Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
January | January | January | January | January | January | 1 |
2 | 3 - Construction Spend
All day 2020.02.03   University of Michigan 1855 
We follow the construction spend rate of the US education industry; using the US Census Bureau Construction Spending figures released the first day of every month. We encourage our colleagues in the education facilities industry to respond to Census Bureau-retained data gathering contractors in order to contribute to the accuracy of the report.
| 4 - Trade Associations
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.04  

Monthly review of safety and sustainability advocacy action by education industry trade associations. https://standardsmichigan.com/trade-associations-for-the-us-education-industry/
| 5 - Distributed Ledger Technology
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.05   “Composition in red, yellow, blue and black” (1921) / Piet Mondrian 
Status check on open source consensus products — and practical applications — evolving around distributed ledger technologies for financing, planning, design, operation & maintenance of the #WiseCampus.
| 6 - Grounds / Landscaping / Snow
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.06   “Snow at Argenteuil” | Claude Monet (1875) 
Overview of the status of consensus documents that set the standard of care for the safety and sustainability of the campus outdoor environment. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
| 7 - Sport
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.07   Louis entering Kallimarmaron at the 1896 Athens Olympics 
An overview of public commenting opportunities on proposed standards for sports and recreation equipment and athletic facilities. Send email to [email protected] for access to the agenda.
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9 | 10 - I-Codes for Education Facilities
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.10   Sketches for Boadacre City project from Frank L. Wright. 
Monthly walk-through of all proposals for International Code Council consensus documents affecting the safety and sustainability agenda of the US education facility industry.
| 11 - Power & ICT
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.11   Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park Laboratory 
Because so much of the #SmartCampus transformation involves electrotechnologies, we walk-through of public commenting opportunities on electrical power, telecommunication, information and communication technology standards twice per month. Coincides with the day of two IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 15:00 Central European time and 3:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas.  Electrical engineer/inventor Guglielmo Marconi with the spark-gap transmitter (right) and coherer receiver (left) he used in some of his first long distance radiotelegraphy transmissions during the 1890s.
| 12 - Global
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.12   Travels of Marco Polo 
An update on our collaboration with other like-minded units in the education industry in the US and other nations. In most cases we conform to participation requirements set by ANSI US Technical Advisory Groups but we also have liaison with other universities in the European Union who conform to the participation requirements of their own national standards bodies. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page. Because a great deal of content is copyright protected by the ISO, IEC and the ITU, please contact [email protected] for an advance agenda. 
ISO, IEC, and ITU October Listings of Work Items Published
| 13 - Health
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.13  

Many research universities have large medical research and clinical delivery enterprises that provide significant revenue. Every month we run through public commenting opportunities for consensus documents that set the standard of care for the facilities and technologies in these enterprises.
| 14 - Food
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.14   Food Science & Technology / University of California Davis 
Overview of codes and standards relevant to the food service enterprises in K-12 schools, college and university student housing, athletic venues and university-affiliated healthcare systems.
| 15 - Jonns Creek High School Orchestra
All day 2020.02.15  https://youtu.be/z0OfiY5UsyE - Student Paper Workshop
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.15  
As we explain in our ABOUT that we have specific expertise in the education industry that may help students at all colleges and universities enter the Student Paper Competition sponsored by the American National Standards Institute Committee on Education. We are devoting one hour per month in this time slot ahead of the 2020 paper deadline. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page. See related link below: https://standardsmichigan.com/student-paper-winners-2015-2019/
16 | 17 - Public Safety
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.17  
| 18 - Fire
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.18   “Prometheus creating Man in the presence of Athena” (1802) / Jean-Simon Berthélemy 
Monthly review of all consensus, consortia and open source codes, standards and regulations the set the standard of care for security of education facilities. We group them with fire protection standards because most of the compliance and enforcement expertise originates with fire safety expertise. Send [email protected] an email for an advance agenda.
| 19 - Grounds / Landscaping / Snow
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.19  
“Snow at Argenteuil” | Claude Monet (1875) Overview of the status of consensus documents that set the standard of care for the safety and sustainability of the campus outdoor environment.
| 20 - Energy
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.20  

Review of all consensus, consortia and open source codes, standards and regulations regarding energy production and conservation relevant to the education facility industry. Faculty and staff in the education industry in all nations provide basic research, application research in energy technologies. The “cities-within-cities” we call the #SmartCampus” also provide crucibles for new testing new technologies as well as provide energy load for utilities operating under all ownership regimes. Send [email protected] an email for an advance agenda.
| 21 - ANSI/NIST Student Simulation Exercise
05:00 2020.02.21  https://www.ansi.org/news_publications/news_story?menuid=7&articleid=605e2168-4dc5-414d-968f-e349e838e068 - Mobility
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.21   Tottenham Court Road station Central line platform mosaic art. Original design by Eduardo Paolozzi. 
Overview of transportation standards relevant to large research university campuses — from micro-mobility to parking. Send [email protected] an email requesting an agenda.
| 22 |
23 | 24 - Interiors
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.24   “The Country School” | Winslow Homer 
Today at 11 AM EDT we review the status consensus products (codes, standards, guidelines, recommendations and safety legislation) that set the standard of care for the design, manufacture and maintenance of interior fixtures such as carpet, furniture, bookshelves and ceiling tiles, plumbing fixtures. Waste management, laboratory fixtures, recycling amenities — i.e. things are not nailed down — are on the agenda. Also we track elevated interest and market-making by conformity interests in the manufacturing and material recycling far up the value chain. In large research universities, it is common for building service personnel engaged in keeping facilities clean and tidy to constitute the largest proportion of permanent employees; thus some consideration must be given to occupational safety. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
| 25 - Power & ICT
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.25   Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park Laboratory 
Because so much of the #SmartCampus transformation involves electrotechnologies, we walk-through of public commenting opportunities on electrical power, telecommunication, information and communication technology standards twice per month. Coincides with the day of two IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 15:00 Central European time and 3:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas.  Electrical engineer/inventor Guglielmo Marconi with the spark-gap transmitter (right) and coherer receiver (left) he used in some of his first long distance radiotelegraphy transmissions during the 1890s.
| 26 - Federal Action
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.26   116th Congress 
Today we walk-through of ANSI-accredited consensus, open-source and consortia consensus products incorporated by reference into federal regulations of the real assets of the US education industry. Send a request to [email protected] for an advance agenda. https://standardsmichigan.com/standing-agenda-federal-state-regulations/
| 27 - State Regulations
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.27   CLICK ON IMAGE FOR INTERACTIVE MAP 
Today we walk-through of consensus, open-source and consortia codes and standards incorporated by reference into state regulations of the real assets of the education industry; including how they are financed through municipal bond offerings. Send a request to [email protected] for an advance agenda.
| 28 - Arts & Entertainment Facilities
11:00 -12:00 2020.02.28  

A walk through the status of the various consensus documents that set the standard of care for safety and sustainability in performance art and special event facilities. Advance agenda to our subscribers. Send [email protected] a request for access.
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