S. 1918 Battery and Critical Mineral Recycling Act of 2021


S. 1918 Battery and Critical Mineral Recycling Act of 2021

November 10, 2021
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117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber


Performing Arts Special Effects Safety

November 9, 2021
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H.R. 6074 Smaller Class Sizes for Students and Educators Act

November 9, 2021
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117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber


Floor Safety

November 9, 2021
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Murray State University

The National Floor Safety Institute is steward to a comprehensive bibliography of best practice literature.  Floor safety is a risk that receives heightened consideration in education facilities in the snowy parts of the world this time of year.  Its complete suite is listed in the link below:

Our Standards

One title in particular has been of interest to us for several years now: FSI B101.6 Standard Guide for Commercial Entrance Matting in Reducing Slips, Trips and Falls.  It provides the criteria for the selection, installation, inspection, care and maintenance of entrance mats and runners in commercial facilities in reducing slips, trips and falls.  

Application: The requirements of this standard pertain to the safe usage and applications, design, construction, and quality criteria of floor mats and runners.

Purpose: This standard is directed to eliminating slip, trip and fall hazards including but not limited to soil, moisture, contaminant removal, edge treatments and the improper use of floor mats and runners.

Education communities have a larger-than-average openings to the exterior — and they are large targets for lawsuits — so we keep an eye on this title.

At the moment, an examination of the technical committee roster for this title indicates that there are no voting members from the education industry; the largest non-residential building construction market in the United States.   While Murray State University has subject matter experts recognized by NFSI (See YouTube link below) there is no user/owner/final fiduciary on the committee.  Keep in mind that that in many education organizations — particularly large research universities — the compliance and insurance (risk management) interest is the only stakeholder that has the funding to participate.  Compliance and risk management interests may be at odds with the interest of the user/owner/final fiduciary in individual units (explained in more detail in our ABOUT)

NSFI alerts the public to live consultation opportunities on the link to its standards landing page above.  Today we find only closed consultations on its News & Events page.  You are encouraged to collaborate directly with NFSI.  Contact Laura Cooper for more information at laurac@nfsi.org.

We keep the NFSI standards suite on the standing agenda of our Interiors colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [14-63]

Category: Risk Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Richard Robben

Workspace / NFSI



November 8, 2021
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Construction and Optimization of Cloud Sharing Platform for Ideological and Political Education Data Resources in Universities

Xiao Pingbu

Anshun University | Guizhou China

Abstract:  To better promote the sharing and learning of Ideological and political education resources in universities, this paper attempts to build a high-quality resource sharing platform based on cloud computing. We study the relevant learning theory under the background of the new education era, explain the shared learning mode in line with cloud computing, and analyze its new characteristics. Then the storage structure of teaching resources in cloud platform, hybrid database system integrating HBase and MySQL database advantages, and web system based on mainstream SSH2 framework in J2EE are designed. The distributed file system of Hadoop is adopted to store teaching resources, and a cloud teaching resource sharing platform based on Hadoop is realized. Finally, the optimization design is performed, and the benchmark test and comparative analysis of the platform are tested. The relevant conclusions about the optimization of teaching resource data storage on the cloud platform are acquired. It is concluded that the system functions meet the requirements, high security, easy-to-use and good performance.

Standards Virginia

November 8, 2021
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“Natural Bridge Virginia” 1880 David Johnson

We continue roll out of our collaboration platform for “code writers and vote-getters” begun at the University of Michigan in 1993.  We are now drilling down into state and local adaptations of nationally developed codes and standards that are incorporated by reference into public safety and sustainability legislation.

Standards Michigan remains the “free” home site but state-specific sites such as Standards Virginia will be accessible to clients.   Please send bella@standardsmichigan.com a request to join one of our mailing lists appropriate to your interest for #SmartCampus standards action in the great State of Virginia.


US Census Bureau American Community Interactive Data Map

US Congressional Districts Map

US Senator Interactive Map

Teacher & Licensing Requirements by State

Homeschool Laws by State

School Board Watch List

Local Election Authority


Virginia Produce Calendar


Electronic Municipal Market Access | Virginia


Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation


Virginia Energy Code

Information & Communication

Provision of telecommunications services


Richmond Times-Dispatch: Youngkin tops McAuliffe to become Virginia’s next governor


Standards Virginia Workspace


S. 3014 Next Generation Telecommunications Act

November 5, 2021
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117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber

Auction Theory

November 5, 2021
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Over time, societies have allocated ever more complex objects among users, such as landing slots and radio frequencies. In response, Milgrom and Wilson invented new formats for auctioning off many interrelated objects simultaneously, on behalf of a seller motivated by broad societal benefit rather than maximal revenue. In 1994, the US authorities first used one of their auction formats to sell radio frequencies to telecom operators. Since then, many other countries have followed suit.

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