Tag Archives: Weekend


Falsus in uno, Falsus in omnibus














National Public Radio follows guidelines and best practices when conducting fundraising campaigns, but they’re not so much strict “rules” as they are principles and standards upheld by NPR and its member stations. Here are some common practices and considerations:

  1. Transparency: NPR and its member stations are typically transparent about their funding needs and where the money goes. They often provide detailed breakdowns of their budgets and expenses.
  2. Ethical Solicitation: Fundraising efforts should be conducted ethically and in accordance with NPR’s values. This means avoiding misleading tactics and being honest about the need for funding.
  3. Listener Support: NPR often emphasizes the importance of listener support in funding their programming. They encourage individuals to contribute at various levels, often with incentives like member benefits.
  4. Corporate Sponsorship: NPR also receives funding from corporate sponsors,but they are careful to maintain editorial independence.” Sponsored content is clearly labeled, and NPR maintains strict guidelines to ensure that sponsors do not influence editorial decisions.
  5. Member Stations: NPR member stations across the country conduct their own fundraising campaigns, often in conjunction with national NPR campaigns. These stations rely heavily on listener support and may have their own guidelines and practices.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: NPR and its member stations must comply with relevant laws and regulations governing fundraising, including those related to nonprofit organizations and broadcasting.
  7. Stewardship: NPR and its member stations typically prioritize stewardship of donor funds, ensuring that donations are used effectively and efficiently to support their mission and programming.

While there may not be hard and fast rules for NPR fundraising, adherence to these principles helps maintain trust with listeners and supporters.

“The links between NPR and Member Stations are many and deep”













To become a National Public Radio (NPR) member station or broadcaster, certain criteria must be met. NPR is a mission-driven organization that partners with independently owned and operated public radio stations across the United States to deliver its programming. Here are the typical criteria for becoming an NPR member station:

  1. Nonprofit Status: NPR member stations must be nonprofit organizations, often affiliated with universities, community organizations, or governmental bodies.
  2. Broadcast License: Stations must hold a valid broadcast license issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States. This license authorizes the station to broadcast on a specific frequency within a designated geographic area.
  3. Commitment to NPR’s Mission: Member stations are expected to share NPR’s mission of providing high-quality, non-commercial programming that serves the public interest. This includes delivering news, cultural content, and educational programming to their local communities.
  4. Financial Stability: Stations must demonstrate financial stability and viability to ensure they can fulfill their commitments to NPR and their local communities over the long term.
  5. Technical Requirements: Stations must meet certain technical requirements to ensure they can receive and broadcast NPR programming effectively. This includes having appropriate transmission equipment and meeting FCC regulations for broadcast quality and coverage.
  6. Membership Dues: Member stations are required to pay annual membership dues to NPR, which help support NPR’s operations and programming.
  7. Compliance with NPR Policies: Stations must adhere to NPR’s policies and guidelines regarding programming standards, ethics, and editorial independence.
  8. Community Engagement: NPR values stations that are actively engaged with their local communities, including through outreach, events, and partnerships with local organizations.
  9. Programming Commitment: Member stations are expected to broadcast a significant portion of NPR programming, including flagship shows like “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered,” as well as other NPR-produced content.
  10. Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: NPR values diversity in its member stations and encourages stations to reflect the diversity of their communities in their programming and staffing.

Overall, becoming an NPR member station involves a combination of legal, financial, technical, and cultural considerations, all aimed at supporting NPR’s mission of providing high-quality public radio programming to audiences across the United States.

A significant portion of NPR member stations are associated with universities or colleges. These stations are often operated by the educational institution’s media departments or affiliated broadcasting organizations. They serve as valuable training grounds for students studying journalism, communications, broadcasting, and related fields.

While the exact number of NPR member stations associated with universities or colleges may vary over time, it’s safe to say that a substantial portion of the network falls into this category. Many universities and colleges across the United States operate their own radio stations, and a portion of these stations choose to affiliate with NPR to access its programming and resources.

Errors of omission, lost opportunities, are generally more critical than errors of commission. Organizations fail or decline more frequently because of what they did not do than because of what they did. - Russell L. Ackoff


Radio Transmission Power & Frequency Allocation

Pew Research Center: Public Broadcasting Fact Sheet

Urban Dictionary: Affluent White Female Liberal

NPR names Katherine Maher President and CEO

Tucker Carlson: Radicalized NPR on verge of destroying itself

Congresswoman Tenney Moves to Defund NPR

Outrageous bias in the media: NPR “National Public Radio “

 National Center for Charitable Statistics

H.R. 3410 Prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio


Gallery: Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

Life-cycle cost of education community settings are informed by climate change assumptions.  In addition to the flow of research money to faculty for laboratory space, graduate student support, supercomputer installations, conference travel; these assumptions inform the architectural character of a campus — i.e. the design and operation its buildings and infrastructure.  These assumptions swing back and forth over these eternal institutions with cyclical assumptions about global cooling and global warming.  In the late 1960’s academic researchers found evidence of global cooling.  Fifty years on academic researchers assume the earth is warming.  We just roll with it as we do with all the other policy “givens” we accommodate.    Stewardship of the planet — keeping it clean for those who follow us — Yes.  Catastrophilia — the love of catastrophone so well documented in history — not so much.

As with all emotional issues, language changes mightily.  We refer you to our journey through technical standard language HERE.

According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, federal funding for climate research and related activities totaled approximately $13.8 billion in fiscal year 2020. This funding was distributed across various agencies and programs, including the National Science Foundation’s Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s climate Program Office, and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

Not included in this figure is the opportunity cost and loss of brand identity of not conforming to the climate change agenda.



The “Narrative”

Mass Formation Psychosis

Climate Psychosis

Climate Science: What Does it Say?

Dialectic: Climate Change

Readings / The Administrative State

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. - Joseph Goebbels

Timon of Athens

The Oxford Union Debating Society, founded in 1823, is one of the world’s most prestigious debating societies, affiliated with the University of Oxford. It has hosted numerous influential speakers and debates, including historical figures like Winston Churchill and Malcolm X. Over the years, it has played a vital role in shaping public discourse and fostering critical thinking among students. The society’s iconic debating chamber and rich tradition of lively debates have made it an enduring institution in the world of debate and public speaking.

“In an era of cancellation and defenestration we sometimes forget that we both cannot go on like this and that we have been here before. We know this because our greatest writers and artists have addressed this question in their own times.

When Roger [Scrouton] was going through his own battle with the shallows I often thought of Shakespeare’s rarely performed but great play Timon of Athens. Timon has the whole world before him. He is surrounded by friends and admirers. He is generous to all. Yet he falls on hard times and when he does absolutely everybody deserts him. He is left with nothing and nobody, and risks being filled with despair and rage. It does not help that he is shadowed by the cynical philosopher Apemantus, who has warned him that just such a desertion might occur.”

— Douglas Murray

Hash Bash

“Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.”
— William Shakespeare (King Lear, Act 1, Scene 4)

“King Lear and the Fool in the Storm” 1850 | William Dyce

Hash Bash 2024

Ann Arbor Festifools 2024

Practical Jokes 2024


“G.K. Chesterton’s Fence” is a concept often cited in discussions about change, reform, and tradition — in software as well as in “campus traditions”.

It’s derived from a quote by the English writer, G.K. Chesterton, which goes: “In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, ‘I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.’ To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: ‘If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.'”

In essence, Chesterton is cautioning against the impulse to dismantle or alter established systems, institutions, or traditions without fully understanding why they were put in place in the first instance. The “fence” represents any existing structure, rule, or tradition, while the act of removing it symbolizes reform or change. Chesterton suggests that before advocating for the removal or alteration of something, one should first understand its purpose and history. This is because such structures often have reasons for their existence, which might not be immediately apparent to those seeking change.

The principle emphasizes the importance of respecting tradition and the wisdom of those who came before, as well as the necessity of informed decision-making when it comes to implementing reforms. It urges individuals to exercise caution and humility, recognizing that existing systems may have evolved to address specific needs or challenges, and that blindly discarding them could lead to unforeseen consequences.

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