
Standard Norge is the national standardization authority of Norway. It plays a crucial role in developing and promoting standards across various industries in the country. Standard Norge works closely with stakeholders, including businesses, government agencies, and other organizations, to establish consensus-based standards that enhance efficiency, quality, and safety in areas such as technology, engineering, and environmental practices. By facilitating the creation and implementation of standards, Standard Norge helps foster innovation, improve interoperability, and ensure consumer protection. It also represents Norway in international standardization activities, contributing to the harmonization of standards globally.



April 20, 2023

“MATTRYGGHET” refers to the assurance and guarantee of the safety and quality of food products, ensuring that they are free from contaminants, harmful substances, and meet specific standards and regulations for consumption. Food safety measures encompass various aspects such as handling, processing, storage, transportation, and labeling of food to protect consumer health and prevent foodborne illnesses.

Codex Alimentarius

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