The Hartford Consensus

There are hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of workgroups, experts and litigation interests in this domain. Today we recommend a title that many of them reference in their best practice literature.


The Hartford Consensus

March 31, 2023

“After School” / Norman Rockwell

The National Fire Protection Association is one of the first names among ANSI accredited standards setting organizations developing consensus products to meet the demand of education communities.   Free access to one of its parent titles in this domain is linked below:

Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Even Response Program

Much of the concepts in this expanding literature are informed by a product from the American College of Surgeons which presents a template for the formulation of policies and procedures to enhance survivability from intentional mass casualty and active shooter events.

The Hartford Consensus

We respond to live public consultation notices for best practice titles relevant to education community safety during any of our Risk and Security teleconferences.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone


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