


Queensborough Community College

Bucknell University Pennsylvania



NB: “The flag stands for a set of principles, not the lack of adherence to them.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough.  We are not sure about this source; nor the author.  We have adapted the sentiment for our home page excerpt.



RECIPE: 1 cucumber, peeled and seeded, chopped 1 red bell pepper, seeded, chopped 3 vine ripe tomatoes ¼ red onion, peeled 2 garlic, whole cloves 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 3 Cup tomato juice without added salt ½ lemon, juiced 1 Tbs sugar 2 tsp white wine vinegar 1 Cup italian parsley, coarsely chopped ½ tsp kosher salt

Combine the ingredients. Blend slightly (in a food processor or blender), to desired consistency. Cover and refrigerate. Serve chilled as a soup. Nutrition Facts (per serving) Calories: 70 Fat: 2.0 gm. Sodium: 115 mg. Carbohydrate: 13 gm. Fiber: 2.0 gm. Protein: 2.0 gm.

Kitchens 300


Original Score (Stanley Myers)

The Struggle for Control of Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days in different countries and regions. However, here is a list of some countries and the dates:

United States: Second Sunday in May
United Kingdom: Fourth Sunday in Lent
Australia: Second Sunday in May
Canada: Second Sunday in May
New Zealand: Second Sunday in May
India: Second Sunday in May
Mexico: May 10th
Japan: Second Sunday in May
France: Last Sunday in May or First Sunday in June
Germany: Second Sunday in May
Italy: Second Sunday in May
Brazil: Second Sunday in May
Egypt, Mother’s Day is celebrated on March 21st.
Israel, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 30th day of the Jewish month of Shvat, which usually falls in February.
India, Mother’s Day is not an official holiday, but it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, the same as in the United States.
Japan, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, but it is not a public holiday.
South Africa, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, the same as in the United States.
Thailand, Mother’s Day is celebrated on August 12th, which is the birthday of Queen Sirikit, the current queen consort of Thailand.


Evensong “Capricho Arabe”

Jamie Dupuis,originally from New Liskeard Ontario, studied under Philip Candelaria at the Cambrian College Sudbury Campus during which time he won a scholarship to the Musicians Institute in Hollywood, California.  Since graduating he has worked as a professional musician, doing sessions, solo performances, weddings, bar gigs, festivals, composition, albums and YouTube videos featuring his virtuosity on the harp guitar.

Creative Arts, Music, & Design


Soybean Gall Midge 2024 Update

Soybeans play a critical role in the food chain as a source of protein and oil for human consumption, animal feed, food processing, industrial applications, and sustainable agricultural practices. They are a versatile and widely used crop that contributes to various aspects of the global food system.

University of Minnesota: Hired Before Graduation 2022

University of Minnesota: Hired Before Graduation 2019

University of Minnesota: Hired Before Graduation 2018

University of Minnesota Duluth Facilities Management

Lovely Day

Recorded January 2015

Mathieu Manach : Percussions

Jean-Michel Warluzelle : Bass & background vocal

Bruno Thivend : Guitar & background vocal

Pierric Tailler : Vocal & guitar

Bill Withers Official Site

Université de Lyon | Fête des Lumières 2019 – Les Rêveries Lumineuses de Léonard

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