Emory University Facilities Management
💙 Atlanta quad, late winter. 💛
Photo by Emory College student Khushi Niyyar pic.twitter.com/pv3qiEngvM
— Emory University (@EmoryUniversity) February 19, 2024
What an incredible weekend for our swimming & diving teams! The women’s and men’s teams dominated at the UAA conference championships, with both bringing home their 25th consecutive conference titles! Women’s recap: https://t.co/ByXJDpa61F Men’s recap: https://t.co/GTPzPEHyOo pic.twitter.com/yT3UJME2Cd
— Emory University (@EmoryUniversity) February 19, 2024
“Midnight Train To Georgia” 1973 | written in his spare time by Jim Weatherly star football quarterback @OleMiss
print(“Lunch Hour 1600 UTC”)\n weekday(2)
print(“American Standard”)@SchoolofRockUSAhttps://t.co/yjhiCTCPoS pic.twitter.com/BfIE0wwjWz— Standards Michigan (@StandardsMich) October 25, 2023
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“Im tiefen Winter” 1923 | Richard Freiherr von Drasche-Wartinberghttps://t.co/m7Yd9fKKr7 pic.twitter.com/U6Zd0P1k0H
— Standards Michigan (@StandardsMich) January 24, 2024
Monday | January 20 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC
Snow and smiles all around campus. ❄️ pic.twitter.com/88SWvb2pjc
— Yale University (@Yale) January 20, 2025
Tuesday| January 21 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC
Wednesday | January 22 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC
Our school district just sent the notice out no school Tuesday or Wednesday. Happy snow day to us.! pic.twitter.com/WLvMaHvr5S
— 🗯️Angel🗯️ (@MsAngel0077) January 19, 2025
Thursday | January 23 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC
Friday | January 24 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC
Saturday | January 25
Sunday | January 26
It's over for fat bitches pic.twitter.com/hqxxVoM1sf
— Nordgirls 🌲🏔️🌻 (@nordgirls) January 20, 2025
Occupant-based HVAC Set Point Interventions for Energy Savings in Buildings
Abstract: Energy savings and occupant thermal comfort are the two most important factors in controlling heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) operation in buildings. Typically, it is found that thermal comfort is not always met in buildings. Hence, there is still an opportunity to improve indoor thermal comfort, and at the same time save energy by controlling HVAC set points. The objective of this paper is to propose a method to obtain energy savings by adjusting HVAC set points based on occupant comfort measured using Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and occupancy information. The idea is to calculate hourly PMV values based on real-time occupancy information, indoor temperature set points and humidity in a building. Then, a new set of temperature set points that can maintain occupant comfort, i.e., PMV = 0, is derived. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a building model is developed in eQUEST using the information from a real-world building located in Alexandria, VA. Research findings indicate that HVAC electrical consumption savings of 14.58% is achieved when the proposed set point adjustment method is implemented as compared to that of the base case. To study the impact of adding occupancy information on HVAC energy savings, another scenario is simulated where HVAC set point is increased when the building is unoccupied, e.g., during lunchtime or holidays. Research findings indicate that additional HVAC electrical consumption savings of 8.79% is achieved when taking into account occupancy information in HVAC control.
New update alert! The 2022 update to the Trademark Assignment Dataset is now available online. Find 1.29 million trademark assignments, involving 2.28 million unique trademark properties issued by the USPTO between March 1952 and January 2023: https://t.co/njrDAbSpwB pic.twitter.com/GkAXrHoQ9T
— USPTO (@uspto) July 13, 2023
Standards Michigan Group, LLC
2723 South State Street | Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA