Category Archives: @ASTMIntl


The Business of Standards Never Stops

ASTM International (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials) is a globally recognized organization that develops and publishes technical standards for a wide range of products, systems, and services. These standards are used by manufacturers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders to ensure that products and services are safe, reliable, and of high quality.

In the field of measurement science, ASTM plays an important role in developing standards and guidelines for measurement techniques and practices. These standards cover a wide range of topics related to measurement science, including the calibration of instruments, the characterization of measurement systems, and the validation of measurement results. They are used by researchers, engineers, and other professionals in academia, industry, and government to ensure that measurements are accurate, precise, and reliable.

ANSI Public Review


ASTM standards for measurement science are developed through a process that involves input from experts in the field, including researchers, industry professionals, and regulatory bodies. These standards are updated regularly to reflect advances in measurement science and technology, as well as changes in industry and regulatory requirements.  This is a far better way to discover and promulgate leading practice.  In fact, there are regulations intended to restrain the outsized influence of vertical incumbents in legislative precincts where market-making happens.

Federal Participation in Consensus Standards

Previous Posts

Language Proficiency

Standard Specification for 100 % Cotton Denim Fabrics

Performance of Buildings

$500 Capstone Project Stipend Available to Students

Where There is Smoke…There Doesn’t Have to be Fire

Athletic Performance Properties of Indoor Sports Floor Systems

Professor of the Year

Women in Standards


Sports Equipment & Surfaces

“The National Game” 1889 Arthur Streeton




Sport is the bloom and glow of a perfect health.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sport programs, facilities and equipment support one of the most visible and emotionally engaging enterprises in the education communities.   These programs are central to the brand identity of the community and last, but not least, physical activity keeps our young people healthy in body and mind.

ASTM International is one of the first names among the 300-odd ANSI accredited standards setting organizations whose due processes discover and promulgate the standard of care for the design, construction, operations and maintenance of the facilities that support these enterprises.   The parent committee is linked below:

ASTM Committee F08 on Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities

While ASTM bibliography is largely product-oriented, there are many titles that set the standard of care for sport enterprises and the accessories to these enterprises.  To identify a few:

ASTM 1487-17 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use

ASTM F1774  Standard Specification for Climbing and Mountaineering Carabiners

ASTM F2060-00(2011) Standard Guide for Maintaining Cool Season Turfgrasses on Athletic Fields

ASTM F1703-13 Standard Guide for Skating and Ice Hockey Playing Facilities

ASTM F1953-10 Standard Guide for Construction and Maintenance of Grass Tennis Courts

ASTM F1081-09(2015) Standard Specification for Competition Wrestling Mats

ASTM F2950-14 Standard Safety and Performance Specification for Soccer Goals

ASTM F2461-16e1 Standard Practice for Manufacture, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Aquatic Play Equipment

When the General Requirements of an athletic facility construction project indicates: “Conform to all applicable standards” then, in the case of an sport facility, the ASTM title is likely the document that defines the standard of care from a product standpoint.  Interoperability of the products in a sport setting are quite another matter.

At the international level, we track action in ISO/TC 83 Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment administered globally by the Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.   ASTM International is ANSI’s Technical Advisory Group for  this committee.

University of Maine

The ASTM standards development process depends heavily on face-to-face meetings — typically two times per year – in different parts of the United States.   The benefit of this arrangement lies in the quality of discussion among subject matter experts that results produced from face-to-face discussion.  The price to pay for this quality, however, lies in the cost of attendance for the user-interest in the education industry.   Relatively few subject matter experts directly employed by a school district, college or university who are charged with lowering #TotalCostofOwnership can attend the meetings.   Many of the subject matter experts who are in attendance at the ASTM meetings from the education industry tend to be faculty who are retained by manufacturers, insurance, testing laboratories, conformity and compliance interests.  (See our discussion of Incumbent Interests)

That much said, ASTM welcomes subject matter experts on its technical committees (Click here)  We encourage participation by end users from the education industry — many of them in the middle of athletic facility management organization charts.   The parent committee meets twice a year; after which we usually find public review redlines developed during those meetings to hit our radar.  The link to the schedule of face-to-face meetings appears below:

F08 Meetings

Note that the August 2020 cancelled but the November 2020 meeting still appears on the schedule.  It is likely that much of the committee work will be done online.

We are required to review draft ASTM consensus products with some care — owing to copyright restrictions — so we do it interactively online during teleconferences devoted to Sport.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [7-7] [10-32] [13-165] [20-156] 

Category: Sport, Management, Risk Management

Contact: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, George Reiher, Richard Robben

Synthetic Turf Guidelines


Playground Equipment


ASTM International develops most of the best practice titles for  sports and recreation equipment and facilities;  among them:

Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Turf Playing Systems as Measured in the Field

Standard Specification for Competition Wrestling Mats

Standard Specification for Athletic Performance Properties of Indoor Sports Floor Systems

Standard Guide for ASTM Standards on Playground Surfacing

Specification for Loose-Fill Rubber for Use as a Playground Safety Surface under and around Playground

Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems under and around Playground

Specification for Playground Surface Impact Testing in a Lab at a Specified Test Height.

Notice the product orientation.  ASTM’s business model is built upon conformity and compliance activity, supported by market incumbents such as manufacturer and insurance interests; but — as an ANSI accredited standards developer — it opens its standards-setting process to all stakeholders; including in one of the largest markets for these products.

We are happy to represent any user-interest at any of the ASTM International meetings; assuming our costs are covered.  Feel free to contact Sanne Anthony either by email or phone for more information.  In the intervening time, we will track action in the ASTM catalog an maintain relevant titles in this product category on several standing agendas — Sports, Kindergarten and Recreation.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Issue: [18-82]

Category: Daycare, Sport, Kindergarten


Public Playground Safety

East Somerville Community School


Posted  March 5, 2018


ASTM has released two documents for public review — one a new standard, the other a revision of an existing standard — that should interest K-12 school systems which are stewards of recreational facilities :

NEW STANDARD: ASTM WK59245-201x, Test Method for Determining Impact Attenuation of Playground Surfaces within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment as Tested in the Field

REVISION: ASTM F1292-201x, Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment (revision of ANSI/ASTM F1292-2017)

Comments are due April 23rd.   You may obtain a free review copy by setting up a (free) stakeholder account at ASTM Technical Committee page or by communicating with Corice Leonard, (610) 832-9744, or  Send comments to Corice (with a copy to

The ASTM International Committee F08 on Sports  Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities also meets again May 21-24th in San Diego.  We keep all ASTM documents that affect the revenue and cost structure of the education industry on the standing agenda of our weekly Open Door teleconferences to which everyone is welcomed.  


Issue: [18-82]

Category; Athletics & Recreation

Link to ANSI Announcement




Language Proficiency

“The first and most distinguishing feature of civil society is the use of language.”

Adam Ferguson’s “An Essay on the History of Civil Society”

“Minerva Preserving to the World the Latin Grammar”

Standard Practice for Assessing Language Proficiency

Committee F43 on Language Services and Products

One of the easiest ways to persuade someone who disagrees with you is to change the subject without them knowing about it.  Application of this method is found in the technical literature that informs safety and sustainability regulations at all levels of government.  Change definitions; change the subject; outcome changed — hence our interest in spoken, written and computer languages.

Almost all technical standards begin with a list of definitions which, among domain experts, are frequently hard won.

From the project prospectus:

Purpose—This practice describes best practices for the development and use of language tests in the modalities of speaking, listening, reading, and writing for assessing ability in accordance with the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR)2 scale. This practice focuses on testing language proficiency in use of language for communicative purposes.

Limitations—This practice is not intended to address testing and test development in the following specialized areas: Translation, Interpretation, Audio Translation, Transcription, other job-specific language performance tests, or Diagnostic Assessment.   Tests developed under this practice should not be used to address any of the above excluded purposes (for example, diagnostics).

This title was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade Committee.

As of the date of this post we find no changes in the titles developed by this committee; nor do we see any notice of meetings; likely owed to the circumstances of the pandemic. Last Update: April 2020

Language lies at the foundation of all standards-setting so we maintain this title on the standing agenda of several of our daily colloquia.  Its an “evergreen” topic that we can explore every day in every title in every catalog   Feel free to click in to any of our daily colloquia; login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

A Translator’s Journey


Standards for the Modern Language Industry

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

Michigan State University: A Rhetorical History of the United States

CORRECTION: In the clip above, at the 5:11 mark, the caption should read: “He mobilized the English language”


„Jede Sprache ist eine schlechte Übersetzung“ – Franz Kafka

Where There is Smoke…There Doesn’t Have to be Fire


The ASTM International business model features a strong product certification component and a weaker interoperability component therefore we place ASTM titles at lower priority in our coverage of the best practice literature that supports our safety and sustainability agenda.  Nevertheless, leading practice discovery and promulgation processes for product certification bears a strong similarity to the processes that provide the structure for interoperability standards.

Today we select a Case Study from ANSI’s Committee on Education which is relevant to today’s fire safety colloquium; open to everyone.

ASTM Fire Standards and Flammability Standards


ANSI Committee on Education: Questions and Answers

We hope quick access to this content will encourage students and faculty to participate in the annual ANSI Student Paper Competition, sponsored by ANSI’s Committee on Education in which we are a member.  We meet again in July and will determine the winner(s) the 2021 competition and select a topic for the 2022 competition.  We are happy to explain further during today’s colloquium.  At any time you may communicate directly with Lisa Rajchel (


2023 Student Paper Competition




Professor of the Year

The School of Athens / Raphael 1509


Maybe  the next Award should go to

the online ZOOM Professor of the Year


ASTM International has established the Professor of the Year 2022 award to recognize and reward the contributions of educators in developing students’ understanding of standards.   Candidates for the award include professors and instructors at an accredited university worldwide who have demonstrated outstanding use of ASTM standards in their teaching.  The ASTM International Professor of the Year Award is presented annually to recognize and reward the contributions of educators in developing students’ understanding of consensus standards.

Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya, Ph.D., a professor of building envelopes and structures at the University of Victoria, Canada, has received ASTM International’s 2022 Professor of the Year award.  Throughout his career, Phalguni has been a strong promoter of ASTM standards. Before joining UVic in 2015, while employed by the National Research Council Canada (NRCC), he was an adjunct professor at Carleton University.  He delivered numerous lectures to graduate and undergraduate university students, highlighting the importance of standardization and ASTM standards in the construction industry. In fact, one of his graduate students produced a  thesis which has become the basis for a new ASTM standard currently under development.

CLICK HERE for more information about student memberships and scholarships.

LEARN MORE: Introduction to ASTM Standards

Textile Standards

ASTM’s textile standards provide the specifications and test methods for the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of textiles, fabrics, and cloths, as well as the natural and artificial fibers that constitute them. The textiles covered by these standards are commonly formed by weaving, knitting, or spinning together fibers such as glass fiber strands, wool and other animal fibers, cotton and other plant-derived fibers, yarn, sewing threads, and mohair, to name a few. These textile standards help fabric and cloth designers and manufacturers in testing textiles to ensure acceptable characteristics towards proper end-use.


Consumer discretionary sector is usually the top economic sector in every nation and is the crucible for civilization itself.   More than energy or transportation or finance.  Best practice is discovered through upward moving price signals more than downward moving government regulations.  Because fashion defines a civilization; and civilization should be the proper business of education communities we track action in the technical specifics of the product standards thrown off by an SDO with one of the largest footprints in the global standards system.

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