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This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send [email protected] a request for subscription details.
The thunderbolt steers all things.
—Heraclitus, c. 500 BC
After the rain. Personal photograph taken by Mike Anthony biking with his niece in Wirdum, The Netherlands
Today at 15:00 UTC we examine the technical literature about rainwater management in schools, colleges and universities — underfoot and on the roof. Lightning protection standards will also be reviewed; given the exposure of outdoor athletic activity and exterior luminaires.
We draw from previous standardization work in titles involving water, roofing systems and flood management — i.e. a cross-cutting view of the relevant standard developer catalogs. Among them:
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Plumbing Engineers
ASHRAE International
ASTM International
Construction Specifications Institute (Division 7 Thermal and Moisture Protection)
Environmental Protection Agency | Clean Water Act Section 402
Federal Emergency Management Agency
FM Global
Water Cycle Equation:
Precipitation = Runoff + Infiltration + Evapotranspiration + ΔStorage
Georgia Southern University Civil Engineering & Construction— Standards Michigan (@StandardsMich) September 10, 2020
IAPMO Group (Mechanical and Plumbing codes)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Heat Tracing Standards
Notice of New Standard Product IEEE 1692-2023
IEEE Guide for the Protection of Communication Installations from Lightning Effects
— IEEE Standards Association | IEEE SA (@IEEESA) September 2, 2024
International Code Council
Chapter 15 Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
Why, When, What and Where Lightning Protection is Required
National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code: Article 250.16 Lightning Protection Systems
Lightning Protection
Underwriters Laboratories: Lightning Protection
Underground Stormwater Detention Vaults
United States Department of Agriculture: Storm Rainfall Depth and Distribution
Readings: The “30-30” Rule for Outdoor Athletic Events Lightning Hazard
As always, our daily colloquia are open to everyone. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
Enjoying Princeton, with its replica of Magdalen's Great Tower, and its authentically British-style rain
— Dinah Rose (@DinahGLRoseKC) September 10, 2023
The “lightning effect” seen in carnival tricks typically relies on a scientific principle known as the Lichtenberg figure or Lichtenberg figure. This phenomenon occurs when a high-voltage electrical discharge passes through an insulating material, such as wood or acrylic, leaving behind branching patterns resembling lightning bolts.
The process involves the creation of a temporary electric field within the material, which polarizes its molecules. As the discharge propagates through the material, it causes localized breakdowns, creating branching paths along the way. These branching patterns are the characteristic Lichtenberg figures.
In the carnival trick, a high-voltage generator is used to create an electrical discharge on a piece of insulating material, such as acrylic. When a person touches the material or a conductive object placed on it, the discharge follows the path of least resistance, leaving behind the branching patterns. This effect is often used for entertainment purposes due to its visually striking appearance, resembling miniature lightning bolts frozen in the material. However, it’s crucial to handle such demonstrations with caution due to the potential hazards associated with high-voltage electricity.
How you know we haven’t had rain for awhile…
— Allison farms (@Allisonfarms) August 5, 2024
Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous experiment with lightning on June 10, 1752.
He used a kite and a key to demonstrate that lightning was a form of electricity.
This experiment marked an important milestone in understanding the nature of electricity
and laid the foundation for the development of lightning rods and other lightning protection systems.
Seasonal extreme weather patterns in the United States, resulting in damages to education facilities and delays in outdoor athletic events — track meets; lacrosse games, swimming pool closures and the like — inspire a revisit of the relevant standards for the systems that contribute to safety from injury and physical damage to buildings: NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems
To paraphrase the NFPA 780 prospectus:
(Electric generating facilities whose primary purpose is to generate electric power are excluded from this standard with regard to generation, transmission, and distribution of power. Most electrical utilities have standards covering the protection of their facilities and equipment. Installations not directly related to those areas and structures housing such installations can be protected against lightning by the provisions of this standard.)
“Down conductors” must be at least #2 AWG copper (0 AWG aluminum) for Class I materials in structures less than 75-ft in height
“Down conductors: must be at least 00 AWG copper (0000 AWG aluminum) for Class II Materials in structures greater than 75-ft in height.
Related grounding and bonding requirements appears in Chapters 2 and Chapter 3 of NFPA 70 National Electrical Code. This standard does not establish evacuation criteria.
The current edition is dated 2023 and, from the transcripts, you can observe concern about solar power and early emission streamer technologies tracking through the committee decision making. Education communities have significant activity in wide-open spaces; hence our attention to technical specifics.
Public input on the 2026 revision is receivable until 1 June 2023.
We always encourage our colleagues to key in their own ideas into the NFPA public input facility (CLICK HERE). We maintain NFPA 780 on our Power colloquia which collaborates with IEEE four times monthly in European and American time zones. See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.
Lightning flash density – 12 hourly averages over the year (NASA OTD/LIS) This shows that lightning is much more frequent in summer than in winter, and from noon to midnight compared to midnight to noon.
Issue: [14-105]
Category: Electrical, Telecommunication, Public Safety, Risk Management
Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard
Didn't really plan for all possibilities, did they. 🤓
NC State's brand-new scoreboard shorts out due to lightning storms
— DJ (@DJ87112331) September 10, 2023
The "Top engineering school in the state" just built a $15 million scoreboard without a lightning rod.
Wasn't it just last year that their game got delayed because they couldn't turn the lights on?
— Steele (@0Gstank) September 9, 2023
Installing lightning protection system for your facility in 3 Steps (Surge Protection)
IEEE Education & Healthcare Facility Electrotechnology
Readings: The “30-30” Rule for Outdoor Athletic Events Lightning Hazard
Churches and chapels are more susceptible to lightning damage due to their height and design. Consider:
Height: Taller structures are more likely to be struck by lightning because they are closer to the cloud base where lightning originates.
Location: If a church or chapel is situated in an area with frequent thunderstorms, it will have a higher likelihood of being struck by lightning.
Construction Materials: The materials used in the construction of the building can affect its vulnerability. Metal structures, for instance, can conduct lightning strikes more readily than non-metallic materials.
Proximity to Other Structures: If the church or chapel is located near other taller structures like trees, utility poles, or buildings, it could increase the chances of lightning seeking a path through these objects before reaching the building.
Lightning Protection Systems: Installing lightning rods and other lightning protection systems can help to divert lightning strikes away from the structure, reducing the risk of damage.
Maintenance: Regular maintenance of lightning protection systems is essential to ensure their effectiveness. Neglecting maintenance could result in increased susceptibility to lightning damage.
Historical Significance: Older buildings might lack modern lightning protection systems, making them more vulnerable to lightning strikes.
The risk can be mitigated by proper design, installation of lightning protection systems, and regular maintenance.
Monday | 17 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Tuesday | 18 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Wednesday | 19 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Thursday | 20 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Friday | 21 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Saturday | 22 June
Sunday | 23 June
Thunderstorm | Shelter (Building: 30/30 Rule)
The standards for delaying outdoor sports due to lightning are typically set by governing bodies such as sports leagues, associations, or organizations, as well as local weather authorities. These standards may vary depending on the specific sport, location, and level of play. However, some common guidelines for delaying outdoor sports due to lightning include:
It’s important to note that safety should always be the top priority when it comes to lightning and outdoor sports. Following established guidelines and seeking shelter when lightning is detected or severe weather warnings are issued can help protect participants from the dangers of lightning strikes.
There are various lightning detection and monitoring devices available on the market that can help you stay safe during thunderstorms. Some of these devices can track the distance of lightning strikes and alert you when lightning is detected within a certain radius of your location. Some devices can also provide real-time updates on lightning strikes in your area, allowing you to make informed decisions about when to seek shelter.
Examples of such devices include personal lightning detectors, lightning alert systems, and weather stations that have lightning detection capabilities. It is important to note that these devices should not be solely relied upon for lightning safety and should be used in conjunction with other safety measures, such as seeking shelter indoors and avoiding open areas during thunderstorms.
Occupant-based HVAC Set Point Interventions for Energy Savings in Buildings
Abstract: Energy savings and occupant thermal comfort are the two most important factors in controlling heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) operation in buildings. Typically, it is found that thermal comfort is not always met in buildings. Hence, there is still an opportunity to improve indoor thermal comfort, and at the same time save energy by controlling HVAC set points. The objective of this paper is to propose a method to obtain energy savings by adjusting HVAC set points based on occupant comfort measured using Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and occupancy information. The idea is to calculate hourly PMV values based on real-time occupancy information, indoor temperature set points and humidity in a building. Then, a new set of temperature set points that can maintain occupant comfort, i.e., PMV = 0, is derived. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a building model is developed in eQUEST using the information from a real-world building located in Alexandria, VA. Research findings indicate that HVAC electrical consumption savings of 14.58% is achieved when the proposed set point adjustment method is implemented as compared to that of the base case. To study the impact of adding occupancy information on HVAC energy savings, another scenario is simulated where HVAC set point is increased when the building is unoccupied, e.g., during lunchtime or holidays. Research findings indicate that additional HVAC electrical consumption savings of 8.79% is achieved when taking into account occupancy information in HVAC control.
Civilization has historically flourished around rivers and major waterways. Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of civilization, was situated between the major rivers Tigris and Euphrates; the ancient society of the Egyptians depended entirely upon the Nile. Rome was also founded on the banks of the Italian river Tiber. Large metropolises like Rotterdam, London, Montreal, Paris, New York City, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Tokyo, Chicago, and Hong Kong owe their success in part to their easy accessibility via water and the resultant expansion of trade. Islands with safe water ports, like Singapore, have flourished for the same reason. In places such as North Africa and the Middle East, where water is more scarce, access to clean drinking water was and is a major factor in human development.*
With this perspective, and our own “home waters” situated in the Great Lakes, we are attentive to water management standardization activity administered by International Organization Standardization Technical Committee 224 (ISO TC/224). The scope of the committee is multidimensional; as described in the business plan linked below:
Water-related management standards define a very active space; arguably, as fast-moving a space as electrotechnology. The ISO TC/224 is a fairly well accomplished committee with at least 16 consensus products emerging from a 34 nations led by Association Française de Normalisation (@AFNOR) as the global Secretariat and 34 participating nations. The American Water Works Association is ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group administrator to the ISO.
We do not advocate the user interest in this standard at the moment but encourage educational institutions with resident expertise — either on the business side or academic side of US educational institutions — to participate in it. You are encouraged to communicate directly with Paul Olson at AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235, Phone: (303) 347-6178, Email: [email protected].
The work products of TC 224 (and ISO 147 and ISO TC 282) are also on the standing agendas of our Water, Global and Bucolia colloquia. See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting, open to everyone.
Issue: [13-163]
Category: Global, Water
Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Jack Janveja. Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
— William Butler Yeats
Today we walk through literature governing the safety and sustainability of the open space features of education community estates. Unlike the titles for the building envelope, which are known to most design professionals and contractors, the standards for grounds and landscaping are widely scattered; many of them occupational safety related; created, administered and enforced by units of government.
Bucolia 100. We present a broad overview of the dominant standards catalogs incorporated by reference into public safety and sustainability legislation.
Bucolia 200. We drill into technical specifics of the titles in Bucolia 100.
Bucolia 400. We pick through case studies in landscape, garden, tree and water literature. We also track titles about the reclamation of building roofs for permeable surfaces and gardens.
During the winter months (Bucolia 200) in the northern hemisphere we include snow and ice management; while covering summer month technologies for southern hemisphere (and vice-versa). Snowfalls in the southern hemisphere are mainly contained to the highlands and mountain ranges, which are almost exclusively in Victoria and Southern New South Wales, as well as the mountains in Tasmania. Winter does not pose as much of a cost burden to education facilities in the southern hemisphere as it does in the northern hemisphere.
Landscape standards refer to guidelines or regulations that specify the requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of outdoor spaces such as parks, gardens, streetscapes, and public spaces. Landscape standards typically cover various aspects of landscape design, including vegetation selection, planting arrangements, irrigation systems, hardscape materials, and lighting. These standards may be set by government agencies at the federal, state, or local level, or by professional organizations such as the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Landscape standards aim to ensure that outdoor spaces are safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing while also promoting sustainability and environmental protection. Landscape standards may also address issues such as accessibility for people with disabilities, water conservation, stormwater management, and erosion control. They may vary depending on the specific location, climate, and intended use of the outdoor space. Compliance with landscape standards may be required for approval of development projects, public funding, or other permits. |
We track the standards catalog of two ANSI-accredited standards developers:
Tree Care Industry Association
Additional practice titles applicable to accessory systems:
ASABE/ICC 802 Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard
ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Sites and Buildings
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
National Electrical Code: Article 411 Low-Voltage Lighting
National Electrical Code: Article 225: Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders
Illumination Engineering Society (Lighting Library)
Land F/X: Landscape Lighting, Codes, Guidelines and Techniques
OSHA Landscape and Horticultural Services
Sports Turf Managers Association
As a cross-cutting subjectSports Turf Managers Association ( involving soil and water and sun many other standards developers, and all levels of government, produce best practice literature for today’s topic. We’ll have a look at what’s moving among those.
To join us use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
Lightning protection techniques for roof-top PV systems
Narjes Fallah, et. al
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the lightning protection requirements of a typical residential building have been discussed and techniques have been provided to protect the building from both direct and indirect damages of lightning, with special attention to the protection of PV panels placed on the roof. These techniques include the designing challenges and also the type of devices which can be used to reduce the surge current flow and magnetic field. It has been shown that for buildings with roof top PV systems only the avoidance of lightning attachment to unprotected parts of the building is not sufficient. Lightning currents passing through the lightning protection system may still affect the PV power system through inductive coupling. Hence strategic placement of PV systems and shielding of conducting systems wherever possible has been recommended. It has also been envisaged that the impact of lightning on PV systems is directly related to the isokeraunic level of the region and elevation of the building. Several recommendations have been proposed in designing the air termination system for a roof with PV panels in high isokeraunic regions. Finally the building integrated photo voltaic (BIPV) projects which are conducted in Malaysia have been evaluated..
CLICK HERE to order complete paper.
IEEE Guide for Solar Power Plant Grounding for Personnel Protection
Risk Assessment of Rooftop-Mounted Solar PV Systems
Analysis of Lightning Surge Effects on Small-Scale Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems
Dehn-International White Paper: Lightning and surge protection for rooftop photovoltaic systems
This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send [email protected] a request for subscription details.
New update alert! The 2022 update to the Trademark Assignment Dataset is now available online. Find 1.29 million trademark assignments, involving 2.28 million unique trademark properties issued by the USPTO between March 1952 and January 2023:
— USPTO (@uspto) July 13, 2023
Standards Michigan Group, LLC
2723 South State Street | Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA