Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Fish and Chips and the British Working Class

“Fish and Chips” | Fred Laidler (1918–1988)

Fish and Chips and the British Working Class, 1870-1930

Fish and chips was in many ways the pioneer fast-food industry.  It became an essential component of working-class diet and popular culture in parts of London, and over wide areas of industrial midland and northern England and southern Scotland, in the early decades of the twentieth century…I propose to argue that the fish and chip trade was not only important enough in itself to justify sustained historical analysis, but also that it provides a useful vantage point for examining important changes in British society more generally.”

— John Walken, 1998, Journal of Social History

Cacennau y Cymry

A traditional Welsh pastry similar to scones or griddle cakes.














Food Standards Agency Wales










Welsh Cakes in Glyntaff – Random Acts of Kindness Week

Student Life at the University of South Wales

Recipe (English):

Ingredients: Traditional Welsh cakes are made from basic ingredients including flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and sometimes dried fruit such as currants or raisins. The ingredients are mixed together to form a dough, which is then rolled out and cut into rounds before being cooked on a griddle or bakestone.

Cooking Method: Welsh cakes are typically cooked on a griddle or bakestone, which gives them a slightly crispy exterior while remaining soft and tender on the inside. They are cooked in batches and flipped halfway through to ensure even cooking.

Variations: While the basic recipe for Welsh cakes remains relatively consistent, there are variations in flavor and texture across different regions and families. Some recipes may include additional ingredients such as spices (e.g., cinnamon or nutmeg) or flavorings (e.g., vanilla extract).

Occasions: Welsh cakes are enjoyed year-round but are particularly associated with special occasions and holidays in Wales, such as St. David’s Day (the national day of Wales) or traditional tea times. They are often served warm with a sprinkle of sugar or a spread of butter.

“Resipî (Welsh):

Cyfansoddiadau: Mae cacennau Cymreig traddodiadol yn cael eu gwneud o bethau sylfaenol gan gynnwys blawd, menyn, siwgr, wyau, ac weithiau ffrwythau sych fel llygaid neu rysáit. Mae’r cyfansoddiadau’n cael eu cymysgu gyda’i gilydd i greu cwrel, yna’n ei ymlwybro ac yn ei dorri’n gronynnau cyn cael ei goginio ar griw neu farwydd bobi.

Dull Coginio: Fel arfer, coginir cacennau Cymreig ar griw neu farwydd bobi, sy’n rhoi arnynt allanol ychydig o grisial tra maent yn parhau’n feddal ac yn drwchus yn y tu mewn. Maent yn cael eu coginio mewn loti a’u troi hanner ffordd drwy i sicrhau coginio cyson.

Amrywiadau: Er bod y resipî sylfaenol ar gyfer cacennau Cymreig yn parhau’n gymharol gyson, ceir amrywiadau mewn blas a thestun ar draws gwahanol rannau a theuluoedd. Gall rhai resipî gynnwys cyfansoddiadau ychwanegol fel sur (e.e., sinamon neu nythwydd) neu flasurau (e.e., ekstrac fansila).

Digwyddiadau: Mae pobl yn mwynhau cacennau Cymreig drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ond maent yn arbennig o gysylltiedig â digwyddiadau arbennig ac ar wyliau yng Nghymru, megis Dydd Gŵyl Dewi (diwrnod cenedlaethol Cymru) neu amserau te traddodiadol. Yn aml maent yn cael eu gweini’n gynnes gyda phwdin o siwgr neu sgrws o fetys.”

Coffee & Tea Standards

Jacob’s Polish Pierogi

The University of Salford | Greater Manchester


University of Salford Facilities

“Standard” History

Time has no beginnings and history has no bounds.  The way we understand the past is always changing:

“The Historian Animating The Mind of A Young Painter” 1784 Thomas Rowlandson British


History never says “Goodbye”.

History always says “See you later”


“When Herodotus composed his great work,” Richard Cohen writes at the start of Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past, “people named it The Histories, but scholars have pointed out that the word means more accurately ‘inquiries’ or ‘researches.’ Calling it The Histories dilutes its originality.

I want to make a larger claim about those who have shaped the way we view our past—actually, who have given us our past. I believe that the wandering Greek’s investigations brought into play, 2,500 years ago, a special kind of inquiry—one that encompasses geography, ethnography, philology, genealogy, sociology, biography, anthropology, psychology, imaginative re-creation (as in the arts), and many other kinds of knowledge, too. The person who exhibits this wide-ranging curiosity should rejoice in the title: historian.”

Soundcloud Podcast: The World in Time


1984: Complete Text

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