Tag Archives: Virginia



Liberty University Inc. Statement of Financial Position 2020: $3.936M

Student-run coffee shop joins Tilley

Facilities Management

Liberty University

Liberty University | Commonwealth of Virginia

Liberty University | Lynchburg Virginia

Oxford College Student Center

Emory University Facilities Management


Standards Georgia


Abiit sed non oblita | Margaret Wise Brown

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University of Virginia Landscape Services

Garden Club of Virginia Virtual Tour April 2020

Jefferson’s Plan for an Academical Village

Standards Virginia

University of Virginia | Albemarle County

2023 Chapel Renovations


For the first time since the 1950s, renovations are planned for the University of Virginia Chapel.  The 137-year-old Gothic structure will be undergoing work to clean, restore and refinish historic surfaces throughout its interior, including wainscotting, chair rails and baseboards, doors, elements of the wood ceiling, brick arches, and its columns.

The work, to be performed by UVA Construction & Renovation Services with assistance from an architectural conservation firm to be selected this fall, also will replace lighting, update the smoke detection system, repair damaged plaster and paint the walls.  The project is budgeted at $2.6 million, with funds coming from UVA’s deferred maintenance fund, Student Affairs and from private donors.

“The Untold Story of Georgia O’Keefe’s Time at UVA”


26 September 2022: Renovations Slated for University Chapel

Event Planning Services

“A Chapel on Mr. Jefferson’s Grounds”

University of Virginia Facilities Management

Sacred Spaces

Standards Virginia

Campus Transportation & Parking System Design

George Mason University | Photo: Ron Aira GMU Creative Services


Campus shuttle: Design of a college campus parking and transportation system

J. Elliott Volgenau School of Engineering, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Operations Research, USA
H. Jayachandran  Volgenau School of Engineering, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Operations Research, USA
P. Kumar  Volgenau School of Engineering, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Operations Research, USA
K. Metzer  Volgenau School of Engineering, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Operations Research, USA


Abstract:  George Mason University is a commuter campus in Fairfax, VA. To meet forecast growth, parking lots are being removed to make space for classroom buildings. The loss of parking slots requires either additional parking garages or mass-transit shuttles to make up for the loss in parking spaces. There are also concerns about traffic congestion and emissions caused by the college’s commuters. The Fairfax campus population is predominantly made up of commuters, with 77% of the population living off campus, a vast majority of which drive single occupant vehicles (SOV) to campus due to poor access to mass transit. At present, the GMU Fairfax campus has a parking utilization of 86%, leaving a surplus of approximately 900 parking spaces. Fairfax campus is predicted to start having a parking deficit sometime between 2014 and 2015. Projections out to 2020 show a deficit of 3,800 spaces. To counter that deficit, more than 10,600 current commuters would need to switch from SOV transportation to alternate forms of transit. A reduction of SOV commuters would also lead to lower CO2 emissions from the Fairfax campus. This paper describes the design of a system for addressing transportation and parking demand.

This has 3 major parts:

(1) identifying surrounding areas of significant Fairfax commuter populations;
(2) the ability to predict ridership if a shuttle stop were to be placed in any of those areas by using a decision support tool (DST);
(3) a utility analysis (CO2, parking, and cost) of creating shuttle routes or garages to meet parking needs.

In order for GMU to continue growing, both commuter shuttles and parking garages will be needed. If four additional routes are added, GMU can continue to grow through 2016 with a parking utilization of 96%. To continue growth beyond that point will require additional parking garages or bus routes.

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H.R. 6971 Educating Against Misinformation and Disinformation Act

117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber


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