Tag Archives: Winter


Heat Tracing Installation

“Vue de toits (effet de neige)” 1878 Gustave Caillebotte

One of the core documents for heat tracing is entering a new 5-year revision cycle; a consensus standard that is especially relevant this time of year because of the personal danger and property damage that is possible in the winter months.  Education communities depend upon heat tracing for several reasons; just a few of them listed below:

  • Ice damming in roof gutters that can cause failure of roof and gutter structural support
  • Piping systems for sprinkler systems and emergency power generation equipment
  • Sidewalk, ramp and stairway protection

IEEE 515 Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Industrial Applications is one of several consensus documents for trace heating technology.   Its inspiration originates in the petrochemical industry but its principles apply to all education facilities exposed to cold temperature and snow.   From its prospectus:

This standard provides requirements for the testing, design,installation, and maintenance of electrical resistance trace heating in general industries as applied to pipelines, vessels, pre-traced and thermally insulated instrument tubing and piping, and mechanical equipment. The electrical resistance trace heating is in the form of series trace heaters, parallel trace heaters, and surface heating devices. The requirements also include test criteria to determine the suitability of these heating devices utilized in unclassified (ordinary) locations.

Its principles can, and should be applied with respect to other related documents:

National Electrical Code Article 427

NECA 202 Standard for Installing and Maintaining Industrial Heat Tracing Systems

IEC 62395 Electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications

 ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

Lowell House / Harvard University

We are happy to explain the use of this document in design guidelines and/or construction specifications during any of our daily colloquia.   We generally find more authoritative voices in collaborations with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times per month in Europe and in the Americas.  We maintain this title on the standing agenda of our Snow & Ice colloquia.  See our CALENDER for the next online meeting.

Issue: [18-331]

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard

Category: Electrical, #SmartCampus


Good Building Practice for Northern Facilities

Electrical Heat Tracing:International Harmonization Now and in the Future, IEEE Industry Standards Magazine, May/June 2002 pages 50-56



K-12 Schools with Fireplaces as a Library Focal Point

The home is the empire! There is no peace more delightful than one's own fireplace. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Firelight magnifies the soul of a room, and it is there that life unfolds in its purest form" -- Thomas HardyRobert Frost: "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice."

An inglenook is an intimate space typically found beside a fireplace. Inglenooks often have built-in seating or benches, providing a comfortable spot for people to gather around the warmth of the fire.  Originally inspired by cooking, but over time, they became more functional as spaces for relaxation, reflection, reading and socializing.

Today at the usual hour we examine that state of best practice literature for their safety and sustainability,

The codes, standards and guidelines that track accepted best practice:


ASME B31.9 – Building Services Piping

ASME B31.8 – Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems


ASTM E2726 – Standard Terminology Relating to Chimneys and Ventilation Systems

ASTM E2558 – Standard Test Method for Determining Particulate Matter Emissions from Fires in Wood-Burning Fireplaces


Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Emission Standards (for Wood Stoves)

Compliance Requirements for Residential Wood Heaters


International Building Code: Chapter 21 Masonry

International Fuel Gas Code


A Dynamic Equivalent Energy Storage Model of Natural Gas Networks for Joint Optimal Dispatch of Electricity-Gas Systems


NFPA 221 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances

NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

Underwriters Laboratories

UL 127 for factory-built fireplaces

UL 103 for chimney systems

United States Department of Energy

Fireplaces, Proper Ventilation for New Wood-Burning Fireplaces 

“Fire at Full Moon” 1933 | Paul Klee

Representative Specifications:

University of Vermont: Ignite Your Knowledge of Fireplace Safety

City of Chicago: Gas Distribution Piping Inside of Buildings

University of Rochester: Fire Place Safety

University of Michigan


Town Gas


Winter Sport


“Indians Playing Lacrosse on the Ice” 1934 Yale University Art Gallery

The literature for designing, building and maintaining sport and recreation related spaces in education settlements cuts across so many safety and sustainability risk aggregations that, starting 2024, we begin breaking up the topic according to four seasons; mindful that not all seasons are present in all settlements at all times of the year.

Join us today when we sort through live public consultations on proposed changes to the most frequently referenced titles.


Ice Hockey Arena Lighting

Figure Skating




Ice Fishing




Coetzenburg Swimming Pool


Readings / Sport, Culture & Society

Maths and Sport

National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security

Virtual reality technology in evacuation simulation of sport stadiums


Electric Power Availability: Cold Weather Preparedness

PUBLIC LAW 109–58—AUG. 8, 2005 | ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005

Reliability v. Availability

January 25th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FERC: Docket No. AD06-6-000.  Given the close coupling of electric and natural gas supply with respect to power reliability, the mind boggles at the hostility of the Biden Administration to natural gas anywhere on earth.  Natural gas is critical to generation plant black start capabilities and hospitals, among others.

A selection of the presentations:

“Long Term Reliability Assessment” – Presented by Mark Lauby, Senior Vice President and Chief Engineer, NERC

“Grid Reliability Overview & Updates” – Presented by David Ortiz, Director of the Office of Electric Reliability

“Status of Standards and Implementation for Cold Weather Preparedness and Applicability to Nuclear Plants” – Presented by David Huff, Electrical Engineer, Office of Electric Reliability

“Gas-Electric Coordination Since Winter Storm Uri” – Presented by Heather Polzin, Reliability Enforcement Counsel, Office of Enforcement

“Overview of Power Reactor Activities” – Presented by Andrea Kock, Deputy Office Director for Engineering, NRR

“Grid Reliability Updates” – Presented by Jason Paige, Chief, Long-Term Operations and Modernization Branch, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR

Electrical Resource Adequacy


Utah State University: History of Probability

Sample Probability and Statistics Problem from Professional Electrical Engineer’s Examination

Loss-of-load-based reliability indices


Sport and WellbeingStandards Scotland

The term “curling” is thought to derive from the way the stone moves and “curls” as it travels over the ice. The key feature of curling that sets it apart from other ice sports is the deliberate rotation, or “curl,” applied to the stones as players release them. This rotation causes the stone to curve or “curl” on its path down the ice, adding an element of strategy to the game.

The precise origin of the term is not definitively known, but it likely emerged organically as people described the action of the stones on the ice. The word “curling” has been associated with the sport for centuries, and as the game evolved and gained popularity, the term became firmly established.

The concept of curling is integral to the sport’s strategy, as players use the curl to navigate the stones around guards and other stones strategically placed on the ice. The unique way in which the stones move and interact with the playing surface is one of the defining characteristics of curling, and the name captures this distinctive feature

World Curing Mixed Championship 2024

Scientific American: Why Do Curling Stones Curl?

A curling facility typically consists of several key components to support the sport and provide a suitable environment for players and spectators:

  • Flooding equipment, refrigeration for 3 degrees C, fine mist sprayers, ice planer, infrared thermometers.
  • The playing surface is called a “sheet,” and it is a rectangular area of ice where the game is played. Each sheet is divided into several sections called “curling houses,” which are the target circles.
  • Curling stones are made of granite and weigh around 38 to 44 pounds. Each team has eight stones, and players take turns sliding them down the ice towards the target area, known as the House.
  • The house is the target area with concentric circles marked on the ice. The center of the house is the “button,” and the circles are used for scoring points.
  • The hacks are footholds on either end of the sheet where players push off to slide the stones. The player in control of the stone uses the hack as a starting point for their delivery.
  • Brooms, also known as brushes, are used by players to sweep the ice in front of the sliding stone. Sweeping can affect the stone’s trajectory and speed.
  • A scoreboard is essential for keeping track of the score in a curling game. It typically displays the current score, the end in progress, and other relevant information.
  • Players use locker rooms for changing into their curling attire and storing their personal belongings.
  • A designated area where players can warm up before a game. It may include stretching space and possibly a small practice sheet.
  • A facility usually has a clubhouse or main building that includes amenities such as viewing areas, meeting rooms, a bar, and possibly a restaurant.  In the case of the Windsor Curling Club: Scotch Whiskey
  • Equipment like ice resurfacers or Zambonis are used to maintain the quality of the ice surface between games.

The origin of curling is sketchy but this much is agreed upon:  Curling is thought to have originated in Scotland, and its roots can be traced back to medieval times. The first written record of curling dates back to 1541 in the records of the Scottish city of Paisley, where a challenge was issued for a contest on the ice between two rival churches.

The early form of the game involved players sliding stones across frozen ponds and lochs, attempting to reach a target. Over time, the sport evolved, and rules were established. Early versions of curling stones were likely rudimentary compared to the polished granite stones used today.

Curling gradually gained popularity in Scotland and spread to other parts of the world, especially among Scottish immigrants. The sport found a home in Canada in the 18th century, where it has become particularly popular. The first curling club in North America, the Montreal Curling Club, was established in 1807.  The Detroit Curling Club was established in 1840; one of the oldest curling clubs in the United States, owing much to its across the river relationship with Windsor Canada.



Stuffed Cabbage

From the Badger Insider: Eat Like a Freshman


1 pound ground beef

¼ pound ground pork

1 onion, chopped

¼ cup rice, parboiled

½ can tomato sauce





Mix all ingredients together. Cut the core from a head of cabbage. Cook cabbage until just heated through and leaves are pliable. Peel off leaves. Put a handful of filling in each leaf and roll up the leaf. Place cabbage rolls in a baking dish.

Mix the remaining half can of tomato sauce with an equal amount of water. Pour this over the cabbage rolls. Cook in a moderate oven about one and a half hours. Serve the gravy on this dish on mashed potatoes.

Standards Wisconsin

The Science of Food Standards


How to Care for Horses in the Winter


“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.”
— Winston Churchill



Gulliver’s Travels

…”The curiosity and impatience of my master were so great, that he spent many hours of his leisure to instruct me. He was convinced (as he afterwards told me) that I must be a Yahoo, but my teachableness, civility and cleanliness, astonished him; which were qualities altogether opposite to those animals…”


Rewind: Animals 100

Wild Swimming


INTERVIEW: Student Ellie Ford on founding the University’s first cold water swimming group















“Port Meadow is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful place to swim. We often swim in a different spot from other open water swimming groups in order to create a more relaxed environment – especially for our beginners. We do special beginners swims on Saturdays, to ease new members into the practise slowly and very carefully.

Safety is paramount, so I’ll walk them in to the water and they can immerse themselves as much as they want. We never allow anyone to jump or dive into cold water – the shock can cause a swimmer to gulp for air and subsequently ingest water; it’s always a gentle process.” — Ellie















Sex Difference in Female and Male Ice Swimmers

Ice Swimming

Ice Hockey Arena Lighting

National Collegiate Athletic Association: August 2022 IRS Form 900 Tax Filing

"People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy" -- Anton Chekhov

After athletic arena life safety obligations are met (governed legally by NFPA 70, NFPA 101, NFPA 110,  the International Building Code and possibly other state adaptations of those consensus documents incorporated by reference into public safety law) business objective standards may come into play.For almost all athletic facilities,  the consensus documents of the Illumination Engineering Society[1], the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers[2][3] provide the first principles for life safety.  For business purposes, the documents distributed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association inform the standard of care for individual athletic arenas so that swiftly moving media production companies have some consistency in power sources and illumination as they move from site to site.  Sometimes concepts to meet both life safety and business objectives merge.


During hockey season the document linked below provides information to illumination designers and facility managers:

NCAA Best Lighting Practices

Athletic programs are a significant source of revenue and form a large part of the foundation of the brand identity of most educational institutions in the United States.   We focus primarily upon the technology standards that govern the safety, performance and sustainability of these enterprises.  We collaborate very closely with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee where subject matter experts in electrical power systems meet 4 times each month in the Americas and Europe.

See our CALENDAR for our next colloquium on Sport facility codes and standards  We typically walk through the safety and sustainability concepts in play; identify commenting opportunities; and find user-interest “champions” on the technical committees who have a similar goal in lowering #TotalCostofOwnership.

"People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy" -- Anton Chekhov

Issue: [15-138]*

Category: Electrical, Architectural, Arts & Entertainment Facilities, Athletics

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Jack Janveja, Jose Meijer, Scott Gibbs


[1] Illumination Engineering Handbook

[2] IEEE 3001.9 Recommended Practice for Design of Power Systems for Supplying Lighting Systems for Commercial & Industrial Facilities

[3] IEEE 3006.1 Power System Reliability


* Issue numbering before 2016 dates back to the original University of Michigan codes and standards advocacy enterprise 

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