Inside Gasson Tower

The motto of Boston College is "Ever to Excel," which is a Latin phrase that translates to "Semper Ad Meliora." This phrase embodies the spirit of Boston College, which is a commitment to academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge, while also recognizing the importance of personal and spiritual growth. The motto is often used as a reminder to students, faculty, and staff to strive for excellence in all areas of their lives and to never stop learning and growing.


Inside Gasson Tower

February 16, 2024
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Boston College Consolidated Financial Statement: $6.509B

Boston College is a private Jesuit research university in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.  Gasson Hall is a symbol of Boston College, representing the university’s commitment to academic excellence, spiritual values, and the pursuit of knowledge.  It The hall continues to serve as an important part of the Boston College campus, housing administrative offices, classrooms, and the university’s Honors Program.


In “The Social Network,” Gasson Hall was used as a filming location for several scenes that take place at Harvard University, which is where Mark Zuckerberg attended college before he created Facebook. Specifically, Gasson Hall was used as a stand-in for Harvard’s Memorial Hall, which is a large Gothic Revival building that houses a dining hall and a chapel.

The scene in “The Social Network” that was filmed in Gasson Hall shows Mark Zuckerberg (played by Jesse Eisenberg) and Eduardo Saverin (played by Andrew Garfield) attending a disciplinary hearing in front of the Harvard administration. The hearing takes place in a large ornate room with stained glass windows and a high vaulted ceiling, which is actually the Reading Room on the third floor of Gasson Hall. The filmmakers made some minor changes to the room, such as adding a portrait of John Harvard and replacing some of the furniture, but overall, the space is very recognizable as Gasson Hall.

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