FM Global is one of several organizations that produce technical and business documents that set the standard of care for risk management in education facilities. These standards — Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets — contribute to the reduction in the risk of property loss due to fire, weather conditions, and failure of electrical or mechanical equipment. They incorporate nearly 200 years of property loss experience, research and engineering results, as well as input from consensus standards committees, equipment manufacturers and others.
In July FM Global updated its standard FM 2510 Flood Abatement Equipment which should interest flood barrier manufacturers, standard authorities, industrial and commercial facilities looking to protect their buildings from riverline flooding conditions.
The following updates were proposed and mostly adopted:
- Modifications to the opening barrier protocol to include water performance testing at lower depths;
- Additional tests that apply to open-cellular rubber compounds (i.e., foam-type rubber) which are commonly used as gaskets on flood barriers need to be added to the Standard to sufficiently assess their quality;
- Addition of adhesive testing. Many barrier designs use adhesives to bond the gasket material to the barrier. Adhesives are not addressed under the current protocol;
Modify the flood abatement pump section to clarify approval of pump packages vs. wet-end only; - Additional requirements for electric drive and submersible flood pumps;
- Modifications to backwater valve section to be inclusive of all types of “backwater valves” besides the traditional check valve.
- Additional requirements for waterproofing products for building penetrations. Products in this category include collars, plugs, elastomeric seals, and types of putty.
This standard also contains test requirements for the performance of flood barriers, flood mitigation pumps, backwater valves, and waterproofing products for building penetrations, as well as an evaluation of the components comprising these products to assure reliability in the barrier’s performance.
While there are a number of noteworthy colleges and universities that have grown near rivers and lakes — twenty-five of which are listed HERE — severe weather and system failures present flooding risks to them all.
Another Data Sheet — I-40 Floods — was updated in October. Both Data Sheets are available for download at the link below:
You will need to set up (free) access credentials.
You may contact FM Global directly: Josephine Mahnken, (781) 255-4813, [email protected], 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike, Norwood, MA 02062
Our “door” is open every day at 11 AM Eastern time to discuss any consensus document that sets the standard of care for the emergent #SmartCampus. Additionally, we dedicate one session per month to Management and Water standards. See our CALENDAR for the next online teleconference. Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.
Issue: [Various]
Category: Risk Management, Facility Asset Management
Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben