Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Ubi Caritas et Amor

“Tradition is the democracy of the dead”

— G.K. Chesterton

History of Western Civilization Told Through the Acoustics of its Worship Spaces

Maurice Duruflé was a French composer and organist known for his contributions to sacred music, particularly choral and organ compositions:

  1. Requiem, Op. 9: Duruflé’s “Requiem” is his most renowned composition. It incorporates the Gregorian Chant melodies for the “Dies Irae” and “In Paradisum” sections. While not hymns in the traditional sense, these chants are significant components of the Catholic liturgy.
  2. Four Motets on Gregorian Themes, Op. 10: In this choral composition, Duruflé takes inspiration from Gregorian Chant and includes pieces such as “Ubi caritas et amor” and “Tota pulchra es.” These are not hymns but rather choral settings of Latin liturgical texts.
  3. Fugue on the Theme of the “Carillon des Heures de la Cathédrale de Soissons”: This composition for organ is based on a hymn-like theme, although it is not a hymn in the traditional sense. It showcases Duruflé’s skill as an organist and composer.
  4. Prelude on the Introit of the Epiphany (for organ): Duruflé composed this piece for organ, incorporating the Gregorian Chant “O Lux Beata Trinitas,” which is associated with the Epiphany in the liturgical calendar.

Solar Panels on King’s College Chapel Roof

Solar Panels on King’s College Chapel Roof

“…The solar panels will populate the gothic chapel roof, producing an approximate 105,000 kWh of energy a year – enough to run the chapel’s electricity, and saving around £20,000 in energy bills per year. The college confirmed that any excess energy would be sold off to the national grid.

King’s College Announcement

Solar Panels on King’s College Chapel Roof

Solar panels perform better when listening to music:

A 2013 study by researchers at Imperial College London and Queen Mary University of London showed that solar panels actually work better when exposed to music, of multiple genres. Scientists at the university proved that when exposed to high pitched sounds, like those found in rock and pop music, the solar cells’ power output increased by up to 40 percent. Classical music was also found to increase the solar cells’ energy production, but slightly less so than rock and pop, as it generally plays at a lower pitch than pop and rock. Whether they know it or not, British band Coldplay are just one of the artists benefitting from this research. During their 2021 tour, they installed solar photovoltaic panels in the build-up to each show, “behind the stage, around the stadium and where possible in the outer concourses”…

BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations

The Major Differences in Electrical Standards Between the U.S. and Europe

The Ethics of Farming Animals

“The Peace of Wild Things”

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water,
and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

Animals 100

Dogs and Agriculture

Border Collie Optimization

The Dog: A Natural History

Control of Noise at Work

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations came into force for all industry sectors in Great Britain on 6 April 2006 (except for the music and entertainment sectors where they came into force on 6 April 2008).  The aim of the Noise Regulations is to ensure that workers’ hearing is protected from excessive noise at their place of work, which could cause them to lose their hearing and/or to suffer from tinnitus (permanent ringing in the ears).

The level at which employers must provide hearing protection and hearing protection zones is 85 dB(A) (daily or weekly average exposure) and the level at which employers must assess the risk to workers’ health and provide them with information and training is 80 dB(A). There is also an exposure limit value of 87 dB(A), taking account of any reduction in exposure provided by hearing protection, above which workers must not be exposed.

Standards impact industrial growth


University Challenge

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Mixed Reality for Infrastructure


“The Appian Way: The Road that Built the Roman Empire”, Richard Talbert, Cambridge University, 2012.  This is a comprehensive study of the Appian Way and its significance to the Roman Empire. The author draws on a wide range of archaeological and historical evidence to explore the road’s construction, use, and legacy.  Mr. Talbert is now working from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

National Infrastructure Commission: Progress Review 2022

May Ball

May Balls are typically organized by committees of students from the hosting college, who plan and coordinate various aspects of the event, including the theme, decorations, catering, entertainment, and ticket sales.

The proceeds from May Balls go towards charitable causes or to support college funds. The event provides an opportunity for students to celebrate the end of the academic year, socialize with peers, alumni, and guests, and create lasting memories of their time at Cambridge.


Cambridge University Estates Division

Relevant codes and standards:

Approved Documents

British Standard BS 7671

Electricity – Systems in Buildings

Ventilation: Approved Document F

Key Updates on Fire Safety Standards


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