Bosjes Chapel Structural Analysis

Taking inspiration from Psalm 37:7 -- "How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings" -- this chapel was designed by London's Steyn Studio and built in 2016 at the foot of the Waaihoek mountain range in South Africa. Architectural student Hope Frances examines engineer Henry Fagan & Partner's structural design mathematics.


Bosjes Chapel Structural Analysis

June 2, 2023

Set within a vineyard the chapel emulates the silhouette of surrounding mountain ranges; mimicking the historic Cape Dutch gables dotting the rural landscapes of the Western Cape.

Constructed from a slim concrete cast shell, the roof supports itself as each undulation dramatically falls to meet the ground. Where each wave of the roof structure rises to a peak, expanses of glazing adjoined centrally by a crucifix adorn the façade.

South African Bureau of Standards

Building Environment Design

Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures

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