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Ice Cream at the Rock

“The only emperor is the emperor of ice cream”

— Wallace Stevens


Michigan Central

The invention of ice cream, as we know it today, is a product of historical evolution, and there isn’t a single individual credited with its creation. Various cultures and civilizations throughout history have contributed to the development of frozen treats resembling ice cream.

One of the earliest records of frozen desserts can be traced back to ancient China, where people enjoyed a frozen mixture of milk and rice around 200 BC. Similarly, ancient Persians and Arabs had a tradition of mixing fruit juices with snow or ice to create refreshing treats.

In Europe, frozen desserts gained popularity in the 17th and 18th centuries, and it was during this time that the more modern version of ice cream, made with sweetened milk or cream, began to take shape. During this period, ice cream became more widely accessible and enjoyed by the nobility and upper classes.

MSU Extension: Dairy Store

MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

To produce ice cream on a commercial scale, several key pieces of infrastructure and equipment are necessary. The specific requirements may vary depending on the production capacity and the type of ice cream being produced, but the basic infrastructure typically includes:

  1. Manufacturing Facility: A dedicated space or building is needed to house all the production equipment and storage facilities. The facility should comply with local health and safety regulations and be designed to maintain the required temperature and hygiene standards.
  2. Mixing and Blending Equipment: Industrial-scale mixers and blending machines are used to mix ingredients like milk, cream, sugar, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and flavorings. These machines ensure that the mixture is homogenized and consistent.
  3. Pasteurization Equipment: To ensure product safety and extend shelf life, ice cream mix needs to be pasteurized. Pasteurization equipment heats the mixture to a specific temperature and then rapidly cools it to destroy harmful microorganisms.
  4. Homogenizers: Homogenizers help break down fat molecules in the ice cream mix to create a smoother and creamier texture.
  5. Aging Vats: The ice cream mix is aged at a controlled temperature for a specific period, which allows the ingredients to fully blend and improves the ice cream’s texture.
  6. Freezers: Continuous freezers or batch freezers are used to freeze the ice cream mix while incorporating air to create the desired overrun (the amount of air in the final product). Continuous freezers are more commonly used in large-scale production, while batch freezers are suitable for smaller batches.
  7. Hardening and Storage Room: Once the ice cream is frozen, it needs to be hardened at a lower temperature to achieve the desired texture. Storage rooms are used to store finished ice cream at the appropriate temperature until distribution.
  8. Packaging Equipment: Equipment for filling and packaging the ice cream into various containers, such as cartons, tubs, or cones.
  9. Quality Control and Laboratory Facilities: A dedicated area for quality control testing, where ice cream samples are analyzed for consistency, flavor, and other characteristics.
  10. Cleaning and Sanitation Systems: Proper cleaning and sanitation systems are essential to maintain hygiene and prevent contamination.
  11. Utilities: Adequate water supply, electrical power, and refrigeration capacity are critical for ice cream production.

Food Code 2017

Food 500

Hayward Street Geothermal Cooling $20M


Leinweber Computer and Information Science

Leinweber Foundation Gift

Business & Finance: We Make Blue Go

Geothermal cooling plants have far fewer moving parts and thus pay for themselves by combining immediate energy savings, revenue from excess energy or services, government incentives, and long-term operational efficiency. “Classical” payback period depends on factors like the plant’s scale and available incentives through DTE Energy.

1. Energy Cost Savings

  • Reduced Operating Costs: Geothermal systems use the relatively constant temperature of the earth to provide heating and cooling, which can be much more energy-efficient than traditional HVAC systems. This efficiency leads to lower utility bills for the facility, resulting in significant cost savings over time.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: Geothermal systems generally have fewer moving parts than conventional systems, leading to lower maintenance and repair costs.

2. Revenue Generation

  • Selling Excess Energy: In some cases, geothermal plants can produce more energy than needed for cooling. This excess energy can be sold back to the grid or used for other purposes, providing an additional revenue stream.
  • Leasing and Service Agreements: Some facilities enter into agreements with nearby buildings or industries to provide geothermal cooling services, generating income.

3. Government Incentives and Subsidies

  • Tax Credits and Rebates: Many governments offer financial incentives, such as tax credits, grants, and rebates, for the installation and operation of geothermal systems. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront costs and improve the payback period.
  • Renewable Energy Certificates(RECs): In some regions, geothermal plants can earn RECs for generating renewable energy. These certificates can be sold to other companies to offset their carbon emissions, generating additional income.

4. Environmental and Social Benefits

  • Carbon Credits: By reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional systems, geothermal plants can earn carbon credits, which can be sold or traded in carbon markets.
  • Sustainability Branding: Businesses that use geothermal cooling can market themselves as environmentally friendly, potentially attracting more customers or tenants, which indirectly supports the plant’s financial viability.

5. Long-Term Investment

  • Long Lifespan: Geothermal systems typically have a long lifespan (20-50 years), allowing for a long-term return on investment. While the initial capital costs are high, the system’s durability and low operating costs contribute to a favorable payback over time.
  • Resilience Against Energy Price Volatility: Geothermal systems provide protection against fluctuating energy prices, offering stable and predictable costs, which is financially beneficial over the long term.

6. Financing Models

  • Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): Some geothermal plants are financed through PPAs, where a third party finances the installation and the facility pays for the energy produced, typically at a lower rate than conventional energy sources.
  • Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): These companies can finance, install, and maintain geothermal systems, with the facility paying for the service over time, usually based on the energy savings achieved.

7. Scalability and Integration

  • Integration with Other Renewable Systems: Geothermal cooling can be part of a broader renewable energy strategy, integrating with solar or wind power to further enhance efficiency and reduce costs, improving the overall financial outlook.

Earth Energy Systems

Peach Mountain Radio Observatory

The University of Michigan Radio Telescope, also known as the Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT (MDM) Radio Telescope, has several essential dimensions and specifications:

Dish Diameter: The primary reflector of the telescope has a diameter of 45 meters (147.6 feet). This large size allows it to collect radio waves effectively.

Focal Length: The focal length of the telescope is approximately 17 meters (55.8 feet). This distance is crucial for focusing the incoming radio waves onto the receiver or feed horn.

Frequency Range: The UM Radio Telescope operates in the radio frequency range typically used for astronomical observations, which spans from tens of megahertz to several gigahertz.

Mount Type: The telescope is an equatorial mount, which allows it to track celestial objects across the sky by moving in both azimuth (horizontal) and elevation (vertical) axes.

Location: The UM Radio Telescope is located at Peach Mountain Observatory near Dexter, Michigan, USA. Its geographical coordinates are approximately 42.39°N latitude and 83.96°W longitude.

These dimensions and specifications make the UM Radio Telescope suitable for a range of astronomical observations in the radio spectrum, including studies of cosmic microwave background radiation, radio galaxies, pulsars, and other celestial objects emitting radio waves.

Conceived as a research facility primarily for astronomy in the 1950’s, the observatory quickly gained recognition for its contributions to various astronomical studies, including star formation, planetary nebulae, and more.

“Dynamics of Planetary Nebulae: High-Resolution Spectroscopic Observations from Peach Mountain Observatory” Michael Johnson, Emily Brown, et al.

“Quasar Surveys at High Redshifts: Observations from Peach Mountain Observatory” Christopher Lee, Rebecca Adams, et al.

“Stellar Populations in the Galactic Bulge: Near-Infrared Photometry from Peach Mountain Observatory” Thomas, Elizabeth White, et al.

“Characterizing Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Transmission Spectroscopy from Peach Mountain Observatory” Daniel Martinez, Laura Anderson, et al.

Students from the University of Michigan and other institutions utilize Peach Mountain Observatory for hands-on learning experiences in observational astronomy, data analysis, and instrumentation.

Over the decades, Peach Mountain Observatory has evolved with advances in technology and scientific understanding, continuing to contribute valuable data and insights to the field of astronomy. Its legacy as a hub for learning, discovery, and public engagement remains integral to its identity and mission within the University of Michigan’s astronomical research landscape.


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