
The pathway into an electrical service room is illuminated so that rescue workers can remove the victim. But what about the way toward the victim? (No such requirement)



February 28, 2024

We have shouted from the mountaintops — beginning in the 2002 National Electrical Code and later in the International Building Code — that “ingress” concepts (the opposite of the canonical term “egress”; meaning the way INTO a building during an emergency) should become part of the vocabulary when exploring best practice concepts for security in education settlements.

Alas, so far without success.  Evidently, the term “ingress” has been appropriated by a variant — accessibility — which re-directs the discussion toward the American with Disabilities Act?

What about people who are not disabled who seek to enter a building?

We cite a 1981 study, sponsored by what is now the National Institute of Standards and Technology — Crowd ingress to Places of Assembly: Summary and Proceedings of an Experts’ Workshop –– to enlighten understanding how ingress is different from the term access.

We maintain this topic on all of our Security related colloquia; hosted on days that appear on our CALENDAR.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Entrance door to Standards Michigan Ann Arbor office

Means of Egress



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