Tag Archives: Weekend


Gallery: Dance

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Style Men

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Pollinator Research

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Breakfast Table Trilogy

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Zur Quantentheorie kontinuierlicher Spektren

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Morning Dog Walk

Walking the Dog
Billy Collins

Two universes mosey down the street
Connected by love and a leash and nothing else.
Mostly I look at lamplight through the leaves
While he mooches along with tail up and snout down,
Getting a secret knowledge through the nose
Almost entirely hidden from my sight.

We stand while he’s enraptured by a bush
Till I can’t stand our standing any longer
And haul on the leash to bring him away.
He lives in the moment, which is good for him,
But when I see a stone wall, I think of Greece,
The sort of place he’d have a lot to say about—
The sniffable pots and broken statues,
The seas, the Ionic evenings all in a row.
But he just gives a yelp and comes running over
To smell my palm, and what can I do but
Smile and bend down to give him a hello?


York University Facilities Services

Rewind: Animals 100

Watch & Night Operations

Watch & Night Operations

Impedance Grounding for Electric Grid Surviability

Chanson de matin Op.15 No. 2

“Chanson de Matin” is characterized by its light, lyrical, and charming melody, which evokes a sense of freshness and optimism associated with the early hours of the day. Elgar is known for his ability to capture various moods and emotions in his compositions.

Anderson University School of Music, Theater, and Dance

Physical Plant | Anderson University


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