Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
January | 1 - ÆDdificare
All day 2021.02.01   University of Michigan 1855 
We follow the construction spend rate of the US education industry; using the US Census Bureau Construction Spending figures released the first day of every month. We encourage our colleagues in the education facilities industry to respond to Census Bureau-retained data gathering contractors in order to contribute to the accuracy of the report.
| 2 - Finance
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.02  

On the day when voters in many states are presented with school bond referenda we select a representative sample of a tax-free bond issue. We also review public consultation invitations by ANSI-accredited and finance industry consortia involved in the cost of US education communities
| 3 - Global
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.03  

An update on our collaboration with other like-minded units in the education industry in the US and other nations. In most cases we conform to participation requirements set by ANSI US Technical Advisory Groups but we also have liaison with other universities in the European Union who conform to the participation requirements of their own national standards bodies. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page. Because a great deal of content is copyright protected by the ISO, IEC and the ITU, please contact [email protected] for an advance agenda. 
| 4 - Mechanical
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.04  

Monthly walk through of redlines of consensus standards open for public comment and proposal preparation. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our homepage. For an advance agenda send [email protected] an email. https://standardsmichigan.com/mechanical-engineering-monthly/
| 5 - Food
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.05   Indiana University 
Overview of codes and standards relevant to the food service enterprises in K-12 schools, college and university student housing, athletic venues and university-affiliated healthcare systems.
| 6 |
7 | 8 - Blockchain
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.08   “Composition in red, yellow, blue and black” (1921) / Piet Mondrian 
Status check on open source consensus products — and practical applications — evolving around distributed ledger technologies for financing, planning, design. operation & maintenance of the #WiseCampus.
| 9 - Power
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.09   Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park Laboratory 
Because so much of the #SmartCampus transformation involves electrotechnologies, we walk-through live public consultation notices pertaining to the safety and sustainability agenda of education communities. Our meeting today coincides with the day of two IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 14:00 Central European time and 2:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas.
| 10 - Security
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.10  

Periodic review of all consensus, consortia and open source codes, standards and regulations the set the standard of care for security of education facilities. Send [email protected] an email for an advance agenda.
| 11 - Disaster
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.11  

Today at 11 AM/ET we review the consensus products that set the standard of care for prevention, response and resilience of the education facility industry to storms, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and all other disasters. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page. https://standardsmichigan.com/standing-agenda-disasters/
| 12 - Lively Arts
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.12  

A walk through the status of the various consensus documents that set the standard of care for safety and sustainability in the education facilities built for the seven lively arts.
| 13 |
14 | 15 - Radio
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.15   Washtenaw Community College 
Today we refresh understanding of the regulations for Class D campus radio systems. We review best practice for production technologies and FM transmission technologies through airwaves, cabling systems or a combination of both.
| 16 - Prometheus
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.16   “Prometheus creating Man in the presence of Athena” (1802) / Jean-Simon Berthélemy 
Monthly review of all consensus, consortia and open source codes, standards and regulations the set the standard of care for fire safety in education communities. We group them with fire protection standards because most of the compliance and enforcement expertise originates with fire safety expertise. Send [email protected] an email for an advance agenda.
| 17 - Snow & Ice
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.17  
“Snow at Argenteuil” | Claude Monet (1875) Overview of the status of consensus documents that set the standard of care for the safety and sustainability of the campus outdoor environment during the coldest months.
| 18 - Recycling
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.18   The Impact of E-Waste / Student Art Guide 
Certain requirements must be met for recycling to be economically feasible and environmentally effective. These include an adequate source of recyclates, a system to extract those recyclates from the waste stream, a nearby factory capable of reprocessing the recyclates, and a potential demand for the recycled products. These last two requirements are often overlooked—without both an industrial market for production using the collected materials and a consumer market for the manufactured goods, recycling is incomplete and in fact only “collection”. Today at 11 AM/E we examine the state of best practice literature – including government regulations — that apply to education communities.
| 19 - Sport
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.19   Louis entering Kallimarmaron at the 1896 Athens Olympics 
An overview of public commenting opportunities on proposed standards for sports and recreation equipment and athletic facilities. Send email to [email protected] for access to the agenda.
| 20 |
21 | 22 - Pathways
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.22   Columbia University 
Review of best practice literature for the design, construction and maintenance of campus pathways for pedestrians and vehicles.
| 23 - Infotech
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.23  

Today at 11 AM/ET we update our understanding of best practice literature relevant to the information and communication technology enterprises in education communities. Our online meetings coincides with the day of two IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 14:00 Central European time and 2:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas. Open to everyone. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
| 24 - Water
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.24   “Distant View of Niagara” 1830 / Thomas Cole 
Monthly walk-through of best practice literature for water resources in education communities. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
| 25 - E pluribus unum
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.25   CLICK ON IMAGE FOR INTERACTIVE MAP 
Today we walk-through of consensus, open-source and consortia codes and standards incorporated by reference into state regulations of the real assets of the education industry; including how they are financed through municipal bond offerings. Send a request to [email protected] for an advance agenda.
| 26 - Leviathan
11:00 -12:00 2021.02.26   115th Congress. Photo Credit: Pew Research Center 
Today we walk-through of ANSI-accredited consensus, open-source and consortia consensus products incorporated by reference into federal regulations of the real assets of the US education industry. Send a request to [email protected] for an advance agenda. https://standardsmichigan.com/standing-agenda-federal-state-regulations/
| 27 |
28 | March | March | March | March | March | March |