
"When wireless is fully applied the earth will be converted into a huge brain, capable of response in every one of its parts" -- Nikola Tesla



December 6, 2022
[email protected]

How much, and which parts of the physical campus remains if the pandemic renders a double-digit amount of it obsolete?  How will competition among academic units to provide virtual reality instruction and research affect capitalization decisions?   There are many accredited standards setting organizations in this domain but many more ad hoc consortia; a general characteristic of information and communication technology.

Today we take a quick look at what is happening.  We will pick among the open public consultations from governments, state agencies, standards setting organizations and ad hoc consortia and formulate a response.   

NIST scientists with high-frequency switched array antenna system for systematic studies of behavior of 5G signals in different physical environments.

Standing Agenda / 5G


University of South Florida: Numerous useful links and resources for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

TIA Americas Spectrum Management Conference: Industry Standards are Critical to Securing 5G

ATIS: 5G Specifications in 3GPP North American Needs for the 5G Future

TC106 Overview Assessment of Human exposure to EMF

IEC Future Challenges in Standardization

5G Micro-operators for the future campus

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