Playground Equipment


Playground Equipment

May 13, 2024
[email protected]


ASTM International develops most of the best practice titles for  sports and recreation equipment and facilities;  among them:

Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Turf Playing Systems as Measured in the Field

Standard Specification for Competition Wrestling Mats

Standard Specification for Athletic Performance Properties of Indoor Sports Floor Systems

Standard Guide for ASTM Standards on Playground Surfacing

Specification for Loose-Fill Rubber for Use as a Playground Safety Surface under and around Playground

Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems under and around Playground

Specification for Playground Surface Impact Testing in a Lab at a Specified Test Height.

Notice the product orientation.  ASTM’s business model is built upon conformity and compliance activity, supported by market incumbents such as manufacturer and insurance interests; but — as an ANSI accredited standards developer — it opens its standards-setting process to all stakeholders; including in one of the largest markets for these products.

We are happy to represent any user-interest at any of the ASTM International meetings; assuming our costs are covered.  Feel free to contact Sanne Anthony either by email or phone for more information.  In the intervening time, we will track action in the ASTM catalog an maintain relevant titles in this product category on several standing agendas — Sports, Kindergarten and Recreation.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Issue: [18-82]

Category: Daycare, Sport, Kindergarten


Public Playground Safety

East Somerville Community School


Posted  March 5, 2018


ASTM has released two documents for public review — one a new standard, the other a revision of an existing standard — that should interest K-12 school systems which are stewards of recreational facilities :

NEW STANDARD: ASTM WK59245-201x, Test Method for Determining Impact Attenuation of Playground Surfaces within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment as Tested in the Field

REVISION: ASTM F1292-201x, Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment (revision of ANSI/ASTM F1292-2017)

Comments are due April 23rd.   You may obtain a free review copy by setting up a (free) stakeholder account at ASTM Technical Committee page or by communicating with Corice Leonard, (610) 832-9744, [email protected] or [email protected].  Send comments to Corice (with a copy to [email protected]).

The ASTM International Committee F08 on Sports  Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities also meets again May 21-24th in San Diego.  We keep all ASTM documents that affect the revenue and cost structure of the education industry on the standing agenda of our weekly Open Door teleconferences to which everyone is welcomed.  


Issue: [18-82]

Category; Athletics & Recreation

Link to ANSI Announcement




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